stairs, stairs, stares. laissez-faire.

I take the stairs down most of the time at my office. I take the elevator up. I’m thinking of doing the stair climb up the CN Tower. I reckon I could make a good time. I love the tower. I watch it daily. I went to the gym today and then for a swim. It was refreshing and inspiring. They gym has given me anxiety for the last few years and I rarely ever go. This morning I got over it. It felt fantastic. I’m dying to go again. the stairs from me on vimeo. I also got a new Moleskine.

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what the cool kids are doing these days

Partying! Imagine a sexy downtown loft filled with hot, young, internet innovators and cool kids. Dancing to downtown beats and raising glasses to each other…sounds good doesn’t it. Last night I had the pleasure of attending #GenyTO Meetup #2 at the Centre for Social Innovation. It was awesome. The bar was bubbling over with booze and there was even a movie premiere for Toronto’s 175 birthday (video below). This time the crowd was even larger as we joined forces with the SXSW & CanLIT groups. The #Genyto meetup/tweetup brings together some of the most creative and ambitious young people from the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech communities.For all the photos check my Flickr photo stream ♥ TO in 6 Words from Suresh on Vimeo.

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a very cold march day march

Today is freezing. The weather’s not fit for walking outside. The wind is chilling on my skin. The sun is bright. My feelings are warm but my face is not. Spring is on it’s way, just not today!! I made a little video this morning as I was experiencing arctic winds & the true North strong and cold march day on Vimeo. Lots of work to get done. I also have some stories to share from the weekend but will get to that later this eve.

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subway dance party 2009: off the trains!!

The Subway Dance Party 2009 was a hit. Jenie & I went. It was fun. There were heaps of peeps. Check out the video for the experience. We went to a Subway Dance Party After Party and it was rocking at 7:30pm. I had a blast. Looking forward to the next Improv Toronto event. Subway Dance Party 2009 from Casie on Vimeo.

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light snow with an in your face warning

The Twestival is coming soon (Mark Feb.12 on your calendar!) and I am happy to announce tickets are selling well! The night is sure to be a hit and will be enjoyed by over 175 cities around the world, together. Here is a mesage from the founder of charity:water thanking us all for being involved in Twestival. Founder of charity: water – Thanks the Twestival on vimeo. I’m looking forward to doing getting started on video blogging. It’s been ages since I have had a new camera as I lost the old one last summer. I’ve had a few requests to do some impersonations. This I assure you will be quite hilarious. Today is it -4 in Toronto and the snow is coming down in a sideways motion. I’d happy I live in a condo and don’t have to deal with snow removal.

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Get inspired!! Do Something Good – RIGHT NOW ♥

OK. Contest closes today. I’m ready to kick some ass in the Daily Challenge ‘Do Gooder’ Contest. I’m trying to win a camcorder so I can start video blogging. Daily Challenge is the worlds largest network of ‘ Do Gooders‘ and a media sponsor for the upcoming TwestivalTO. Please take a couple minutes TODAY to vote for me and my story. It’s about how my mum, sister and self served an afternoon meal to those without, followed by opening our home anyone alone to share our Christmas dinner. I only have 25 damn votes right now. I know I can win the unit with your loving vote. Your five minutes of internet timetoday is much appreciated!! See you at Twestival on Feb. 12!!

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