Kanetix Ltd. Contest: Vote for My Playlist – Win $500!

I’ve been going to the cottage in Muskoka almost every weekend since the start of May. I love it. Spent heaps of time in the car listening to tunes. My friend who works at KANETIX told me about a contest for $500! Um, yeah? They were inspired to find out what folks deem the ultimate summer driving playlist, so they reached out to me awesome blog friends to find out what our top summer driving songs are. Kanetix is an online comparison site for insurance, mortgages and credit cards, recently commissioned a study to find out how music impacts your driving. As a member of CAA and young woman who drives, I was in. VOTE FOR ME: HERE (Easy!) Vote for your favourite playlist over on the KANETIX blog before August 23rd and you’ll be entered to WIN $500! The blogger whose playlist gets the most votes will not only get the glory, they’ll also get to take home $500. Yahoo! My Playlist Let’s hope we win big money! Love ya, CASIE  

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Ted Baker London – NYC 5th Avenue Grand House

Started the day in style with Starbucks, sunshine and a smile. This is the lovely Patricia ⬆ and ⬇ that’s not how you spell my name but I didn’t care one bit, I was in NY and it was Friday. ❤ This was en route to the essence NY head office, (Justin Bieber’s concert sponsor). NY cabs are cheaper than Toronto, feels like you drive for ages before you hit $20. Cool 3d art installation painting downstairs. Great view from upstairs. Our next stop was the Ted Baker London 5th Avenue Grand House. It is gorgeous. Still looks like an old house in many ways, even how the clothes are hung and accessories displayed.  Right away I said, “WHEN CAN I MOVE IN?” I loved it. I adore the new prints from Ted. I got a this great new bag, pants, a few scarves, and much needed grown lady wallet. I absolutely love travelling. It’s less than three weeks before I head to California for six days with bloggers and best friends. I can’t wait!  Working on a post this week for the NY Ted Baker blog about my fav Toronto spots. Any suggestions? LMK! See other posts w/ Ted and me here. I’m going to make this week really, really great. We’re closer to Friday than normal and we are closer to the end of summer I care to admit. Put a smile on that face of yours and flash it around. <3 CASIE  

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Globe & Mail: Casie & Lauren at Soho House w/ Grey Goose

Just came across this photo of Lauren and I in the Globe & Mail from Grey Goose’s Cherry Noir event at the Soho House the other day. Yesterday at the Queen’s Plate I was hanging out with some of the reps from Grey Goose and Sean and I got to deliver the Grey Goose horse blanket to the winner of Race 7. Lozzie and I rolled up to the SoHo House all Blonde Girl Bike Gang style on our  bikes. Too bad our summer has been so mehhh, we’ve not been able to bike together much. Trevor is a Brand Ambassador for Grey Goose who travels around mixing cocktails and talking about the brand. he was there yesterday at the race doing a TV spot, if you caught it or see it on TV today, you’ll see my in the background! That’s all for now my friends. Will share Queen’s Plate pix later! <3 CASIE  

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Red Bull Solstice on Friday at Cabana Pool Bar

Hey lovelies. It’s been a busy month with heaps of events, NXNE, MMVA,  Vancouver, and Montreal. I’m dying to get back up to the cottage and will be doing so after Red Bull’s Solstice event at Cabana Pool Bar on Friday night. I was there last weekend, it’s a pretty sliiiiiiick summer party spot. At @CabanaPoolBar w/ @CommunityAgency. Party is poppin! pic.twitter.com/h1AjNcLLn5 — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) June 15, 2013 The event is free but there’s gonna be a HUGE line. I can offer a bunch of you VIP to attend. I’ve got 4 passes for 2 on the VIP line bypass guestlist. All I need you to do is tweet me and I’ll pick winnas tomorrow. Red Bull parties are ALWAYS a blast, I’ve been to a few over the years! This party starts at Cabana Pool Bar on the Polson Pier at 5pm on Friday and goes till late at Sound Academy. Tweet Would love to party with you as the sun goes down on the first day of summer! If you don’t win from me you and all your peeps can RSVP by visiting redbullsolstice.com. Much love, CASIE

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You Want Me Down on Earth, But I Am Up In Space

I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone…  I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn. I threw your sh*t into a bag and pushed it down the stairs cleaned the house, baked cookies, and make kale chips. Happy Fathers Day! They are a little burnt but I DON’T CARE, I LOVE IT. I crashed drove my car the Lexus all day yesterday to the Bowmanville zoo (photos coming) and around town in massive traffic, but I DON’T CARE, I LOVED IT. This is my Dad & I – Love you Dad! He’s in LA for the LA Roadsters Fathers Day show. I don’t care, I love it. With me in photos is Nataleigh from Coral TV. Photos by Shannon Litt Today is the Field Party, one of the BIGGEST MMVA weekend shindigs. It’s run by my friend Karine Delage and last year I filmed an episode of THIS on Coral TV at the event. It’s the spot everyone goes before hitting the red carpet (or bar) at the MMVAs. Tonight, I’m planning to go to the Universal Music party and the 235 Films party for the Drake video (my BF worked on Started from the Bottom).  Last year he (BF) won an MMVA award for DWW’s ‘Big Wheels’ vid. This year, The Field Inc. is  celebrating  10 MMVA noms for their awesome directors.  Huzzahhhhh! The VIP giftbags are valued at $500 (um, HELLO!) and include the Just Dance video game (I have/love this on XBox!), Green & Black chocolate (YUM!), Atlantis Niagara Ice wine, Hypnotiq, Fireball, Sleeman, John Allans products, Calvin Klein underwear (M/F?), MJ Cosmetics, and treats from Bath & Body Works. The Field Party & MMVA Gifting Lounge 2012 Have a wicked day! Love your guts 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Whatever Weather

I can’t believe I’m wearing winter clothes in June. Hardly rode my bike the last few weeks cause we’ve had so much rain and it’s been chilly. Just finished from a haircut at Evolve Hair Studio with Sonya. This sweater was a gift from kiwi designer Adrian Hailwood during NZ Fashion Week in 2010 when I was a VIP guest. On the bright side, since this is the first summer I’ve worked full time in over two years, I don’t really mind the weather. I can only imagine how hard it will be to gaze out the window when it’s super sunny and warm. Hope the day is treating you well 🙂 CASIE Posted from WordPress for Android on my HTC One

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