some consider it to be an embarrassment

Their middle name. I don’t. Mine is Diana, after the Princess of Whales. Mum loved her. We had a bunch of different paraphernalia with her on it around the house. That’s a funny word ‘paraphernalia’.  I always thought she got married the year I was born but it was really the year before.   There were vases with a wedding picture of her and Charles in the main bathroom at home. I think they’re still there actually. I always look for things at garage sales with her face on it. More and more books get added to the collection all the time.  I love her too.  She was always so elegant and well dressed among all the other things that make her wonderful. I ran into a pair of her shoes a couple years ago at the Bata Shoe Museum. It was Nuit Blanche 2007 the year they had Lower Bay station open.  Every once in awhile you get asked ‘if you could meet anyone from history who wold it be?’ I want to meet her.  I always want to meet her.

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a little story: swimming lessons

Each summer Mum would put us girls in swimming lessons. In one particular lesson we had to put our heads under the water to pick up a ring from the bottom of the pool. All the kids took turns and when it was mine, I didn’t want to put my head under the water. The Mum’s were all watching to see what the kids would do. Instead of getting my head wet and reaching for the ring, I turned to a little boy beside me, batted my eyelashes and said “Will you pick it up for me?”  Mum’s jaw dropped and so did the little boy to pick up the ring. The end… the beginning.

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happy birthday canada you sexy thang

In 1996, on the weekend before Canada Day in my hometown of Cambridge, I was a contestant in the annual Miss Teen pageant. Since I was little I had always wanted to ride in the convertible waving like the Queen with a sash and tiara. That year I was in a group of about 18 girls all competing for a chance represent our city for a year at events as the Miss Teen. I had to write a speech about why I was proud to be Canadian. Before our speeches we had preliminaries and I was the first person to ever get 100%. They asked about Canadian history and politics, good thing Mum prepped me before my interview. I got up on stage in the middle of the mall podium to recite my speech for the audience. I was a natural. The judges scored me the highest and that day I won my first (and so far only) beauty pageant. I got to ride in the convertible for the Canada Day parade like it was my job. That was my favorite Canada Day ever. Canada Blog friends wrote about me recently, check it out!  

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take a look at yourself and make a change

Mum rung me while I was at the track and told me about MJ. I knew he went to the hospital and while I was biking he passed. Poor Farrah, will forever be remembered in the shadow of the world greatest pop icon. I realize now much I love him  when I look at photos,  listen and see him dance in videos. Jenie and I used to watch Much Music for hours and learn his moves and make up dances. We’ve got a stack of MJ collection cards at Mum’s from when we were kids.  He’s got dark black skin black and wearing the red leather jacket in some of them,  he looks hot. God, I love him, always will. Michka made a tribute picture and sent it to me this morning. She looks great as MJ.

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i am made of light i am made of stars

A couple years ago Mum gave me the a book called “The Four Agreements” by Don Migue l Ruiz. It makes me feel less anxiety when I carry it around. It’s one of those you keep in your purse and when someone says something or does something to make you feel not as awesome as you should, I reach for it and read it over a couple times. I refuse to lend it out because I’d hate to not get it back. That always happens with book lending. The Four Agreements are great when you want to be inspired or motivated to keep a positive attitude. My favorite line is in the beginning and it’s the title of this post. The Four Agreements Be Impeccable With Your Word Don’t Take Anything Personally Don’t Make Assumptions Always Do Your Best

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stereo eight and a heart of glass

It’s always something. You think everything is fine and then something shows up to the party and ruins your day. It’s sunny outside and I wore a cute outfit but I can’t help but feel grey. I don’t like feeling this way. I should be happy, it’s the weekend and it’s warm out.  I found this old eight-track tape in Mum’s basement a little while ago. I wish I had a player to play it.  I sorted through a huge pile of business cards. There’s lots of cool people in that pile.  I think the cards look neat when wrapped and stacked.  I feel like this is the slowest day ever.  It’s one of those day’s i’d watch Closer and listen to Damien Rice I think. There’s heaps cool things in Mum’s basement.  Lots of our old stuff. The movie Yes Man is really funny.  Zack and Miri Make a Porno is one of the worst movies i’ve ever seen.  No link to that one, imbarassed to say I even watched the whole thing. I hope it’s nice out tomorrow.  I could use a vacation day.

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