the earth moved me, shakey shake.

I think my first earthquake was in 1990 but i don’t really remember. Today I was sitting at my desk, working away when I noticed my monitor shaking and the table and me. Naturally, I tweeted. This is what happened… We’ve had crews taking down the MMVA stage from the roof and the street car goes by all the time so at first I didn’t think it was anything. When it went on for about 30 seconds I knew something was up. Pretty crazy. Even crazier that we got the first Super Swarm in CANADA. Woot.

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most embarrASSing G20 moment so far

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thank you universe. this day gets better every minute.

Watching Kesha on stage right now and tweeting my heart out for @MuchMusic. Being here is blowing my mind. I’m soaking up every minute. Last night was so much fun I can’t even tell you.  Also, just got an email from Virgin American & Klout they are sending me to LA. I love life.  I love you.  I have so much to tell you but for now I just show you my dress from Peach Berserk made SPECIALLY for tonight’s MMVA’s. It’s going to be auctioned off after for a charity in Uganda. Tell you about that tomorrow. Have an awesome day.

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I’m inviting 20 FRIENDS to come to a TFC game with ME next weekend! Our seats are pretty sweet too 1st row is Section 110 which is right next to the super loud supporters section. It’s gonna be crazy! Oh, it’s TFC vs LA Galaxy too! Tickets are sometimes hard to come by but my friend Jonathan knew I wanted to check out a game, so he hooked up a dealio for me and my followers/readers/friends. If we’ve never met, this is gonna be a GREAT time. I’m really happy in these types if settings because I like top get ROWDY! Here are the details: Toronto FC vs LA Galaxy: Saturday, June 26th 7:30PM BMO Field – Seats are in section 110A ROW 1 Only 20 seats available. $40/seat BEST DEAL AROUND! DISCOUNT CODE IS: CASIE Includes special half time field level visit (great photo op). You can purchase your ticket from this lovely little link Jonathan set up for us HERE. Think about it, me, you, beer, yelling and the TFC. Ah-MAY-zing! I went to a game last year and had THE BEST TIME even though it rained cats and blogs that day! Comment so I know you are coming and get ready for a GONG SHOW!

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i went to NXNEi & all i got was this awesome photo

Carly & I, at it again! Life of the party 🙂 Thanks to Jason for stopping to shoot us & thanks to my planning, I’ve managed to get my work done today and attend two sessions. The afternoon one I went to was all about Women in Social Media and I learned I need to start being on panels. I’ve got lots to share about internet, personal branding, stalkers, privacy. I’ve been doing this internet thing since  before ICQ & I started blogging on that old myspace in 2005. In other daily news, got an email today for the SXSW panel picker for 2011. Had a great call about a campaign with a new client. Confirmed I’m a judge for the Canadian Online Publishing Awards. Heading over to Peach Berserk before getting my hair done  to see about a special MMVA dress too. I’m really excited about life and my friends and my job. All this stuff just makes me wanna work harder and set BIGGER goals! LOOK OUT WORLD HERE I COME! FTW! I got to thinking about that MTV TJ job everyone is buzzing about and looked back to that article about me in the Metro back in Jan. Made me feel pretty lucky/proud of how much I’ve grown since then and what I’m doing at work. You can read it here if ya want. “You may not know it yet, but Casie Stewart is your new favourite online VJ, the latest update on that oh-so-’80s on-air media personality.”

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annual trinity bellwoods garage sale = great finds

The park is a hub for hipsters, style and creativity and it all rolls out of peoples closets for this sale each year. It’s my fav one to attend and I didn’t know it was on until a impromptu conversation after my lovely brekky at Niche. I picked up this awesome vintage purse from Brazil. All leather and so similar to one that Mum has (Jenie has it at the moment). I was a super hipster and grabbed a Vice mag from American Apparel on my way h0me. Got this sweet little collar and old gloves. They look so elegant! There’s a cool art installation in the park for Luminato right now. Crazy boat thingy you walk through with all these clinitygy-clangity sounds. This is a really crazy week.  It’s NXNEi, MMVA lead in to Sunday, hair appt tomo with Darren, lots of posts to write and heaps to get done. I know I can do it.  I have faith in myself. Good thing I spend so many years partying, staying up late, drinking and working hard…work hard play hard has been good training for this week. Ha! Happy Monday! Love you xo

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