you missed this yesterday

have you ever watched this Toronto live cam? # Photo: this is amazing @laurenonizzle: RAHHHHH!. good find. # so nice that Mum is back from the boat. i really missed ringing her up on the phone and having her pick up. # Morning! # omg 13 degrees right now. damn all you people who complained about the HEAT WAVE, look what you did. SUMMER IS OVER 🙁 #crying # HI from backstage! I'm at #MTCC for the Power of Women event, follow my tweets -> @POWlive. Ellen is here today! Omg. # Just met @WBrettWilson back stage @POWlive. He's funny. # You are really inspiring @LeighAnneTuohy. Love your story, accent is cute too. #powerofwomen # Insha'Allah. # omg this is so funny. LOLing. # Frances Bean Cobain – All Grown Up (and hot) # haha ex-husband "Wasband" via @lorettalaroche at @POWlive. # CRTC deets about @MuchMusic & how they don't wanna play much music anymore. Remember the good ol' days… sigh. # Rummage Sale at The Gladstone this weekend # ooh, wonder if this one comes on @telus? Loved the earlier edition of this phone form @motorola_ca. # Bunch of things to tell you! Thursday Mashup on ze blog # i love my computer. # "Celebrities love yoga. You have to be very flexible to kiss your own behind' haha Jessica Holmes at @powlive as Celine Dion # Self marriage FTW. #powerofwomen Jessica Holmes you crack me up. #powerofwomen # Update from @POWlive on the blog #powerofwomen1 # Myself, @annavon & @laurenonizzle did a @kreayshawn photoshoot for @pinkmafia4life shot by @beccalemire!! # I love this. # "Fear is a make believe place" @amilya #powerofwomen1 # RE: @raumitheminx using a thighmaster right now. # back stage w/ @melissagrelo at @powlive…

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Saturday Hipster Hop: The Hoxton, Dance Party, Pool Party

Saturday night was opening of the Hoxton. we were told to be there early, but naturally, we rockd up closed to 11:30 and it was a mess. Cops all over the place, hipster hardcode lined up around the worker and the sidewalk covered in people. We were on VIP Media list but that wasn’t going to help at the time. There were so many people at the time that nobody was getting in. Asked Zane if it was worth it and came to the conclusion we’re better off changing plans. Wahhhhhh. Not Hox for these kids just yet. Media night is Aug. 31 so we’ll be there then. Everywhere was packed and since we were with some travellers, Scottie. Ross & Andrew and The Australian, we stopped by the Backpackers Hostel for beers with the babes. I always wanted to check that place out anyways. O’Nizz & I pretended we were travellers too and met this REAL CANADIAN. Bathrooms in that place are nasty. PLANK GIRL. Next stop TOTA so see some friends & DJs. This party don’ stop. Was so smart of me to bring that fan. Dance party. We all hopped the fence at Scadding Court and joined a bunch of other hipsters for a late night swim. IT WAS AWESOME. POOL PARTY! Sammy & Ross are vets at pool hopping. They were at the massive pool hang at Christie pool a couple weeks back. Everyone in their skivvies. Peeps were chill in’ all over the place. Not posting that many pix cause there were some naked peeps and imma respect their bums. Yes. Family photo. We missed you Seany! Cops in the distance. Party over. Saw a mega snake in the park. I touched it. I love snakes. Home time. The end. Epic night. One of the…

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Yesterday on Twitter This Happened

Lomo ARIGATO, @lomography! # Greeting EARTHLINGS!! # BREAKING: ATTENTION EVERYONE ITS HOT OUTSIDE # PinkMafiaLand This Week: I love Kissette DJs! #babes # scary monsters & nice sprites. #skrillex # Top 10 Event tonight, anyone? # rocking out hard this morning. gonna jump on bike, get coffee, drop film off @lomography & stop by office. feelin’ SO ALIVE today. # “nice blog. you have a way with words” compliments on writing & work is a really great feeling. GO compliment a co-worker today! do it! # (there are some barbie photos on my film. tee hee) # just ordered a sticker after getting inspired by an upcoming blog post. THANKS UNCURIOUS PEOPLE! # last chance to save $5 on #Beerfest tickets is noon today! Use CASIE as discount code. See you SUNDAY! # look like @klout scores were updated again today, mama’s a shiny 76 now. crikey. look out @justinbieber. # Dang. Need to get to ‘Sauga for noon. Can I borrow your car? # this was my JAM in Puerto Rico last year Don Omar – Danza Kuduro # who run this motha? # #Blog HOW ARE YOU USING @SPOTIFY IN CANADA? # Hey guys! Biked uptown, drove to Sauga & back for a meeting. Dropped off car, biked home. What did I miss? WHAT A DAY! # Thank you @tristanx for letting me use your car. MUCHO GRACIAS! Enjoy the beers. You deserve ’em 🙂 # Purchased lemonade from a kids stand today while I was biking. Gave them some business tips too. # can i make a lemonade stand or am i too old? how about if i 4sq it and add vodka but tell that in the tips on 4sq to ask for”special”? # Vodka lemonade stand is CLEARLY…

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big bang baby!

