after spending hours on twitter and tumblr

I feel like my blog here, my daily diary is missing my attention. I like to update is early in the day and the last couple weeks I’ve been so busy. See, the thing is, tumblr is so immediate and all about pictures and frequent updates and twitter is instant and short and wordpress takes longer for me to publish. It’s amazing how the world of blogging has changed since I started. My blog began on myspace with poetry in 2005, blogger in 2006 as, 2007 with a redirected and URL as In May 2009 I moved to fully hosted on wordpress. Moving to wordpress allowed me to have more control over the layout and design as well as widgets and plugins I wanted to add. Since I’ve been using posterous and tumblr, I feel like they’re all extensions of this blog, they’re all part of my life on the internet. Posterous is tech related things and nerdy stuff, updated almost daily. Tumblr is pretty girls and inspiring things from around the web updated daily. Twitter is everything in between! Oh god, I love the internet.

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ever wanted to blog for MTV?

If you’ve ever wanted to blog for MTV, your chance has arrived. As you know I’ve been rounding up bloggers and internet loving peeps for stuff at MuchMTV. Tomorrow night we’re having a wee meet & greet with Dan & Jessi from The Aftershow, pizza, watching The City and then seeing a live taping of the After Show. If you’re interested in coming and writing about it on your blog let me know! Your post will be sent around our office and you could be one of the peeps to post on the MTV After Show blog. Woot!

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there is no right and wrong. there’s only fun and boring.

I usually leave the house around the time the bank opens downstairs. No matter how I felt waking up, getting ready, taking photos or leaving the house, I leave the block feeling happy after I see them. Big smiles, happy to say hello and wave sending good vibes. I hardly go into the bank, when I loose my card several times a year. I actually go into the bank to do things I could do myself just for the fun conversation. Today’s Little Outfit: tartan tube dress, Le Chateau 10 + years ago GAP cardigan mirror locket, Bang On Saddle shoes, Aldo The conversation, that’s why I love twitter. I talk a lot and I’ve never been able to talk to so many people in so many places so often at the same time. How amazing is that? It’s amazing. Just ran into Norwayne ‘blogging?’ he says. ‘Yes love, writing today’s story’ I reply. Across the bridge and through the park all the way back to the internet. All into my blogging & walked past Tims AGAIN. Logging. Wish I went jogging, but I don’t. I think I won’t, cause I don’t feel like it! Have and awesome day. I love you, I really do. Don’t be shy to comment. Conversation is fun xo

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you are what you tweet

A while back I posted a wordle (here) that was a misture of my most common words used on my blog. I did this one of my most used words in Tweets. Most common word on both (aside from RT) is LOVE. LOVE. Love is all you need. ♥ I used Tweet Stats and Wordle.

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i feel like a celebrity in this room with you

Woke up and had as couple great phone chats with friends. Fun night out with the work mates last night. I seriously love my work. I love what i’m doing and the people. Tomorrow May 2, marks 6 months working with MuchMTV. I was in my old job for two years and knew it wasn’t where I wanted to be. I needed to be doing somehting I loved. I loved twitter and blogging and publishing and internet and I knew I could find a job where I could show that love in a big way. I found it. There are so many new jobs popping up all the time, we’re a lucky generation to be able to say “Hey I want  __________ and I’m gonna get it.” One of the video’s I did for My City Lives last week talks about GenyTO and the group of like minded individuals behind the idea that started it in Jan 2009. I’m so inspired by the friends I’ve made over the last couple years. You can watch the vid’yo here, having trouble embedding it for some reason. Heading to Marijuana March Freedom Festival with my sis now! BYE.

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just another day, no big deal.

Saw the World Cup. Got my Kiwi cousins on MOD (centre, white shirt). Dixie Chicks. Chased a massive condo fire. Now I’m going for dinner. Hope your day is awesome tooooooo! 🙂

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