outside seems so much more appealing

I dressed like winter today. I have no idea why. I woke up and was whining ‘it’s cold‘ meanwhile staring at the Weather Network on Blackberry seeing 21 degrees and partly cloudy. I’m a dress/skirt girl. I wore pants and a hat and a big frumpy wooly sweater.  I prove to myself  all my thoughts I’ve had for two days of  ‘I’m not feeling great’.  It’s Friday afternoon and the office is quiet and I know there are beers being had on patios around me.  School next door has free drinks after work and all of a sudden I feel better. The phone rings and it’s Mum who’s calling from the boat up North and has the day off.  It’s lovely to hear her and chat but I’m in the office and have been working really hard can’t leave yet and have more work to do and don’t really have the time to chitty-chat and get sidetracked. We always talk about blog for a minute or two.  She misses it today because there’s no internet yet on the boat for blog reading.  I told her I laid in the grass at lunch and had a smoke and it was nice and sunny on my face.  I get to the point where I have to say “MUM, I’ve got to go‘ in a stern voice and I feel like a character in a chicklit book trapped at the office. I like it.   The book is being written as I live it out each day.  It’s my favorite story. I like this picture.  I like how little my feet are. These babies are a kids size 3 in the US and 2.5 in the UK. That’s mini. Do you follow me on Twitter yet? That would be a damn shame if…

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so hot – so fun – all sun

My friends picked me up from the airport and we went back to the hotel. It felt so nice to be in the hot hot sun and surrounded my air that was so warm.  I did lots of cool stuff like drink and tan and I even went to a nude beach. I was a good girl and didn’t take any photos  there (it’s VERY frowned upon).  I love going to nude beaches, I usually keep my bottoms on. You feel so free just hanging out and not having anyone really staring. I was with some babes and we frolicked in the waves which did in fact attract some attention. The girls were both buck , so I can see why!! My friend June (aka: June Bug or Sicilia Ricci)  from New Orleans got a really, really, big hot dog. I got a big pizza but her photo was way more entertaining. Look at the size of that wiener! MASSIVE UNIT! I think this is a very artistic one. As we were coming off the highway there are these people selling flowers. I can’t imagine what that must be like or how you even get into a job like that.  I wanted to capture a pure expression and snapped this photo of him.  It’s so real.

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i don’t think you should drink and bike dudes

NOTL – That’s what they call it. Like it’s a gangsta-short- code for something really bad ass. It’s a popular spot for wino’s and people from the State. If you enjoy people watching, grab a drink and score a seat because you’re sure to see some entertaining characters. I’m not sure where the people come from but it’s so much different than being in the city.  Here, it’s busy and noisy and there are so many people that you can’t even tell who the crazy ones are and you barely have time to watch the days go by. Good food at this place, Prince of Whales. I was a little shocked to see the below advertisement for Wine Tours combined with biking.  I’ve learned that biking and drinking, especially to multiple destinations, isn’t usually a good idea. By the time you get to your last stop you’re half in the bag and then you have to go all the way back home. I’m surprised that this place even exists. I wonder if I can take a dirt bike around to different breweries anywhere? Now, doesn’t that sound like a bright idea? This building made for pretty pictures. It’s a really old one covered in vines. I’m watching The Bachelorette and I think she’s a wild one. This could be an interesting show.  I dig that she drives a purple vintage classic. I think guys get snarkier than girls do and there will be some fights.  Shame the preview gives the show away and the guys are such dorks.

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borderline artistic with a little sauce on the side

I’m a very artsy girl. I make art stuff almost on the daily. Yesterday I photographed a TON of my artwork and am working on variety of prints, t shirts and fun stuff. You can see a huge pile of original work  including drawings, paintings and poetry at borderlineartistic.me. There is just waaaaaaaaay to much to post on this blog. I’ve got a Poetry Corner blog coming out soon also! Seems there’s lots of ‘coming out’ going on teeee heeeee. Check ’em out. There’s a whole lotta stuff.  The beauty of being an artist is the ability to create something that did not exist before. If you really like something and want to ask about how you can have it, send me an email me at casie at casiestewart.com. This is one of my favorites: careful writer patient spider

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H1N1 ~ HINI = hiney = haha :P ( flu+who)

I’m going to the TFC game today with a friend. Excited and dressed the part. My friend has a TFC scarf for me so I can really be ‘in’ it. I’ve been once before but this is birthday related which makes it better. This picture wants to be on it’s head. I’m not fighting it. I think that H1N1 is a better name for the flu but it also looks like ‘hini’ which sounds like ‘hiney’ which rhymes with swiney which is funny. And the flu was named by the WHO. Make the connection. I did. Stephen Harper called it the Mexican Flu the other day. I LMFAO. Had breakfast at School in Liberty Village. They’re kinda slow and the patio wasn’t open. I like the way it looks there. Very schooley. I was at the CONTACT opening last night. Will

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setting up for the world

I arrived on location at about 11am on Saturday. It was mighty windy and most of the team was already in motion. We had to make sure all was going to stay put with the wild wild wind! We successfully got the backdrop in a safe place! Ha ha wind, you are no match for a team of do-gooders. Look at @d_hock, no one can stop him.Erin & Dan were fueling the online excitement and tweeting awesome stuff like this, this and this. I was doing chalk art. I was in heaven. Nothing more fun than being part of a team when you get to do one of your favorite things ever. Did you know they have crayola spray chalk for kids now? It didn’t work that well so I stuck to the old school drawing style.

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