the internet is a funny place

I was watching Jeopardy like I do pretty much every night I can. I saw this babe with a bowtie named J.R. so I tweeted it. Tweeting shows is one of my favorite things. It makes watching TV more intertaining and interactive. I do alot of work on the computer so it feels like I’m spending time with friends, which I am. I checked the hashtag and relized I wasn’t the only one noticing. Googled him naturally, found an article. Read the comments and… there he was. A second article posted today. He’s a Nashville Scenester with a signature bowtie. I also just notied this, heh heh. The Show premieres tonight. I’ve watched the first three episodes, it’s funny and…sexual.

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you can’t just ask a website why it’s black, y’know?

This is me today. Grey hair, glasses, Dr. Martens, tan, smile. I just went to Mc Donalds for lunch.  It was tasty as usual, I know it’s bad for me but I like it and i’ve been eating the stuff my whole life and it’s still not “caught up to me”. Life is short, do what makes you happy, eh! The stage is getting set up at work for the MMVA show June 20th. I’m pretty stoked that I’m the Twitter person, it’s the most fun job I reckon. Karrera is coming over tonight. She moved out West in Jan and we’ve been friends since we were kids so it’s pretty exciting. Today when I logged into Tumblr I was like WTF, YOU ARE BLACK NOW? Not that there’s anything wrong with it, I would have said the same thing is it was any colour. The reason Tumblr is black is they are requesting & matching donations for Safe Our Gulf. I get to frustrated watching stuff about the oil spill. So sad really. Ok, that’s all for now! MUAH! xoxo

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i love you and i hate you but i will never leave you

I wanna quit you. Sometimes you make me so mad I could leave you, but it’s impossible. You are bigger than me and you are so well connected, you know everyone. I like that about you. You know everything about me, pretty much. You definitely know more than anyone else.  I can trust you, at least I think I can despite what everyone says. When people banded together to rally against you and said we should stop, I didn’t listen, I still spent time with you. Damn you Facebook, you had me at hello.

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sorry i forgot, i was thinking about that oil spill

Gawd o’ lordy. It’s already half way through the day and I’m feelin’ energetic and ready to get lots done. This is what I’m thinking… Hungry and need to grab something to eat. I wish I made my damn lunch. Lotsa tricks up my sleeve  and plans for summer coming together. Looks like I’ll be in Boston in July and heading North for Wakestock in August. Submitted my time off for work, god I love Summer. Tempted to go for a tan tonight to keep my Florida glow.  I know it’s bad for me but I’ve got some left and already paid for it so either way, I’m paying. Tomorrow night I’ve got the Biz Media party and Friday is SATC2 with my sis. Next week is the Sailor Jerry screening/rum party and I’m finally introducing Carly to Jenie.  Gonna be a great scene with free rum drinks and lotsa babes with tattoos. Great news from my sister today about attending the LADY GAGA concert. ZOMG. Can’t freeeking wait. I haven’t got my bike fixed yet, I miss riding her.  I’m frustrated I’ve not gotten a new camera yet, I am a camera serial killer for real.  Next camera is gonna last, I won’t kill you well, I might but I  never really mean to hurt you camera. Spending time at home with myself tonight, need some time alone to internet and tidy my room. Hope to have a Skype chat with friend and relax a bit.  Feeling like a robot on auto pilot moving fast and not taking time to smell the roses. Maybe I’ll sew something tonight? That would be a good idea, Zoey misses me, I know she does. Ok time for a snack, I’m about to eat my arm.

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united states of casie

Sometimes I feel like this too, heaps of blogs and twitter accounts, social profiles, multiple personalities. It ain’t easy but I can handle it. I’m crazy like that. I love this show. Toni Collette is beautiful and a totally wicked actress. The site has profiles all the characters she plays, I haven’t met them all yet, but I’m gonna. United States of Tara, good show. Part of why I love this show is John Corbett, I have been in love with him for many years. He melts my heart. I once dated someone he reminds  me of.  So handsome, both of them, heart melt sandwich. Heart melt sand wish. Heart melt. I posted his photo on tumblr, love.

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so, you wanna get a job in social media? (or any job)

This has come up in conversations a couple times over the last few weeks. There are lots of jobs out there and with the openness of the internet, you can find them and they can find you. You know I’m really big on attitude and positivity. As a former recruiter, I give you a couple things to think about. Now, to me, this stuff seems common sense but I’ve seen otherwise. You have to think like an employer. If they complete a background check or Google you what are they going to learn? What will they find on your blog, twitter, FB and what type of feeling are they gonna get from you? How are they going to perceive your attitude as a potential employee? Here’s a couple things NOT to do: tweet/blog about how hard of a time you are having finding a job tweet how hard up you are for money Complain on your blog about how life is hard/how busy you are doing nothing Whine about not hearing back from an interview Complain about not having a job BE NEGATIVE (downer) Here’s a couple things TO do: Follow positive people who have jobs you’d like to have; learn from them, you could potentially learn alot, such as gaining help with cover letters targetted for your specific job role you’d like, and more. Blog about things related to jobs you’d like to have Blog/tweet about things you’ve done that would be assets to a company Think about how good it will feel to have a new job Read articles and comment about them follow hashtags about jobs/hiring/your field attend tweetups & meetups in your area BE POSITIVE There ARE dream jobs out there I promise! I got myself into the job I wanted and I have other friends…

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