yesterday on twitter, this happened:

there is so much that hasnt been said about star wars i could talk about it all day forever # With the babes! (@ Vertical Restaurant w/ @jgrdnr @urbannativegirl) # Thanks for the compliments & pix. Today was really fun. Love the runway, funway! #crystallightchallenge # Omg I’m a model! <3 RT @erinbury: My good friend @casiestewart on the runway at #crsytallightchallenge # Thanks mama! <3 RT @itsbrownbarbie: There she is! @casiestewart # Omg, my name is CASE-EEEE not CAS-eeeeeee. Get it straight. # Creepin’ you @jgrdnr @itsbrownbarbie @keriblog! #crystallightchallenge # Pleasure meetin’ you today @staceymckenzie1! # fashion show get ready time. here we go. #crystallightchallenge # Thanks babe!! RT @UrbanNativeGirl: .@casiestewart has the coolest hair! #crystallightchallenge # Hey what’s up guys. Busy day w/ #crystallightchallenge Hair, makeup & rehearsal done. # Runway is huge! RT @UrbanNativeGirl: Pic of the massive pacha runway #crystallightchallenge # Brought my new harmonica to the hotel so I can practice. # Fry like bacon you freshman fcuks! # Got a totally sweet leather jacket & new dress at #Holts Thanks #crystallightchallenge # What’s for lunch today kids? I’m going to Holts Cafe w/ the girls. Any recos? # Have a personal shopper for #crystallightchallenge Radness. (@ Holt Renfrew Centre w/ @urbannativegirl) # Beauty day out there eh (@ Metropolitan Hotel) # bloggy blog blog # i always travel w/ incense & my hotel room smells like a hippie # Morning & happy summer! # don’ wanna mess wit the #seniors eh @raymitheminx. #babe #

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is this the real life cause sometimes it feels like fantasy

Day started with Converse Fall preview. I love me some Converse, been a fan my whole life. Thanks guys! Raymi & I got sames. Couple known fashion bloggers in there too. Hey Julio! Raymi & I are a great team. Want to hire us to host/cover your awesome event? Email [email protected] Converse also hooked us up with backpacks which is awesome because yesterday I said I needed a backpack. Amazing eh?! I love life. Thank you universe! Blog girl gang hangs are the best. A blog girl friend will always take your photo, knows how to work the camera & likes to have fun. Follow the Blondetourage here. I did not write this. WTF? Awesome. I love all Barbies. Ditched the box & cruised down College in the sunshine. Next stop, Pepsi Showcase for NXNE at Sneaky Dee’s. Hi Mr. Bunning, nice to see you as always. These onion rings saved me. Grease, ILU. Cutest little outfit. Be prepared to see it heaps this summer. Sailor Casie FTW. SO many fun nights here. Nice to be there during the day & sober. I can totally see myself driving a mini. The day ain’t over kids. Extra drink ticket for later. Moohaha. Next stop, back to the Hyatt for some NXNEi. Let’s get interactive.  Exhausted face. Some of my peeps in this video about empowering influence. Hi guys! There she is, O’Nizzle fo shizzle. Stoked to take these babies out for a stroll. Tonight I’m seeing Kovak at the El Mocambo 10pm, yay NXNE. Tomorrow I’ll be at Interactive in the AM and have I an audition in the afternoon. Big week guys, big week!

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made a milkshake, now all the boys are in my yard.

Today I went to the Globe & Mail to chat a friend on the roof patio. Real nice up there. Stephen has a session at NXNE Interactive titled ‘How to Grow Your User Base!” and it just might include me. Check it out here or NXNEi Friday at noon. It was very serious. Look at this form. I work hard at everything I do. Left a note in Lina’s office & said hello to a few others in the G&M haus. Picked up my NXNE wristband. This is the media room. I had to charge my phone. Then I saw the Australian, he got asked what band he’s in. Haha. So cute. Cruised Queen Street, got a new Vice mag, picked up Chippy’s & went to Bellwoods. They actually HAD the halibut this time. Can you believe it? They are ALWAYS out. It was so hot & lovely out. Had the perfect outfit for tanning, loose shorts & tube top. Post lunch got a  haircut and guess what? Teacher also goes to Darrek Kwik Studio & he was THERE. It was such a busy day. I zipped outta the salon, walked to Liberty Village and went to School. They were having a summer BBQ and I had an awesome free dinner with a bunch of friends. Thanks guys! Food was grrrrrrrrrreat. Ok bye. I’ve heading to the NXNE Opening Gala then to see Tiny Danza at Cobra w/ Z-List. Hope it’s not too much of a late one. Busy day tomorrow too. Gah.  

