so, like what’s new man?
I was thinking about how many times you hear someone say ‘What’s new?’ Stupid question really. Each day is new, the sun rises and grass grows and you have feelings and you buy stuff and you live. There’s always something new. Virtual Insanity plays in my headphones and I listen to my blip station and think of all the things that are new since yesterday. I could write a heap of posts each day about new thoughts and things… I’m really looking forward to going home to see the cars that Dad’s been working on and how much they’ve changed. I didn’t get to see him for Fathers Day. Last year he drove down in the raddest hot rod. Jenie, Dad and I cruised down Queen Street. It was a perfect day. The Ford in the pic might be finished now but I know there are new ones around the shop. There’s always something old that becomes new there.
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