Innovation Distinguishes Between a Leader and a Follower

Oh hai Wednesday! I’m ready for the weekend to get here. Prepping for a shoot w/ Adiran Fiebig, an awesome photographer from UK. Saturday afternoon is EmBot’s 6th birthday which should be fun (and loud!). It’s Hello Kitty so will 100% kawaii. OOTD: Red wool sweater H&M, leather shorts Zara, ankle boots Zara (Hong Kong, coat Banana Republic, Burberry scarf, essence lip colour, smile 🙂 Good morning! You coo Also…this is the funniest thing I have seen in a WHILE. I know it look ssssssscary but it’s just a promo for a new horror film. I don’t watch scary movies EVER so you can trust me that it’s not actually ‘that’ scary. We watched it last night and I was ROFL. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. Steve Jobs Have a great day! CASIE   Bactroban cream without prescription bupropion without prescription cipro without prescription

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Who’s the Weird Girl?

Oh, it’s just me. Taking selfies at my desk. Feeling happy about work. Excited about life. Loved and in love. Wearing neon in the middle of winter. Socializing all over the internet. Making media. Creeping art. Writing things. Feeling pretty good about it all. It’s not weird to me. ♥  

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Something Awesome…

Ok, it’s just ME! Still awesome. <3 CASIE Amitriptyline without prescription Amoxicillin without prescription Clomid without prescription Cymbalta without prescription

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Holiday GIFs: I’ve Been An Awful Good Girl, Santa Baby

This is my favourite Christmas sweater. Dance party? Desk dancing? Sure! Put on the tunes… This heart’s for you. Yes, you reading this, I see you. <3 HAPPY HOLIDAYS! XO CASIE Buy Cipro without prescription Buy Clomid without prescription Buy Cozaar without prescription Buy Flagyl without prescription

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WMCFW: Tips on Shooting Fashion from @SteveCarty & Canon Canada

I recently met up with the Canadian Canon Ambassadors for a professional photo session with Steve Carty (you’ve seen him here on the blog before!). I’m really getting the hang of using my DSLR! It may sound silly but it took me a while to get shutter speed and aperture. After the last session, I finally hold my camera like a professional and not a n00b. No really though! In this session we learned how to shoot moving subjects on the runway, portraits, and about the built in filters on our cameras. To be honest, I discovered  the filters in my Canon Rebel SL1 right away! I’ve been using Canon since I got my first digital camera pre-blog back in 2004 and I’ve  always loved the creative filters. [Way to be ahead of Instagram guys!] A Word About Fashion GIFs I really love GIFs as you know.  I took all these photos the night of our fashion photography session with Carty and made them into GIFS to see the differences with using the Canon filters. Please note, photo quality was drastically reduced when I put these together. I need a photoshop session before I learn to make high quality GIFs! I think they’re fun. I love when designers and bloggers put out GIFs from runway shows so I wanted to test my skills. Scroll down for some tips from Carty and Canon! 1. Try Canon’s Creative Filters Canon’s Creative Filters can be applied both before and after shooting and can take a photo from average to spectacular You can also stack the filters and create your own unique combinations like Miniature Effect + Soft Focus or Toy Camera + Grainy B&W (The order that you apply the filters also makes a difference in the final output!) If you’ve snapped a photo that seems unsalvageable, try out some…

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Friday At the Office Before Long Weekend?

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