I got a picture of a photograph… I used to love, love, love Stone Temple Pilots Big Bang Baby. Those green pants. Swoon. They disabled embedding on the video, jerks. Yesterday I went to  visit the team of babes at doll bar inc. and boy was I delighted. Greeted with smiles, hugs and hydrated with ice cold San Pellegrino after cruising there on my bike.   They also had SATC on so I felt right at home. Oh Charlotte, is it the tea bagging situation? haha This is Melissa putting a real feather in my hair.  Planning to get more funky styles when they get more inventory. Feather hair extensions are so hot right now.  She’s pretty, one of those radiant personalities that makes you happy. They do all their customers nails while they are there.  Nice perk 😉 Doll Bar is 1099 Queen Across from 69 Vintage and the Social (RIP). I’m looking to arrange a special CASIE discount so stay tuned for that. Extensions for everyone! See the feather? I reckon not bestest for my hair but fun to have for now. I go see Darren Kwik Studio to get my hair done today. I’ve decided on this really rad cut I saw in Zambesi SS 2012 that is more rad than anyone in Canada. Can’t WAIT for haircut. After we played with feathers, Michelle brought out the hottest new accessory in hair right now, BABY BANGS! This is a game changer. They’re about $50 and wait for it.. Ta daaaaaa! They’re not trimmed yet here but how freaking cute? I die. Bardot blonde, I am so ready for you. Fall blonde, seasons changing. I’m thrilled thinking about the next couple months. Lots of exciting things always happen this time of year. Genuine chocolate happy face. Will be even happier this evening…

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GO AHEAD: this is your life.

You know who I love? @Telus & @Motorola_ca, that’s who. # Photo: Pure hotness. Sammy, Australian. # Photo: only once. # 300+ photos last night from @GoJaunt event. Whoa mama. Camera happy. All shot w/ @OlympusCan PEN. # 14 Ways to Create a Memorable Business Card [PICS] – # 36 sec video message from me 🙂 # VW driving tour! # Oslo Bombing Video Is a Facebook Scam, Infecting 1 User Per Second: via @mashable # Hampton’s Hipster’s via @newyorker #hampsters # There will never be a perfect social network by @BradMcCarty on @TNWsocialmedia # Gluten-free Mecca opens in North Toronto via @blogTO # Nice old cars & latte art: Toronto through the lens of Grey van der Meer # Omg @mrssharonnewman you are an idiot. Shirtless Nick scene next ep. #yandr # “@cherrysberries: Just received this rather awesome error message from Facebook.” never seen that before. # i was like a race car driver on the VW speed track today. mad fast & turning corners. i feel like i should have worn a helmet. # Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Gold Lion #spotify # Loving @spotify. Used my @Klout code when I was in Boston last weekend and I’M IN CANADA. #smartkid # “you fit into me like a hook into an eye a fish hook an open eye” – You Fit Into Me Margaret Atwood (via… # crazy awesome storm. sheets of rain. #toronto # Photo: Alice – teacup and saucer. hmmyeswellmaybe # been noticing more spammers lately. # using HTC Ledgend right now and touch typing is so SLOW compared to @Motorola_CA DEFY. # remembering #

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Panel on Panels at MaRS in Toronto

Last night’s panel discussion on panel discussions (meta) went really well. I was happy to chat a few people after who said they really learned something. Thanks to Johnny Bunning aka @emanintdot for snapping this photos of us. I forgot to get someone to take a few shots. Doh! I love sharing things I’ve learned over the past few years. I’ve learned heaps about blogging, the social web and building your personal brand. I’ve been invited to speak at the She’s Connected Conference in the Fall that brings together all kinda of females in business. Hope to speak at more conferences in the coming year. I’m a natural on stage! Although I love vacation, I really love working and it’s great to be back at my home office. It’s been a busy day with lots of phone calls. Planning some cool stuff for the next month. I wanna get in as many things as I can before the summer is over. I love this heat too. No chance of complaints from this lady! I watched this again and I feel like Optimism Girl today. If you’re not smiling, you will be after you watch this. Enjoy the day 🙂

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