take a look at yourself and make a change

Mum rung me while I was at the track and told me about MJ. I knew he went to the hospital and while I was biking he passed. Poor Farrah, will forever be remembered in the shadow of the world greatest pop icon. I realize now much I love him  when I look at photos,  listen and see him dance in videos. Jenie and I used to watch Much Music for hours and learn his moves and make up dances. We’ve got a stack of MJ collection cards at Mum’s from when we were kids.  He’s got dark black skin black and wearing the red leather jacket in some of them,  he looks hot. God, I love him, always will. Michka made a tribute picture and sent it to me this morning. She looks great as MJ.

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gearing up for the best party of the year dudes

Canadian Track and Field Champs last night, got a media pass (p.s. it’s cool to blog). I found it nerve wracking to watch a friend race. It was beautiful sitting there in the sun.  I love summer nights. I got to go on the track and I also got flowers because Jeff won a medal. Girls love getting flowers.  Baton Rouge for dinner was not really that good, I expected better. That’s what you get for setting expectations!I was thinking about making voice notes on my bike ride to work. I always have great ideas but typing on my non-qwerty keyboard while riding is like a deathtrap. God, Mum’s prolly having a heart attack thinking about that. I think it will be fun to voice note, upload. Morning ride podcast maybe. I was practicing chatting to myself this morning and enjoying it as I so often do. We’re good friends, me and my thoughts.  Haha, crazy person. There’s gonna be so much Michael Jackson at Pride this weekend. Wore Superman undies today, Spiderman yesterday and Big Bird the day before. Having a theme week I think…leading up to dancing in the street  & fun outfits all weekend.  I really hope it’s sunny on Sunday. It never rains on Pride. I think it’s all the positive energy and gayness that the universe joins forces with mother nature to keep the sun shining down on everyone.  Yeah, that’s my theory. I’m still using the vibrating mascara. I like it. If you wanna get a coupon for it and try it out Matchstick & Maybelline give you one here. My site’s been kinda slow lately and I’m gonna fix the baby and make some changes this weekend. Sorry, it bugs me too.  Lunch bike ride time.  Have a good day.

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it has its benefits

I realized this morning as I put on my new vibrating mascara followed by my unreleased Givenchy fragrance that blogging really does have its benefits. Mum reminds me sometimes.  I’m always thinking about the next step. Last year I got a heap of cool jazz. Last night I got invited to Dermologica thanks to Marie from Karmacake.ca. I left with a whole skin care routine specific to what I like/need to make my face look extra lovely. It’s fun to meet other bloggers and this time it was all girls who were all very nice.  I’m excited to see where this bloggy takes me, it’s growing and I’m having lots of fun writing it. I’m also thankful for the opportunities it’s given me! I like going back and reading crazy thoughts that came out of my head and I often wonder “what was I thinking?”. It’s part of the fun of having a crappy memory!  Sometimes when I have a bad day or feel like crap it’s comments from you that completely change my mood and make me smile. Thanks for reading it. The new Wired just arrived at my desk…it’s a good day.

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wet and muddy all over the place

On Saturday I went to Edgefest. It wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had but Karrera and I sure made the best of it. Metric @ Edgefest 2009 from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. I confirmed my girl crush on Emily. It was the first time I’ve seen Metric in real life. Yep, kinda love ‘er. I was happy to see today that Metric is now following me on Twitter. We hung out in the car for a bit and tried to escape the rain, no chance. However, there was a beer tent with an overhead that saved the day. It really should be called something line ‘Line Fest’ because if you want to get a beer, food, use the loo or see anything, you gotta wait in line. I hate lines. I don’t really know what I was expecting in all honesty. The line for the porta-potty was the worst. For events or weddings in Palmdale or Lancaster CA, Platinum Pro Portables can provide luxury porta potty trailer rentals. Maybe if they had known this before hand, there would have been far more portable toilets at this place. I have a friend that jokes ‘Just do it, it’ll be warm for a second’ and let me tell you, I almost did. It would have been great to have my Wellies, I ruined a pair of shoes for the day. There was heaps of people sliding around in the mud. I coached this drunk lassie to take her shirt off with a bunch of by standers. It was quite comical. She seemed to really love the attention. We cruised home after Metric. I wanted to see her and I did. She was great. I think that will be my last Edgefest. I felt like it would have been more fun if…

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that’s how you make a girls day!

You send her a box filled with vibrating units. Happy Friday to me! I received a box filled with vibrating mascaras. I gave one to Sabrina already, as usual. I’m looking forward to seeing what Kelly thinks of it too. I love that they sent a special one in a bigger package for me and a whole bunch to share with friends all nicely wrapped with bows. I’m one of the first peeps in Canada to get to test it out and as they say ‘share the vibe’.  It also came with a party book about style and how to have a good time with your friends. That’s up for grabs, I mastered that ages ago. Ok, I tested it out out just now. It definitely vibrates, kinda shocked me at first how much it does! I’m gonna try it again tomorrow when I have fresh lashes. I’m heading to Edgefest tomorrow and I am SO stoked to see Metric. J’adore Emily. eyegasm/vibrating mascara from me on Vimeo. One more thing, you can get a discount coupon to purchase it from here and more info on the vibrating unit here. Happy eyegasms!!

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i like when the sun shines through the clouds

I love biking in the rain. It’s so refreshing riding through the puddles. Yesterday I rode home and I got 100% soaked. It was great. The rain was warm and the only thing that make it not great was that I don’t have my Wellies. Bugger, still haven’t found them. The other day before it decided to rain so much we hit up the Spoke patio for a friends event. We pretty much just went for sitting in the sun. It’s so lovely up there in the early evening.  We’re not buying condo’s at the moment. I’ve had a couple thoughts of moving back down under lately.We were surely the youngest people there. It was kinda funny because there were these cougars who had very obviously had their share of work done and they were snarking at us and giving us cut eye. Michka was ready to snap but she kept her cool.  There were lots of fake boobs around. Beans was looking sexy like a Miami real estate agent. I liked it. It fit with the whole theme of the night.  I really enjoyed watching the photog’s creep around with their cameras. It was pretty awkward. They’d make eye contact and mutter “Photo?” or “Take your photo?”. I think I’d hate that job, always rather have photo taken really. I met a really cool girl but I can’t remember her name. Not suprising! We went off  about Facebook and Twitter and Blogging, the internet, my favorite stuff.  She said she was gonna read and comment on blog. I like when people do that, not just say they will. I’m sure she’s out there somewhere. I’d really appreciate if the sun would come out already.

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