tell me your fear? ok, it’s everyone here.

I keep these in my room. If I’m being emo I look at them. It’s a fun game to sort through the things you have already done,  motivating to look at the others. What are you doing today to inspire yourself? I’m about to go for a long walk in the sunshine. Looks real pretty out there today. Snow next door is melting fast. I reckon one last hurrah before it starts warming up. Fingers crossed. I’m so excited for summer. This is me when Ilived in Bondi Beach Australia. I was so skinny, I hardly ever ate and spent every minute I could at the beach. Ah, that was the life. Workout at The Motion Room tomorrow, beach body is comin’ back. Imagine being a cat. This is Sammy working/being cute. I got her skinny side…her head. Aaaahahah. Caught ‘The Stand’ on MuchMusic yesterday by Mother Mother. That’s where title of this post comes from, I like it. Love them too. Tomorrow after my workout I have a photoshoot that will take up most the night. Looking forward to it. Been a few months since I had new photos taken.Ok, time to get off this unit and GO OUTSIDE! Ya, Spring Fever!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Ahem, what do we think about THIS? I miss the old Brit-Brit. yeah yeah, yeah yeah, ohhhhhhh. also worked at le chateau #1g5g #retail # my first job was GAP too #1g5g # “prada bag to a beautiful ____” #1g5g @davidrobert @AliyaJasmine # installed the @klout app in #chrome for @twitter. # judging you. being judged. # installed the @klout app in #chrome for @twitter. #fb # ok so consensus is you all hate text marketing. # I went on friend spree and accepted about 100 requests today. #facebook # “@javierlovera: Toronto is thawing.” # #jerseyshore is painful # What do you think about text marketing? # Haha “sloppottomas” #jerseyshore # Dina “the blast” is soooooo gross. Grease bucket. #jerseyswhore # #GTF # Heated Lester seat, pants. # Thinking abut growing my hair. Thoughts? # It’s a process to be a situation. #jerseyshore # #HIAM # having a couple beers tonight. i realize i work almost all day. been in my creative studio since real early. no time for sleep. # omg ronnie looks so cute when he cries #jerseyshore #DOM # fist pump time #jerseyshore #getcrazygetwild # looking at your blog on my big screen w/ @keriblog, @busblog. miss your guts, love you! # I’ve just snapped a new picture: # #kloutchat my score: 70 @Sonita_Lewis # “we’ve heard of it coming up in job interviews/ applications ” @klout #kloutchat # hey peeps in #KloutChat Casie from Toronto. Was in @wsj about @klout 😉 # i started my blog cause i forget stuff all the time so i go back to read and i enjoy it. good job me. # all vitamins are chewable, they just taste shitty. mitch hedberg # Photo: @keriblog except nap, Prairie, and comic book. # Photo: oh, that’s not Ken!!…

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this makes me very happy

My clean room is so incredibly sunny today. Can I tan through the windows? It sure feels like it. Oh summer, I miss your love. They’re back together. She got her Ken. I told you love was in the air. #swoon ♥ Happiness: Mum, a good fortune and the eight of hearts. Eights & hearts are my fav. I got a bouquet of tights from the spring line for Secret Legwear yesterday. THANK YOU!  I’ve been wearing tights Secret sent me all winter and to be honest, they have lasted, washed & worn really well. Casie stamp of awesomism! Considering I hardly EVER wear pants, getting these is HUGE for me. Shared a pair with my darling roomie @itsbrownbarbie. Things are better when shared, happiness for you, for you, for you, for EVERYONE! Was given a very special painting yesterday wrapped in this very special paper. I’m the luckiest girl in the world! Weeeeeee. Since I demolished clothes mountain and turned my once closet back into a bedroom, I’m finding all kinds of  gems that were hiding. Did you know I was nominated for a YTV Achievement Award in 1996? It was the first award show I ever went to. I saw Robyn, met Nick Lachey (w/ 98 degrees) and didn’t end up winning. It was an honour to be nominated 😉 Pretty much nothing online about them now, it was before internet was really mainstream. The reason was nominated was for that book I wrote. I found these articles in the same portfolio. My first time in the Toronto Star: Hockey Hall of Fame & NHL star Darryl Sittler came all the way to Cambridge from the big city to present this award to myself and co-author. Young Entrepreneur of the Year 1996: That very photo was in every…

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I Touched The Sky.

I looked at all the things on and really wanted to do something I’d never done before…so I did! I went on a helicopter tour of downtown Toronto! I was nervous for a few minutes but I can’t even imagine chickening out, I live for that nervous excited feeling. Here we go… So pretty our city, even with a blanket of snow. I reckon doing this in the summer would be just delightful. All the trees, the lake and water looking so nice. I can see my house! Was so neat to fly over downtown, take it all in from a different perspective.  We got pretty close to the CN Tower too. I was told they often get people planning proposals, especially this time of year. has so heaps of adventures to pick from ex. drive a race car, visit a castle,  massages, spa packages, golf, wine tasting and beer school. You can even book a segway and be like Justin Bieber. (Please tell me if you do that! haha) I think this kinda thing makes a great gift. All the stuff ranges from under $50 to ultimate experiences like attending Cannes Film Fest worth over $10,000. I gave away a $50 voucher in December. I’m sure you’ve seen the gift cards at Shoppers or Walmart,  and perhaps will pick one up when shopping for your valentine.  😉 *cough, cough* Hey look up, that’s where I was flying! Today marks the first day of Social Media Week around the world. I’m up and off to the Ted Rogers School of Management for The Evolving Role of Social Media in Retail. Have an awesome day!

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a long, long time ago i can still remember how that music used to make me smile

Watched the Banksy movie last night, Exit Through The Gift Shop. What an awesome documentary that was. The ‘hoax’ controversy that surrounds it makes it that much more interesting to investigate online. I love that stuff. One day you will watch my documentary and wonder if it’s true. I will brainwash you. Thinking about making a stencil and talking my own art to the streets. You will know if you see it when you do. You know me. These photos are all from tumblr people I follow, they are from the internet, that’s their source. I don’t own them, know them. Reblogged and passed on through bloggers around the world. They all reminded me of summer, some place warm with someone special. Daydreaming. You will never be younger than you are right now. Now. Now. Now, now now now… I want one of these for my birthday please. Perhaps a tattoo so I can make it real?

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i like the way you work it out

Morning everyone? Are ya ready? Let’s go. We are gonna work-it-work-it. Pushup skillz, I got em. Do you? Oh yes please and thank you for making me do this. Hurts but a good hurt 😉 Work it. When I’m down and I feel like giving up I think again, I whip my hair back and forth like this. Work it. This all makes me look so fit nevermind the next post where I have a drink in every photo. Having a balance is very important too kids but most important is a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e. NBD just air cycling. You’re welcome. Burpees you know what those are? I had no clue. That’s what we’re all doing here. The best thing for me about going to a gym where you are instructed and told what to be IS BEING instructed and told. I was a dancer growing up and I hated gym class in highschool.  I never really knew how/felt comfortable working out on my own. I feel much better about the whole thing now. How cute is this little angel April? Known April for a while now. We met that one summer (1997?) I did American Pie Beta House. Look at me here hangin’ with the Beta boys on set. I hated that outit, had to wear it for a multiple days shooting a really long scene. That’s my sis and Ish in the front. If you listen to happy upbeat music and mix in some dancing you will have more fun with your workout. If you dance in your day you will have more fun with your life. Trust me on this, I know. Workout inspiration/thinspiration is the Bodyrock Babe. Have you SEEN her body? OMG I die. So in shape it’s insane. This exercise feels like burning. James is a really…

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