Tonight is Part 1 of BBQ Fest at 159 Manning. The Grid called it Toronto’s Backyard Coachella. I went last summer and it was so much fun! The event is curated by by Timothy A. McCready and Justin Peroff with performances on 3 different stages by Buck 65, Bizzarh, Biblical, the Golden Dogs, BB Guns, Michael Rault, Ice Cream, the Pairs, Bouquet, Choir!Choir!Choir!, the Good Enough Live Karaoke Band, Hollow Earth, and Almighty Dreem Egg. There are also DJ sets by Elaquent, Sunclef and Brendan Canning AND Becca Lemire is doing a SAFARI PHOTO BOOTH! #SafariRealness #159manning photobooth is live! First up: timmccready’s dad and his friend! @ 159 Manning — Becca Lemire (@BeccaLemire) June 13, 2014 TBH I’m really stoked about the photobooth. Thinking it might be a little bit like this…RARRRR. Becca said there will be REAL ANIMALS. Can’t wait. You can get tickets at the door and the party goes till 11pm! LMK if you are going to be there my TWEETING ME! Also, look up at the full moon tonight and make your 8 wishes. Today marks a special Friday the 13th since there’s a full moon. The next full moon on Friday the 13th won’t occur until August 2049. Oh, and I JUST GOT A TATTOO! If you’ve been reading for a while you will know I think it’s good luck to get tattooed on Friday the 13th, a bunch of mine were done on this day. Happy Friday! CASIE
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