The latest campaign from Perrier for ‘Secret Place’ is pretty rad. I showed it to my work peeps and we loved the complex digital journey. I really like mix between branded entertainment and game.  In Secret Place, you’re at the Ultimate Party and you get to live out the experience from the perspective of each of the 60 guests. Hmmm, sounds interesting… This is the part I love It took them 18 months writing scripts and scenarios to produce a film shot from each character perspective. Then, they had to build in the functionality to seamlessly switch characters with one click. Mind blowing! “Imagine having to reproduce the sound of a bottle on a bar as many times as there are people in the room who can hear it.” I can’t imagine. There’s are a bunch of different rooms to explore at the ‘Secret Place’ party, it you haven’t done it yet. I encourage you to give it a go. This scene gets pretty sexy… The prizes are parties at some of funnest places around the world including Ibiza, Art Basel in Miami, Saint Tropez, Rio for Carnival, and Sydney for NYE. The experience is available worldwide but open to 20 countries to play in the major markets for Perrier France, United States and Canada. I would love to win but unfortunately (for me) I’ve worked with Perrier and this is my second sponsored post. Last summer I told you about The Drop short film, see here. Visit to see how many lives you’ll live. I wish you luck. It’s quite a journey to go through the intricate video. If you win, I’ll happily be your +1! Have an awesome day 🙂 CASIE  

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The Wilderness, Downtown People

It’s hard to sleep in up here. The air is so fresh and it’s oh so quiet. The lake is still as a rock, frozen in time. Watched the sunset on the roof. It was realllllly cold. I had tears running down my face, almost turning to icicles. Sean took some snaps with the camera, camera. Nice to have a break from the city and be back up here. It’s warm inside with the fire and heat but I can’t wait for summer! Good luck to all my peeps running in marathons today. Sending love to Boston too. Enjoy the day xo ❤ CASIE

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Spa Week is on Right Now!

On Monday night I took Sean for a Spa Week treatment to Richmond Spa. It was SO nice. After a long weekend in Boston and feeling anxiety over the bombings, it was a chance to completely shut off my brains and go offline. We each had a 30 minute deep tissue massage with exfoliating back scrub, detox foot bath (with different detox foot bath systems), a foot massage and a paraffin treatment on our hands. IT WAS SO GREAT! Spa Week runs until Sunday and you can get all the participating spas by visiting and entering your city. Last night I used this Collagen treatment I got in my Spa Week gift bag and OH MY GOD. I could use these every night. they were so cooling before bed. I had a great beauty sleep and woke up refreshed. Next on the agenda is to bike more now that the WEATHER HAS FINALLY DECIDED to get warmer. I can’t wait for summer. This is my first summer in years that I’ll have a FT job. Luckily, our office is right beside Bellwoods in my fav hood. Love ya! CASIE

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You’re a Rainbow of Colours Going Round

Cool thing about Director/producer BF is access to fun props for green screen shoots. Now I can photoshop myself anywhere. FLY ME TO THE MOON GUYS! What a beautiful sunset last light. Had Burgers Priest by the lake and called it a night. Spring is near. I can’t wait to get a new basket for my bike. I need one that can double as a picnic. I made a SUMMER PICNIC board on Pinterest. If you like to park hang & picnic, let me know, I’ll add you! Just need your email (leave a comment or DM me on Twitter). We can picnic plan together like pals. Good fun! Heading up to the cottage this weekend and can’t wait. Been getting some good sleeps lately and using my best beauty products. I thought, what the hell and am I saving this for? I’m living NOW! Rest your arms, and rest your legs xo <3 CASIE

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My Boston Marathon 2013

* Note – I wrote this yesterday before the bombings happened in Boston. I was there all weekend. Thought I shoudl do a little update so I didn’t seem insensitive or something. It’s really horrible what happened. A friend shared this really great article in The Atlantic about the whole thing and I share it with you. “We actually have all the power here, and there’s one thing we can do to render terrorism ineffective: Refuse to be terrorized. It’s hard to do, because terrorism is designed precisely to scare people — far out of proportion to its actual danger. A huge amount of research on fear and the brain teaches us that we exaggerate threats that are rare, spectacular, immediate, random — in this case involving an innocent child — senseless, horrific and graphic. Terrorism pushes all of our fear buttons, really hard, and we overreact. But our brains are fooling us. Even though this will be in the news for weeks, we should recognize this for what it is: a rare event. That’s the very definition of news: something that is unusual — in this case, something that almost never happens. “  Read the full article here ORIGINAL POST from April 15th, 2013 12:30pm The actual Boston Marathon is today and I know a few people in it. I’m not much of a marathon runner (yet) but my weekend in Beantown was somewhat of a marathon too. We had an awesome time! I wish I was there longer to check out more sights and do more things. We’re already planning to visit again in this summer. Hugest thank you to my friends there for taking us around and showing us an amazing time. Feeling refreshed and ready for a great week! Make it a great one 🙂 [View the story “Toronto > Boston >…

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Fools Gold

Did you get fooled today? I didn’t. I wrote about corporations pulling pranks as a marketing attempt for the Pulp & Fiber blog though. Check it out here. This mixtape is pretty good. Listening to it now meow. Makes me think about being at an outdoor music festival in the middle of hot, hot summer. Ahhhh, soon enough my friends! Hope day is good! <3 CASIE

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