Gawd o’ lordy. It’s already half way through the day and I’m feelin’ energetic and ready to get lots done. This is what I’m thinking… Hungry and need to grab something to eat. I wish I made my damn lunch. Lotsa tricks up my sleeve and plans for summer coming together. Looks like I’ll be in Boston in July and heading North for Wakestock in August. Submitted my time off for work, god I love Summer. Tempted to go for a tan tonight to keep my Florida glow. I know it’s bad for me but I’ve got some left and already paid for it so either way, I’m paying. Tomorrow night I’ve got the Biz Media party and Friday is SATC2 with my sis. Next week is the Sailor Jerry screening/rum party and I’m finally introducing Carly to Jenie. Gonna be a great scene with free rum drinks and lotsa babes with tattoos. Great news from my sister today about attending the LADY GAGA concert. ZOMG. Can’t freeeking wait. I haven’t got my bike fixed yet, I miss riding her. I’m frustrated I’ve not gotten a new camera yet, I am a camera serial killer for real. Next camera is gonna last, I won’t kill you well, I might but I never really mean to hurt you camera. Spending time at home with myself tonight, need some time alone to internet and tidy my room. Hope to have a Skype chat with friend and relax a bit. Feeling like a robot on auto pilot moving fast and not taking time to smell the roses. Maybe I’ll sew something tonight? That would be a good idea, Zoey misses me, I know she does. Ok time for a snack, I’m about to eat my arm.
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