the art of marketing, mining & justin bieber

The Blondetourage! Blonde blogging babes Keri & Lauren. The Art of Marketing yesterday was really great. I enjoyed the speakers. Each one made their presentation very personal to the room and to Canada. Gary, Jeffrey and Guy were my favourite. It was a pretty rad day. I was interviewed by The Biz Media & My City Lives for the event video. We like to blooooooooooog. (That’s how you say it right Keri Blog? ;)) Keri & I crashed the Mining Conference. Cruised riiiiight pas security. You are gonna see more of this. I live right next door. I have no idea why I am not crashing more conferences. If you know one I should attend, LMK. We lingered behind this set and were on BNN. Did you see us? It was so sunny & pretty out. Oh, how I so love sun. Then I saw this unit penix Fenix. I was hoping to Chilean Miners were there for autographs and photos. Are they still famous? Maybe their run is over and they have gone back to work now. Quite a structure though. OMG I would not like to be a miner, I’ve never been in a mine have a I Mum, Dad? What about the Sudbury one? Then is was timne for Guy Kawasaki‘s talk to close out the day of TAOM. I snagged a VIP seat up front w/ Michael. Look, GUY. He talked about how to be enchanting. I was waiting for my photo to show up in the presentation. He was really nice.  I reckon if we had a lunch we would get along great. Gary too. Jeffrey from Kodak  (behind Michael below) seemed like a rad dude also, he smiled at me when I passed him. OMG fan girl. Ok now for the Bieber part. Guy’s…

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sheen’s korner?

I’m sure everyone tuned in thinking “WHAT is going to go down?” I watched the viewers jump 20,000 in the last 10 minues before the show at 10pm ET. Was about 115,000 when it started, watch it hereif you missed it. After 20 mins views went down heaps. Not that interesting or crazy. Makes Charlie look pretty dumb. He got a tattoo of WINNING on his wrist. I don’t even know why I spent the entire hour watching/listening. Waiting for something good to happen, I didn’t wanna miss it when/if it did. My sis was over it like most people after 20 mins. Train wreck. Twitter was blowing up over it. At 10:45 views were under 90,000. He’d taken over 2/10 trending topics world wide with #sheenskorner and #tigerblood. I’d call that winning. Although, he did go from $2 million a show to 100,000 on UStream for free. Also, it has been confirmed that he’s hooked up with, the celebrity paid tweets marketing company. Is this the beginning or the end of Charlie Sheen’s winning? SNL had a few jabs at him with Milers hosting. That can’t be good.

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this post is alllllllll about winning.

The other night I was at Century Room for a music video shoot. Was chilling with a bunch of babes/models/friends: Jo, Jess, Me, Grace & Lilly. You are so cute JoJo. Renee, Kevin & her cute friend. (R-L) Jo dancing in the back, Jess txting in fur. I lost count on how many fireworks/bottles there were over the course of the night. We had a great time, I ended woke up with a killer hangover. Casie Sheen, aaahaha. My friend JD Howel was shooting the video, check out this awesome footage he shot of the Shuttle Discovery on a plane the other day. It’s now on MSNBC. WIN! “I was returning to Toronto from a shoot in Cuba on an Air Canada flight, and awoke just as it was happening,” Howell told me in an e-mail. “I started rolling my iPhone and caught two minutes of it before it exited the atmosphere. Talk about timing!” Went for a little stroll fitst thing this morning. Super sunny outside today. Check out this super hot photo of Keri by Suzy Lamont. WIN! Lady Gaga killed the runway in Paris last night for the Theirry Mugler  A/W 2011 show. God I love her. Waiting for a call from my sister to see if we will be attending her show tonight. Fingers crossed. I saw her last time she was in town, LOVE. Photo from In other news, I would like to thank GM Canada because tomorrow A CAR is being dropped off at my place for the weekend. I tweeted the other day that I would love the use of a vehicle now & then and that I didn’t want to own it, just use it. By the powers on the internet, I got an email from the lovely Adria  at…

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been training for this pretty much my whole life

Watch it. Lemme know what you think in comments. I was so nervous when I saw it last night for my first time. Gah! PUMA Social Toronto Afterhours from 1188 on Vimeo. Today I wrote about a Canadian hip hop artist in NYC named George Reefah for Z-List. Check it out here. Must get coffee/lunch! Byeeeeeeeeeee  

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i’m not down w/ these regulations

Woke up and went to my computer like usual. Check twitter, email and guess who showed up… this guy: Luckily for us, the CRTC has been asked to reconsider billing rules. I really hope that they big ISP (internet service providers) don’t go through with UBB (user based billing). Just think about all the creative people and entrepreneurs that are running some of the coolest businesses on a shoestring budget and rely on the internet? Bye-bye. Megan has the same dreams as me and all the other nerds, unlimited internet!! Considering how much time I spend on the interwebs, I’d be BROKE and lookin’ at this all the time instead of sharing sunshine & awesomism with you. For those of you waiting to find out WHO won the Freestyle Friday contest. I’ll post this afternoon. There were SO MANY great entries. Thank you, you guys are AWESOME. In other news, I’m going to LA & SF Virgin America soon since I’ve got a few flights to use up before they leave YYZ April 6th. You wanna go to California too? The Z-List has a blog contest where you can win a round trip flight on Virgin America. Contest closes Thursday, March 3rd and all you have to do it BLOG. Check it out hurrrre. Stay warm today, looks cold out there! Sending thoughts & prayers to my friends/family & their friends/family in Christchruch. I stayed up late watching coverage. There’s a good dashboard of activity about the quake here.

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saturday magazine review: vanity fair march 2011

this is what we call the peanut gallery. this is the closest i’ve come to reading a book lately. that should change but i love the internet so much, why should we not have/do what we love? here we go… sequin lacoste number – yes, totally unconventional chic… like, no way i’m wearing that anywhere but in this very blog post mmmmm’k. will i be wearing this when the weather warms up? i just got ruffle socks from american apparel. i have a fatal attraction to cuteness. i would like to write like this for a brand ex. grey goose. i guess that would come with working via agency?  i am good at creative writing, you don’t even see my good stuff.  someone please let me to show off for you. i would also like to take a dance class soon. i wanna be in magazines top 40 high earners: top 12 are men, first woman, lucky #13, is kristen stewart. team stewart all the way. manniston is #18 and a.jolie #21. james cameron is #1. this list make me smile cause i’m a stewart and i’m canadian. hehe. the man is toast. hypnotic nerd gaze. smartert than i? no. THIS is UGG > Australia. not canadian winter you idiots. stop insulting the brand and yourself by wearing these booties in the snow/slush/rain/winter. it is not working for you, it never will. the end. can i have one of these, pretty please? and thank you. what IS in a name? Leonardo Dicaprio – Appian Way: in Italy, found a road names Appian Way while filming Gangs of New York, “the road on which the Roman Army marched as they set out to conquer the world” he thought a good name for a company starting out. Kevin Spacey – Trigger Street…

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