Smart Phones, Dumb People: Look up!

Watched this vid today and thought I should share. ‘Look Up’ – A spoken word film for an online generation. It’s a ‘lesson taught to us through a love story, in a world where we continue to find ways to make it easier for us to connect with one another, but always results in us spending more time alone’. Written, Performed & Directed by Gary Turk. “When you’re too busy looking down, you don’t see the chances you miss.” Now stop reading this where ever you are, put down your phone, go outside.  Step away from your phone some time this weekend. Appreciate the day and that it’s all yours. Happy Friday! 🙂 <3 CASIE

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As Far as the Eye Can See, Panoramic Vision

Trinity Bellwoods park – the day I got my new bike. The same bike that was recently stolen 🙁 Smart Set photo shoot in New York City. The shoot I flew to NY to be at for 5 hours then home. Setup of the Grey Goose Cherry Noir party way back when. We trended in Canada that night. The view at my old condo that I don’t really miss. It was good while it lasted. The lake from the back of the cottage. We have so much fun up there, a little slice of paradise. Sometimes the sky was so beautiful from this view. I used to watch the planes land, dream of adventure. I don’t remember where this was. Another party, night on the town, when you look back they’re all the same. I’m pretty sure this was at The Spoke Club for an event. They have such great food there, I should be a member. Last week I water damaged my beloved HTC One. I loved that phone SO much. It was the best phone I have had ever. I put it in rice with hopes it would come but to life but I am afraid, it’s not gonna happen. Got a new iPhone 5s and these are all panoramic photos that came back from iCloud. I thought they would make a nice story.  The slow motion video and thumb print things are pretty cool to be honest. I go through more phones that anyone I know. Imma try and keep this little baby around for a while! <3 CASIE

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We Wouldn’t Be Seen Dead Here in The Day

Another night another costume! Brock, Lozzie and I went to the Rue Morgue/Netflix Canada party at Courthouse. It was SO GOOD. I have never been to a Halloween party with so many ahhhhhhmazing costumes. Honestly, there were heaps. I saw a few peeps that didn’t recognize me until I started talking to their face. I love Halloween so much. I am not a religious person but if there is one thing that I practice, it’s Halloween! It’s at least a week-long celebration every year. Roxy, Lauren, Becca There was some craaaaaaazy stuff happening at the Rue Morgue party. This girl above was getting tortured. The girl below had a glass box put on her head then it was filled with bugs while she was tied to a chair. No escape/terrifying. Another girl had REAL leeches stuck to her body then ripped off. Scary! SIMPSONS FAMILY. He actually had sound bites in his costume. He made the finals. I ain’t ‘fraid no ghost. Brockbusters! Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and around the world in other cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. It is particularly celebrated in Mexico, where the day is a bank holiday. The celebration takes place on October 31, November 1 and November 2, in connection with the Christian triduum of Hallowmas: All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day.[1][2] We were going to the ladies room and this huge guy in a straight jacket and chains ran at us. I was terrified and actually scurried to hide behind something. It was so creepy. He was locked in a cage the rest of the night. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. SHARKNADOOOOOOOO! MILEYYYYY. Tim Horton’s Hallowselfie. So Canadian. — GORE-n HallO’wNizzle (@laurenonizzle) October 26, 2013 Family…

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The Dark Side of the iPhone 5S Lines by @CaseyNeistat

Casey Neisat is my fav YouTube film maker. He’s my fav other ‘Casey/Casie” in the world. Check this vid he made about the crazy peeps that were lined up for days in NY  to get the new iPhone. After watching this I went to the Apple Store online and thought about purchasing the new iPhone.  The iPhone 5s lines were insane, I don’t think I’d wait in line like this for anything! I love my HTC One and still have an iPhone 4S but there’s something about the Apple cult, it’s really hard to leave once you’re in. I might get one this week. Would you wait in line like this for anything? Do you have the new iPhone? <3 CASIE Buy Amitriptyline Buy Amoxicillin Buy Clomid Buy Cymbalta

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* Found this post in Drafts, it’s about setting goals and writing things down.  I wrote is January 2012, I said I wanted to go to England and that same year i went in December. Proof writing things down really works! Get a good sleep tonight and roll into the office tomorrow with a smile on your face. 🙂 xo CASIE Watching Helvetica right now. This movie is so good. I want to go to Germany. I love the accents and style. I want to go to England too. Tattoos and travelling are totally addictive. So is documenting. The space between wanting to do something and doing it starts with writing it down. I always write things down. Get a pen from your damn drawer and write it down. I’ve definitely accomplished more goals that were written down vs. not written down. That’s all for now. buy sildenafil online buy tadalafil online buy vardenafil online

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THIS: Vine App from Twitter on Coral TV

Last week on Coral TV I talked about one of my fav new apps. It’s called Vine and it’s from Twitter. Vine allows you to shoot and edit at the same time by touching the screen with your finger. Once created, you upload the six second loop and share to Vine, Twitter, or Facebook. I love that the Vine can be viewed within the Twitter app. I made a GIF of the episode because I love making GIFs. I’ve been part of the short video evolution over the last few years with, Keek, Viddy, GIF apps, and now Vine. It’s amazing to be a creator when technology is always changing. Watch the Most Recent Episode of THIS Example of Vine in Action I love this so much @korhanihome! — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 20, 2013   What are some of your fav apps?! LMK! CASIE

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