spending high times together in the sun

Sisters. Cousins from NZ. Blurry vision. It was super sunny. Good thing I wore a bikini under. Then is was cloundy but there was no rain. Horse walked in to a park. Twitter-twatter. The whole day was super fun. We’ve been hitting up the festival for the past five years and this year was by far the most busy. There were heaps of people, food trucks and clouds of smoke.  Happy smoking! haha Time to get outside and enjoy this beautiful day!

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its really pretty here

I’m down by the water near my house, Lake Ontario and it’s sooo lovely right now. Had a photoshoot earlier today with Erika . When it was done I strolled over to the Beer Store and got a couple Sapporo and came to lay in the grass. The sun is shining so beautifully on the water. I’m watching planes land at the Island Airport. Lots of people walking by with dogs, holding hands, speaking different languages. Saw a cute boy on a longboard. Its so refreshing to sit outside in the sun and be alone to think and recharge my batteries. Gonna head home soon as it gets a little chilly and watch the Junos and do a little Tweeting for @mtvcanada. Today is a good day, Sunday Funday.

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no smiling allowed missy, wanna see your serious face

Got up early and filled out my passport application. Photos later this afternoon. I need to renew my Canadian before I ship off to FLO-RIDA next month. Stoked. This little lady is due for a vacay! Wearing jeans today, rarely ever wear jeans (or pants). These babies are from a shop I worked at in Bondi Beach. I loved that job & beach side surfy life. Loving my new photo spot in the morning, it’s SO sunny. New Converse today too. I usually pick up a new pair in the spring time so I can wear them out during the Spring and draw on them in the park in the Summer. My team at work is going to the AGO this afternoon. Remember how much I used to go the AGO? I’ve got a membership but haven’t been in ages. Quite looking forward to it. I hope you enjoy the day. GLEE is on tonight! YESSSSSSSS. Ok. Bye 🙂

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one giant leap for nerd kind

i wish it was warm outside and my bike was fixed, the grass was warm, green i wanna sing a real song. her voice is so freaking good. i’ve been watching this all day. i really need to clean my room. if i don’t do it before sunset i’ve lost the day. maybe i should try a lesson in singing, but i’m scared. this is the dude i saw last night. i was at a place on richmond row for a friends event. first act up is bian notice who had a broken leg. his ‘crutch dancing’ was quite impressive. i didn’t get the best of it, sorry, i’ll let you imagine the kicks, spins and crotch thrusting. haha

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hurricane in the heart of devastation,

she’s a natural disaster

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been called a whirlwind, or my life as referred to as so.  I think it started with Mum years and years ago. I operate on fast speed, I play hard and I rarely hold back on thoughts feelings or anything really. Although, its sometimes hard throwing yourself out there (I get anxiety over it), its also allowed me to be more open, free, wild and live with no regrets. I remember this one saying I heard that said something like ‘you need to be young & foolish in order to be old & wise’.  I surely will be very old & wise one day.  As for now, urgh, still learning. Thought I lost my phone the other day, we’ve been apart since Sunday night and it’s waiting at my concierge at the moment. I nearly died, and definitely though about dying when I couldn’t find it. I just got a new phone from Telus back in February and would hate to have to ask again! This girl makes me love my new tattoo. I keep thinking about new ones but am not in a rush to get anything. You should see the bruise on my arm where I put the tattoo, it’s yellow and black and disgusting. I got some really EXCITING news this weekend, I’m going to Florida for memorial Day Weekend! Remember last year when I went Fetish Factory? Well, mama’s going again and this time, I’m going with those awesome friends from Boston. Pretty stoked for hot fun in the Sunshine State. YA-Hooters! This made me happy. I often read typewriter blues. He writes these short little notes that are often so romantic, they make my heart melt. He often asks if you would like a letter in the…

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changing the face & < body > language of advertising

Today I went to FW and I was a media, a real media. Being there challenged/changed any old thoughts I had of how Fashion Week goes down. The internet makes everything instant. I imagine the days when clothes are shown IN season and made to order online from the runway via mobile and delivered shortly after … ah, a girl can dream can’t she? I was in the media room often doing work (otherwise known as FB & Tweets) for MuchMTV. I was surrounded by bloggers and traditional media, however, quite impressed by bloggers. Filling up seats and sitting amongst Elle, Flare and the league of fashion then going straight back to little laptops updating blogs with photos hot off the runway.  Think of all the people it takes to produce something the ‘old way’ (photo, write, produce, edit, post) then a blogger comes along and is this all-in-one media publishing station. It’s truly amazing. Saw this video today via Marketing Mag basically, there’s NO FUTURE if you’re not going digital. I mean, that’s only true if you wanna advertise anything to anyone, ever. Duh, get up on it; power to the people! Did you know that half of FB’s 400 million users check in EVERYDAY? Take that to the bank. That’s like heaps. The Last Advertising Agency On Earth from FITC I’m a huge Saatchi fan for years but mostly since that book I told you about a couple times, remember? I used to dream about working there. Looks like CGI is doing a good job of listening/paying attention…my Tweet showed up on their homepage today retweeting a photo re: Barbie’s show on Wednesday at LGFW. Matel is one of their clients 😉 Most excited for that show to be honest, fingers crossed for gift bags! Yeaw! :: people…

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