seeing this makes a little girl like me real happy

Boys + Bag Pipes + Drum + Summer = OMG Love at first sight Made friends with the dudes and asked if they play parties. They do anything. I wanna invite them to all parties hosted or organized by me. I wish I danced in the street but since it’s right outside my work on a school day, I resisted the temptation to throw my hands in the air & stomp.  Got their email but I really hope I see them at Drum Circle this summer! YEEEOW!

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remember to always wear sunscreen

Woke up extra early and booted out the house for a speed walk in the sun. Totally gorgeous out, feels like summer. Got some sun yesterday. I forgot to put on sunscreen before I left the house today. (I know Mum, tomorrow ok!) I’m for sure gonna get super dark this year by traveling on foot to the office. Hope you have a splendid day. I wore a long flowy summer dress!! Yahoooooooooo!!!

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i can see clearly now the rain is gone

Woke up to these guys yesterday cleanin’ the windows.  I was out of the shower and in my Betsy J. robe, unlike last year when I was buck ass naked and they scared the crap outta me. I imagine they see heaps of nudes, maybe even a show or two. haha. Didn’t realize how nasty our windows were. They had heaps of little bugs and rain marks on them and now, now it’s just beautiful. I’m not feelin’ so hot today, throat is hurting and I’m tired. I’ve worked two extra night’s this week and it’s really tuckered me out. I couldn’t imagine taking on an extra job, my blogs + work take up more than enough of my time. Tonight is set aside for ME TIME, the shy little introvert inside me wants to shut everything off, crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head…. okok, who we kidding, I’ll be in bed with my computer 🙂

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twenty four seconds of fun

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i hope you don’t screw like you type.

This was meant to go up yesterday but my site was hacked! I had a mini heart attack but then my friend played doctor to my blog baby and now she’s out of emergency and recovering well. Thank jesus! Lovely walk to work this morning. Played in the park for a min. Got a coffee. Wore suede boots even though its raining, its so slight not enough for wellies. Getting really excited for Florida in two weeks. Came home last night and kinda wished I had a BF, that thought was gone when I woke up. Gonna do some zoeyng tonight. Have a shirt to make and a vest. Mum gave me heaps of pattern books from the early eighty’s and all that stuff is in style right now. Just ran into Daniel. He said ‘hi Magical’ I know he means it. That little minute meeting gave me a dose of inspiration and hazaaaa that resembles wheat grass. Pleasure seeing friends that are doing well and doing what they love at the same time. i was so inspired in fact that I kept typing and walked right past Timmy Ho’s. Good thing there’s at least three on my way. Blind Melon ‘No Rain’ is playing as I walk by Jack Astors on John Street. There is inspiration everywhere. There is inspiration everywhere! I love this song.

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ball game, take me out to the crowd

Boston vs. beats Toronto, April 28th, 2010. Heyoo, lets go Blue Jays! It was super dead so we could sit where ever we wanted. The boys were into it. I was less into it. Oh look, art. Cheers to Toronto beers + family + fun yeah awesome love you! Fuck yeah red socks. The end.

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