hey, wanna go to a party?

Watch this video and lets hope you already have a way in or you come up with a good way to get the two extra tickets I’ve got because this party is gonna be seriously of the CHIZZLE. Warehouse, vodka, great music, one hell of a good crowd and 14 parties happening around the world at the same time. Our gift arrives in a crate with a party from India. I will be there and I know a bunch of people behind the magic making this happen and I can’t wait for it. Raise your glasses for vodka shots. Remember the other Smirnoff party GRAPHIC? You may have seen it on your TV with a one second unmistakable appearance from your fav pixie party girl at 00:18. Here are the deets: What: The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project: India Who: Jalebee Cartel, Shaa’ir + Func, Dragonette, Isis = Amazing When: Saturday, November 27th, 2010 > next weekend Where: The Munition Factory (so badass location) I dunno who I should bring with me. You need to be totally awesome and fun with a love for vodka and dance floors.  You must have intermediate to advanced knowledge of how to have a good time and not be camera shy. No bad attitudes or egos allowed. Strict dress code of personal style. Flare for conversation mandatory. Tickets are courtesy of Smirnoff Canada and the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project and you must be 19+. Apply below.

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you want ze candy? mmmmmmm&mmmmm’s!

Have you seen this babe around? Ok, just kidding, not ME, I mean this babe? M&M’s with a QR code? On Friday I got a package of a bunch of M&M’s and I ate them all weekend. OMG, so good. Now it’s your turn… M&M’S is using Google Maps Street View to hide 3 “Red” the spokescandy characters on their contest website (which is using the Google Maps Street View API). For deets visit findred.ca.  It’s a fun little contest that Canadians can play for the chance to win (drum roll) a 2011 red smart fortwo pure coupe car (I WANT THIS!) and other prizes. Full regs and rules/FAQ are on findred.ca. Clues are released daily, you can get mobile notifications, check’ em on FB, or follow ’em on Twitter. I’ve got $30 of M&M’s that will be delivered to one lucky winner because M&M’s want YOU to help find Red the missing candy. To win my prize pack, leave a comment/tweet on this post and I’ll pick a winner Thursday. Then, you will get to eat your face off just like ME! Nomnomnom. COMMENT RIGHT MEOW!

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VIRGIN AMERICA: upgrade mondays! yahoooooo!

Ladies & gents, now, not everyone is as cheery as me on a Monday, this I know. Virgin America and your Virgin Provocateur (ME!) are changing that! Here’s how we’re upgrading your Monday. Today two people are getting flights and a WHOLE bunch of peeps will get to see a movie with me and the VX team. Make sure you are following @virginamerica and me @casiestewart on Twitter so you don’t miss a beat aiiiiight?! Have you been to Union Station today? Look for our Virgin street team, they’re handing out coupons and movie tickets for a special screening of Due Date (that hilarious movie w/ Robert Downy Jr. & Zach Galifianakis). Keep your ears peeled on Z103.5 to win reserved seats too. YOU can HAZ these, yes you CAN! If you can’t make it to Union Station, swing by Scotiabank Theatre before the 6pm or 9pm screening and we might have some room for ya. I’ll be introducing the movie and giving away a flight or two so make sure you say HI to me. People, this is just what you’re waiting for! Think how lovely it will be to ship off to LA or SF this winter for some fun in the sun. Ahhhhh-mazing! See you tonight!

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inspiring social change is totally cool!!

good morning would you like some coffee yes please he says. some history, i have been following the work of craig kielburger since i was 14 and saw him on sally jesse raphael. he had just come back from his frist trip to africa with his parents circa 1995. i was working on publishing my book, JEANS, an anthology of poetry and prose. i was doing heaps of charity work in my city and found him to be so inpiring. i also had a crush on him because of all the great work he was doing. sharing two great items with you today from me to we style, i really love and believe in this company. he is great, see? me to we  ‘africa’ tshirt & monashee bamboo scarf  (blue) shirt: 100% organic cotton, designed w/ threads for humanity, all proceeds go towards communities, charities and grassroots organizations. that is very cool. get it here scarf: super soft and warm too, thick enough to be worn different ways but the material is thin enough that it’s not bulky, 64% organic bamboo, 24% organic cotton % 8% spandex. get it here when i was having brekky w/ michael yesterday we got a surprise visit from jonathan and his little mate, baby greenwald. oh god they’re cute. he was really into my new virgin america provocateur biz cards and can’t wait to fly virgin. get’ em young! for more info or style from me to we check’ em out at metowe.com or @metowestyle have a great day! daylight savings yahooo! what are you doing with said extra hour?

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I have a new boyfriend, his name is Andy.

He is an ipad. We are in love. Remember I said I really want an ipad? Well,  I painted, scratched, and WON. I could feel I was gonna win, something inside me just knew. Power of positive thought I tell ya. We spent the night together and I took him to dinner last night too. I named him Andy because I won him at the Amex Canvas event yesterday and it was artsy. We’re gonna be makin’ art together and  gettin’ creative and I kinda have Edie hair anyways. I downloaded heaps of apps: Globe & Mail, Angry Birds, ibooks, CityTV Video, Google Earth, Draw Free, Page Capture, Bubble, Twitter, Tweetdeck, Mashable, Facebook, GT Racing (fun), We Doodle (fun) and my fav game Cut the Rope. Thanks Amex. You are awesome! I’m really frustrated at the moment with a couple things. It’s one of those days. I need to get outside and soak up some sun. Maybe andy and I will go down by the lake on my bike. This is my photo, I am very deep & emotional. Andy Warhol drew the knives, I drew the blood and showed emotion. Someone on Twitter just said I am cute when I’m mad, why do boys always say that? I AM NOT CUTE. I AM ANGRY. I am really excited for December to come, I will be travelling and that makes me happy. I hope you have a good day. I’m sure mine will get better. I’m going to check the mail, maybe someone sent me something nice. BYE!

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she looks old and rusty but she’s a real beaut

yesterday i biked to the meetings i had. it was sunny and warm and i didn’t even have to wear a jacket! it’s the end of october, that is fascinating… well, because it makes me think about global warming and how it used to be cold by now but on the other hand it is totally freaking awesome. today i am telling you about my stuff… bike: raymi the minx, vintage > i need to fix the alignment. wanna help? jeans: shop girl gallery boutique, yoga jeans > these guys are so comfy. remember when i NEVER wore jeans at all, yeah, well that has changed now that i have these. rest time at the fake beach by the lake. nice to get feet in the sand and look out across the water with sun on your face. was quite beautful. sweater: marks, SOFT edge to edge cardigan > very soft and long, i like to wear it on the plane because it works like a snuggie but fits in your carry on purse. it also covers up your whole outfit and shows only the legs so you feel skinny and never ugly. i was walking back to bike when camera shot here. needed to take off sweater cause it was so warm out. btw it is also quite warm, the sweater, snuggly really. washes up nice and soft, ok in dryer too. mum and sister, you would both love this. tank: holt renfrew, bamjamz > made from bamboo and really really comfy, breathes nice, actually for sleeping/yoga…bike riding i guess too. that’s exercise. it has a panda on it. not a sad panda, a happy panda i like to think. hat: some vintage shop @ st. kevins arcade, ponsonby, nz. got it that day i went shopping with a…

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