after spending hours on twitter and tumblr
I feel like my blog here, my daily diary is missing my attention. I like to update is early in the day and the last couple weeks I’ve been so busy. See, the thing is, tumblr is so immediate and all about pictures and frequent updates and twitter is instant and short and wordpress takes longer for me to publish. It’s amazing how the world of blogging has changed since I started. My blog began on myspace with poetry in 2005, blogger in 2006 as, 2007 with a redirected and URL as In May 2009 I moved to fully hosted on wordpress. Moving to wordpress allowed me to have more control over the layout and design as well as widgets and plugins I wanted to add. Since I’ve been using posterous and tumblr, I feel like they’re all extensions of this blog, they’re all part of my life on the internet. Posterous is tech related things and nerdy stuff, updated almost daily. Tumblr is pretty girls and inspiring things from around the web updated daily. Twitter is everything in between! Oh god, I love the internet.
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