that’s how you make a girls day!

You send her a box filled with vibrating units. Happy Friday to me! I received a box filled with vibrating mascaras. I gave one to Sabrina already, as usual. I’m looking forward to seeing what Kelly thinks of it too. I love that they sent a special one in a bigger package for me and a whole bunch to share with friends all nicely wrapped with bows. I’m one of the first peeps in Canada to get to test it out and as they say ‘share the vibe’.  It also came with a party book about style and how to have a good time with your friends. That’s up for grabs, I mastered that ages ago. Ok, I tested it out out just now. It definitely vibrates, kinda shocked me at first how much it does! I’m gonna try it again tomorrow when I have fresh lashes. I’m heading to Edgefest tomorrow and I am SO stoked to see Metric. J’adore Emily. eyegasm/vibrating mascara from me on Vimeo. One more thing, you can get a discount coupon to purchase it from here and more info on the vibrating unit here. Happy eyegasms!!

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the issues that matter most

Part One: There’s been a big thing going on to save our Internet in Canada from regulation and big business control ling it I’m pretty sure I mentioned it during Net Change Week or Raymi speaking at the town hall meeting. Good news, Liberals announced support for Net Neutrality on Thursday, hopefully the rest will follow their lead. We all need access to the internet. Part Two: How you feel about yourself. That matters. I’m a positive girl , it’s a daily challenge but it’s more fun to be happy so I try each day. I’ve gotten pretty good at it. This week I’ve received a couple negative blog comments from a recent reader. It’s too bad that they find pleasure in leaving anonymous comments and have nothing better to do but type in my URL and take the time to press every key with bad intentions. The reality for the commenter that there is no such thing as anonymity if you post on a blogs. It is a bit annoying but mostly just dumb.  Having a blog is creating something new everyday, it’s a modern art form. On my blog,  I write about my stuff and take picture of me.  It’s very fun. I read a crazy article about a Canadian girl suing Google for negative remarks made about her on a Blogger (Google) hosted blog. “I’m tall, I’m blond, I’ve been modeling for many years, and people get jealous,” she told the Daily News. “If I had to deal with everyone who is jealous, I wouldn’t have time to do anything else.” Her lawyer called the site “libelous” and “defamatory.” The only way to really leave an anonymous comment, is to keep it to yourself. I always hoped that after high school people doing stupid things out of…

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i like when the sun shines through the clouds

I love biking in the rain. It’s so refreshing riding through the puddles. Yesterday I rode home and I got 100% soaked. It was great. The rain was warm and the only thing that make it not great was that I don’t have my Wellies. Bugger, still haven’t found them. The other day before it decided to rain so much we hit up the Spoke patio for a friends event. We pretty much just went for sitting in the sun. It’s so lovely up there in the early evening.  We’re not buying condo’s at the moment. I’ve had a couple thoughts of moving back down under lately.We were surely the youngest people there. It was kinda funny because there were these cougars who had very obviously had their share of work done and they were snarking at us and giving us cut eye. Michka was ready to snap but she kept her cool.  There were lots of fake boobs around. Beans was looking sexy like a Miami real estate agent. I liked it. It fit with the whole theme of the night.  I really enjoyed watching the photog’s creep around with their cameras. It was pretty awkward. They’d make eye contact and mutter “Photo?” or “Take your photo?”. I think I’d hate that job, always rather have photo taken really. I met a really cool girl but I can’t remember her name. Not suprising! We went off  about Facebook and Twitter and Blogging, the internet, my favorite stuff.  She said she was gonna read and comment on blog. I like when people do that, not just say they will. I’m sure she’s out there somewhere. I’d really appreciate if the sun would come out already.

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it’s all for a notable cause

I’m giving you a heads up about a meetup for a good cause tomorrow in support of the National Kids Cancer Ride! New York Fries and Notable TV are having a massive meet-up tomorrow, June 18 at Yonge & Dundas Square. My friend and  Notable TV Founder Julian Brass set a goal to take over downtown’s busiest intersection with hundreds of fry-eating people all supporting the National Kids Cancer Ride. NY Fries will be donating $1 from every regular fries and meal sold on June 18th to the National Kids Cancer Ride. Awesome! Join the group on Facebook and I’ll see you there tomorrow!

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there’s a club house they hang out at

I’ve made friends with a couple peeps at The Musebox a record label that stems from Vice Mag who rep a heap of cool indie bands.  The coolest things about it being their friend is that I get to hear about all kinds of cool shiz before anyone else does and tickets to events. I recently watched a vid of the Cancer Bats at the Adrift Club house right here in lovely TO.  My friend Justin was recently in NZ, AUS and UK. I snagged this guy from his FB album, that’s him on the right with the dirt stash and sneeky smile. I got hooked up with tickets to go see Patrick Wolf and some other hipster bands for the Nylon Magazine Summer Music tour tomorrow night. It’s gonna be a fun time.  Sabrina’s my date already, sorry. I have  another friend by the name of  Sean Goodchild. He is total babe and a very talented. We went to high school together and he was rocking it then and he is also rocking now.  I hope Mum remembers him when she reads this. He used to do an amazing Stomp show when we had the school talent thingy.  His new band is called Two Crown King. His voice makes me swoon. I was listening on myspace and I was taken back to when  I used to dream he was singing to me in high school. One more thing,  if you don’t know it yet, I heart you online.

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island adventure guy

I had a stellar weekend. It was super sunny and I made the most of it. On Saturday I went to the island with Raymi , Phil and friends. Lots happening on the island on a lovely Saturday. There were heaps of kids in interesting costumes. I wanted to get close to take their photos but didn’t bother.  I’ll just keep those memories to myself. There’s  an art installation that plays music when you bike. We found it to be quite fun. The island it really pretty. I haven’t been for ages. Next time I’ll take my bike for sure. There’s a zillion photos from the whole day. This is the art work out, good thing Raymi got it on video so you can enjoy reliving the excitement. There’s more photos Raymi’s blog. She posted yesterday. I slacked off and made a nice dinner for friends and avoided the internet. The ferry ride back to the mainland is way more fun once you’ve spent the afternoon in the sun drinking beer. We all went back to my house for some pizza and swimming. It was great.

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