travel diary: YYZ > BOS

Walked to the airport with my sis yesterday. Toronto is an amazing city. Almost certain this guy is the same model from the Mark’s style thing I did last week. This ‘type’ is often used in ads. Maybe he just has ‘the look’? Worlds shortest Ferry ride. Jenie is starting to look more & more like you Mum. The red plane is Air Greenland. Keri & I were certain it was some type of fancy Air Canada thinger. If you have never flown Porter, wait for the next 30% off seat sale (I will post) and book yourself a ticket. Best service ever. Jenie wanted to buy a snack and I said “You can’t if you tried, everything is FREE”. Freemium. I’m a barrista now too BTW. Gella skin for my PC. He’s about to be upstaged by a new MACBOOK AIR. FLYING! Bye Toronto, ILU. Ha! A planking joke. Hilarious. Welcome to the USA! Got in troubs for taking photos here. Sorry, I’m Canadiamazing. First stop was taking my sis to Quincy Market. Her first time in Beantown. They have your style here Raymi. Heaps of different ones too. Do you know what is on their heads? CONDOMS! It’s a Dick’s thing. Funny kinda I guess. Kids have them on their heads. OMG. CHEERS! Beautiful weather all weekend. Heck yeah. Going in the pool after I hit publish! This is why you’re fat. Bagels. Omg. I did not eat. Didn’t eat this either. Feasted with eyes only. I did eat some chowda though. Heaps good. Tried two kinds, marked one was way better. Team Boston: Me, E1e, Bobcat & Jenie Had dinner in this lovely old school Italian resto. Was delish. Went to the famed Mike’s to grab some pasty. Mega long line. The pedi cabs are so online.…

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welcome to the races

I would like to take this for a drive please, boys. Ladies Day at the races. Ok not really, We had fun though. Beautif Keri played a Playbook. This guy was Facebooking. Nice outfit, great hat. The sign in the back POWER-PLAYA. Smiles all around. Canadian hot shot driver Paul Tracy in blue. His website needs a makeover. Look at that stack of photos to autograph. The line was hours to get to him. So many people waiting. The front of the line winds around again further than you can see. Crazy. There was no sign of Danika Patrick. I wish. Who would you wait that long for? I can’t think of anyone. Something else I saw today is this posted by Tony.  A guy named Erik Shveima draws the LA Times, everyday.

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if you missed it here it is.

Remember how I’ve been saying I wanna be on TV for the last few weeks (months)… Mum ring me early this morning all excited after watching it online. Ben referred to me as “famed blogger Casie Stewart”.  Head explode! Name was spelled “Casey” for a second at the start but said they will make sure it’s fixed next time. There WILL be a next time. SM Expert FTW. I love TV and the internet. Watch it here on CTV: Social media & the Royals.

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Made this video for Dad a in 2009. I watched practice from the fence. I love the sound of those cars. Had longer hair then too. Do you ever read the archives? This weekend I am super stoked to be checking out the HONDA INDY. Friday is FREE DAY and anyone can go. If you’ve never been or want an excuse to leave work early, you’re welcome. There’s also a Tweetup on Saturday. The charming & good looking (;)) team at Honda Canada gave me a pair of GOLD passes for the weekend including Paddock Passes for extra awesome access. Keri & I are gonna go make make some vids. Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend. P.S. Today I found out that in 2000 LiLo played a character named CASEY STUART in Life-Size with Tyra Banks. Uh, that’s totes my name toooooo guys. OMGAAAAAAAAAHHHH.  

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Don’t hide yourself in regret, just love yourself & you’re set!

The awesome ShaSha Bread Co. float. They won 1st place for their design last year and this year it was pretty darn awesome. Getting instructions before we learn our choreography. Haha Rob Ford was there drinkin’ in the street. I kid, I kid. The Crew! Team Good looking! Sammy is funny. Nice tatas. I was having an epic hair day. I gave Sammy that beautiful hot pink extension. Bubbles are fun too. I love this kini. Nice shot photographer. We had so much fun dancing. I heard “Born This Way” about 200 times yesterday. I’m always amazed by how many nude people are in the streets. Mind boggling. We are so cool us Canadians. So epic. Water was infused with lemon & vanilla, it smelled like ShaSha lemon snaps. DELICIOUS! Thanks Raymi for connecting me & ShaSha! You were missed Raymbo! Streets were so packed. It was great having everyone call out to you from the streets. I love crowds & the spotlight. We soaked it up good. We found my sister! ♥ Hi Gay & Luis! ♥ So lovely to randomly see my sister in the street. Love this shot of them! Rest of the night was a hoot. We had a blast in the streets 🙂 The end. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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Tech | Social Media Day -Toronto is one of most most social in the world.

I’d like to think I had something to do with that. I kid, I kid. We’re SO online and our  Social media Day meetup is SO BIG that Mashable wrote about us today. We Toronto peeps know how to have fun. Get social baby. Props to Michael Nus & Dan Levy for putting this together. Last year I spoke about running the social media for MuchMusic & MTV Canada & this year I’m speaking about building a personal brand. Over 350 people are attending so it’s gonna, kinda a big deal. Wish Mum was here to see me in action. I’m sure someone will have on video. Last year I was JUST getting into speaking and has my hands in my pockets the whole time. Won’t do that again. What am I going to wear? I should really have planned this out. Hope to meet some new peeps & will for sure see a bunch of familiar faces. Looking forward to it. If you have any questions, ask away! Follow @casiestewart

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