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Aussie styles (@ Trinity Bellwoods Park w/ 4 others) # Stopped in passing by & found one @raymitheminx! Fry like bacon you freshman fcuks! Haha (@ Urban Outfitters) [pic]: # Hot Australian BF 🙂 (@ CTS) # No SENIOR shirts @raymitheminx 🙁 Found this guy though hangin’ w/ Dirty Crew! (@ Urban Outfitters) [pic]: # I keep seeing hot babes everywhere. Did a new shipment arrive cause like, they all unknown & fresh? #summerlove # Almost at Queen Spadina. Wanna meet me for bite to eat? # Ah jailbail smiled at me. I feel dirty. # Omg some dudes just got on streetcar fresh outta jail. Omg. Creeping me right out. Don’t make eye contact. Gah. #creeptweet # I feel like I auditioned for idol but no singing. Haha # My old hood. Used to live on Playter Cr. (@ Broadview Subway Station) # Pleasure meeting you today @julescasting. Glad I made ya smile! Check le blog on downtime, its fun in there 🙂 # Other dude in waiting keeps knawing on his fingers. Ewww. Maybe I’m making him nervous? # #annoyingdepartment girl beside me in waiting room scratching her head, hard & grossly. Long hair too. Ewww. # Audition girl was running late and I was early, what a change! Good to go @fairlieagency 🙂 # Omg I’m nervous @raymitheminx. Did you cut it shorter? # No #FathersDay for @shawnhawaii 🙁 #worstfatherever #triangle # RE: I heart you <3 # thanks for a fun time last night @mybeerstore! #beerboutique w/ @keriblog @raymitheminx @carlyannedotcom #blondetourage # I was ipod dancing to Yelle Je Veux tu Voir! (@YouTube # where is my baby daddio @shawnhawaii? #triangle misses you, come visit your damn kids! # hi honey @jusfrais, how is you? # #NXNE daily…

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boyfriend the ocean played live music for me

Best sleep of my life last night. Ocean, I love you. Your melodies were the perfect lullaby. Best bed ever. Huge wooden headboard is my love. So beautiful. Went walking Pensacola Beach by myself last night. It was so lovely. I had no idea the Gulf water was so warm. About to head to the beach now post brekky. Map of where I am here. This is the pier right outside my hotel. Remember the Gulf Oil Spill last year? Covered this same beach in tar balls for about eight miles. Same Pier. Oil came ashore on the beach overnight, and the waters were closed to the public. Geologists dug trenches aong the beach and there were veins of oil buried in approximately 4-6 inches of sand. Crazy eh. “It looked like tobacco spit and smelled foreign, and it pooled in yesterday’s footprints as far as you could see. State officials called it the worst show of crude on shore from the gusher 120 miles away.” Tampa Bay News It’s all clean now but still sad to look out my window to a beautiful view knowing it was once damaged by oil.Click for more photos or oil spill info. These kids were playing in this shell making shadows. I’m going to do that tonight. It was really cute. Passed by some bars but wasn’t in the mood for drinking. Hey Creep! Got the cutest bikini to compliment my pinup girl summer style. Love it. Saw this doggy in the window & had to have it 😉 This resto clearly has a sense of humor. haha Breakfast time then beach for this mama. Have an AWESOME DAY! xo CASIE

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some things i love (right now)

Sun on the face & warm air when I roll outta bed and go to balcony. First thing I do is check phone, get up, check computer, grab camera, go outside. The Lake, the Airport, the many people on their travels to work. This vintage Lion Breweries New Zealand Olympic Team shirt that was Mum’s. Buckler Men’s undies. SO COMFY (even if you don’t have a package to fill them out but probably more comfy if you do). Have been using some really great products lately and figured it was about time I share with you. I always test things out for a before I tell you about them and I only talk about what I like [DISCLAIMER]. You’ll notice I enjoy products that don’t have too much scent, are clean feeling & soft on the skin. L-R: Dermaglow Oil Free Cleanser – soft on face, gentle, hardly no scent Dermaglow Daily Moisturizing Lotion – soft, no smell, clean feeling Dermaglow Wringle Release Serum – see how young I look? Yeah. Use it all the time. Goldwell Ultra Volume Leave-In Boost Spray – good volume, doesn’t make hair icky or greasy Cheeky Monkey Nailpolish in Party Whore – Yes, that’s the real name. Colour is my fav! Redken UV Body Rescue – Stuff is amazing is you love sun like me. Treats skin post tanning & has a soft glistening glitter. Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Antiseptic Cream – MOSQUITO BITES. I hate them. Lotion is cool & soothing w/ tingle. Givenchy Play – Smell is soft, feminine & good for summer. Bottle is metal so great for travel, throwing in purse etc. Givenchy Blush Gelee – Hot pink jelly blusy, one colour for all skin tones. First blush I’ve used on regular. The Body Shop Body Butter Duo in Vanilla…

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