Blog Life: This Is How We Do

You know face you make when you’re looking deep into the computer working away on something? It’s on  we all know well! This was me yesterday afternoon..and most days actually. Concentrating, editing, writing, coding, emailing, blogging, thinking, working, twerking. Ok, only sometimes on the last one! Went for a run this morning and pushed myself a bit harder. Feeling fresh and inspired. It’s so nice out, you should go outside. It was 21 at 9am! This is how we do! I’ve learned a lot of thing blogging the last (almost) 10 years. I can hardly believe it’s been so long. Persistence is a big part if making your dreams a reality. I thought about giving up a few times and doing something more traditional, like not keeping a diary of my life on the internet but each time I decide to go on, something amazing happens. This was a good little read: I’d Like to Be a Fashion Blogger, But I’m Mostly Wearing Sweatpants via @thecoveted Thx for sharing @crystalgibson! — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) August 20, 2014 I’ve seen a ton of bloggers come and go over the years and I think that’s due the fact that people don’t realize how much work and energy it is. TBH, sometimes it’s totally exhausting! It also takes a time to build a brand, trust, a reputation, all which can be destroyed in an instant. I always remember this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt and think it’s best to surround your self with great minds. “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” I’ve always counted on Mum to be my first phone when something exciting happens instead of telling friends or the world right away. She can always tell when i’s something big. I’ll ring her at work and say ‘OMG Mum, guess what?!”.…

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TURONNO: Where It’s At!

OH HEYYYYYYYY. LIKE MY NEW SHIRT? I came across this beauty and just had to have it! They were out of stock when I placed my order so I kinda forgot about it, then when I came home from vacation, it was here. ‘Turonno’ by Button Machine calls to how us Torontonians say ‘Toronto’. Nobody says ‘Tor-onto’ we all say Turonno. I absolutely LOVE when brands send it little ad-ons when you buy something online. They included their ‘Ol’ Dirty Rob‘ sticker. Thanks guys! In other news, I really hope we get a new mayor when the election rolls around. Our choices aren’t that great, but just about anyone is better than RoFo! You can get your very own Turonno shirt or tank here. MUCH LOVE FROM THE T.DOT, The 6, TEEOHH, TURONNO! BYE FELICIA. <3 CASIE

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Inspiration | We All Need Love

We all need flowers too. These are for you ♥

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Spring Is Here! | Ted Baker Prints, No Socks, Sunshine

Oooh that sunshine is NICE! I took one look outside today and knew it was the day to bust out these Ted Baker flower pants. I’m wearing my fav shoes from last summer, cutout brogues from Browns. They killed my feet last summer but I’m hoping they’ll be a-ok today! Weekend seemed to whiz by. We filmed for 10 hours on Saturday in Ajax for Cooking with Cuisinart. The next three episodes are done and you’re gonna like them. Totally different that that first pilot episode. Much better! Spent more of yesterday relaxing and then watched Saving Mr. Banks, GREAT MOVIE. Brought back so many memories of our Disney Vacay to California last summer. Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth! Today I’ve got a lunch date with Ainsley Kerr then the Lacoste Spring/Summer preview after work. Hope your day is off to a great start. Make sure you soak up some of the sunshine out there! ♥ CASIE

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Another Day, Another GIF

Is it Friday yet? Is it Spring yet? I’m super tired today and feel like I mightbe coming down with something. Urgh. This wool sweater is so warm and I’m wearing my scarf and hat all day. It appears to be snowing again too. Sheesh! Looking forward to the weekend, don’t have much planned. Oscars party Sunday at Tahnee’s place. Hope to spend time working on blog, watching movies w/ my love, and tidying up our spare room. Love ya! <3 CASIE

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In Living Colours | Shot by Becca Lemire

These are a couple selects from a recent shoot w/ Becca Lemire in Toronto. I needed some head shots for an upcoming project so we snapped a bunch and had some fun. I’m wearing Ted Baker London and silver pearls from Tiffany’s that Sean got me for christmas. I added a little tint so give them a punch today. I’m super happy with how they turned out! Thanks Becca! Multiple Exposure + Colour “A blog means I know where I was every minute. That’s why I blog. It’s a visual diary.” ― Casie Stewart “A picture means I know where I was every minute. That’s why I take pictures. It’s a visual diary.” ― Andy Warhol Sending love, light, and sunshine to you across the Internet with every keystroke. ♥ CASIE

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