shining right down on me

I biked  the boardwalk trail this morning beside the Lake. So brilliant the sun was shining down on me. The temperature as I left the house was already over 14 degrees and the clouds cleared shortly after 8am. This is my favorite mug. I’ve had it since I was little kid. It’s Care Bears and says “Make the most of every good thing”, I think that’s a pretty good philosophy. I loved Care Bears, used to watch at 8am before school. I woke up extra early, about 6:30. Something about summer mornings  makes me jump out of bed fleeing alive and ready to take on the day. Love this picture.  I often look out and see whats happening with this massive boat, its usually nothing, but it doesn’t mind me staring. Very busy today. Catering brought Penne a la vodka w/ chicken and it’s so yummy. Eating at desk and then going for coffee to draw cartoons of this guy and this girl.

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really fun but my legs kinda hurt today

Happy I didn’t drink much last night so I can fully remember all the greatness that was #spinTO. There were so many awesome people there that above and beyond the flashing lights, bare skin and dancing the crowd was larger than life.  I spent most the night outside racing in racing suit and cheering on all the other peeps that gave ‘er a go. I raced 2x and in this video I’m Racing Kevin Joseph and he beat me. #spinTO Bike Race from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. He was fast. It’s hard to race like a mother bitch for 500 metres. My legs can feel that I worked them and they’re probably going to make me pay for it tomorrow. The lady beside me was cheering me on so hard, she thought I was kicking his ass. I wasn’t but she was so encouraging, it made me feel like I did! This was my best time and last time. #spinTO rain suit dancing guy from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. I hope you have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celebrate and drive safe please.

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i like when the leaves come on the building

I was walking into the office this morning and it was really beautiful outside. Sabrina and I were giggling our little asses off as I proceeded to say “I like then the leaves come on the building”. Being our immature selves she replied with “I like when you come on the building”. I hope you can imagine just how funny this was. I almost peed my pants. No, I did not make an error I wore pants today. I’m heading to Spin TO tonight at the MOD Club on College. SpinTO is a fundraising project that kicks off today and celebrates the Friends for Life Bike Rally from Toronto to Montreal in support of the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation. The theme is Solid Gold and I think you should all come if you can.  Tickets are on sale for like the next two hours but you can also get ’em at the door. There’s lots of fun stuff happpening there tonight.

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i love this city and your photos

Toronto is a great place to live. There is always something to do whether its warm or cold or you have money or don’t. There are so many pockets of creativity and diversity that it makes me proud of our culture and country. 300 Toronto Panorama Images from photojunkie on Vimeo. My friend and photographer extraordinaire, Rannie aka photojuknie has taken 300 panaroaic photos of our great city and compiled them in an awesome video. Each of the he 300 photos in this set were taken with an iPhone for his entry into the Hypercube viral campaign He shared the video with me and I liked it so much I wanna share it with you too. You can vote for him here.

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palmerston is beautiful on both sides

I’ve find that biking is toning up my beach body.  This is really nice considering I hate the gym. It gives me anxiety. I’m lucky to have these super mutant-like muscles that when I do any exercise I get almost instant results.  Yesterday I was biking to Yorkville for #wiredwedTO and took back streets. Didn’t have helmet on, sorry Mum. Will pick it up this evening just for you. I rode down Palmerston Boulevard, one the most beautiful and truly one of my favorites. Most of the houses on Palmerston Boulevard were built between 1903 and 1910. It’s a nice one to bike on and there’s hardly any cars. I like it because of the trees and the houses and because a bunch of my family live in Palmerston North, New Zealand.  ‘Young heart, easy living’ they call it.Palmy (as the Kiwi’s call it) is a very beautiful city north of the capital, Wellington, in the eastern part of the Manawatu Plains, and close to the northern bank of the Manawatu River. I love it there. They have lots of windmills and rolling hills that is absolute bliss. You can see them from the back yard at Nana’s old house where Mum grew up. It’s really pretty.

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she was happy dancing with her arms over head

Drum circle happens every week during the summer. It goes down at Cherry Beach one week than Trinity Bellwoods the next. I usually only go to TBP because it’s closer than the beaches.  I love it.  There are lots of mad hippies dancing. There are also lots of skid kids too. We moved our home-base-blanket around a few times to avoid the dirty kids from contaminating us. One time a kid puked while sitting in front of us and we picked up shop like nomads and moved in NO time. My favorite is being in the middle of the circle dancing with my arms flailing around. There is something magical about the connection between the music and the people all being brought together in an open space .  When it gets really hot out there’s more girls & boys with their shorts and shoes off dancing. There is drinking and smoking in the park  all around.  We saw a couple of kids chasing each other around with McCain pies and tossing them at each other. What are kids doing these days you ask? That I guess. There were hundreds of people there. You can hear the beating of the drums as you approach the pit in the park, I love that sound! Drum Circle #001 2009 from moi on Vimeo. this is sadie, she spins fire from me again on Vimeo. There’s fire spinning too. Some nights there is lots of fire spinning!! This girl was really good she was doing the hula-fire-hoop and poi’s at the same time. I’m not even going to try that, I’m waaaay to accident prone. Overall, stellar time. Absolutely stellar.

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