#LoveThisCity: Priceless Toronto w/ @MasterCardCA

To celebrate summer and help people in TO experience more of what our great city has to offer, Priceless Toronto is offering MasterCard holders a whole pile of awesome offers and discounts.  I took them up on on offer to see a show at Mirvish AND visit the Science of Rock n’ Roll at the Ontario Science Centre. Let me tell you, after seeing to Return to Grace, my love for Elvis has grown by about a million. I’ve always loved him and we used to listen to his music at my house as a kid. The show chronicled the life and times of Elvis Presley and the role of Elvis was played by Steve Michaels, a Toronto born Elvis impersonator who is one of the world’s best. The show finished with my fav Elvis of all, the 1973 concert Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii. It was like I was seeing the king himself, I swooned and sang along till the curtain closed. I also became obsessed with being this Elvis for Halloween for the next 24hours. Seeing a theatre show at Mirvish carries an element of elegance for me. I remember Dad taking us to see ‘Crazy for You’ when I was little. We got dressed up and had snacks at intermission. I highly recommend checking out Toronto’s vast array of musicals that roll through the city. Make sure you check out offers from MasterCard here before ordering tickets. There’s a ton of offers for you to eat, play, shop and stay at some of Toronto’s greatest attractions including The Ritz Carlton, Canada’s Wonderland, Toronto Zoo, CN Tower, Royal Ontario Museum, Legoland, Ontario Science Centre, Harbourfront Centre and more. My second adventure was to check out The Science of Rock n’ Roll at The Ontario Science Centre. Sean, Emily, and I played drums, guitar, and hit the mic…

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#Muskoka: Life For Me Is A Riverboat Fantasy

Had a great weekend lounging at the cottage up in Muskoka. The weather was a bit cloudy on Saturday when we arrived but it was warm and I have no complaints! Boat is in the water so we got to do some cruisin’ around the lake. I’ve had David Wilcox ‘Riverboat Fantasy’ stuck in my head since yesterday. It always comes on 104.1 The Dock when we’re driving in cottage country. If you’re looking for some good oldies and classic rock, you can listen online here. My activities on Sunday included floating, reading, snacking, and sun tanning. Magazine reading has me thinking about layering. I know Autumn is a while away but fall fashion is just so dreamy. Brock & Jenn came up for the weekend and we are all obsessed w/ Doritos Roulette. They’re so freaking good! I’ve ordered two of these donut floaties and they should arrive before the long weekend. Squeeee! Watchin’the sun go down… Hope your weekend was great too. Next weekend Sean and I are heading to Boston and the weekend after that is a long one. Yeahooooooo! I can’t get enough summer, I love it so much. This week is supposed to be nice and HOT! <3 CASIE

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Give a Suit. Change a Life. Moores Canadian #SuitDrive

I’ve had a love for fashion my entire life. Unfortunately, I’ve never had a closet quite big enough to fit everything! Borderline clothes hoarder.  Twice a year I rummage through my stuff and pack things up to donate to a clothing drive or second hand shop. Last summer I put a bunch of old hot rod shirts and special items in storage, then handed over a few bags of clothes to find a new home. My closet has a bed in it and a tv. I wish it would clean itself into a room. — CASIE (@casiestewart) August 13, 2010 It’s important to get rid of clothes that don’t make you feel your best. No sense in holding on to things that don’t fit, they clog up room (and make it increasingly hard to find an outfit in a hurry). Messy room, messy head. It’s amazing how well you sleep with a clean room and after doing something nice to help others. From now until July 31st Moores is holding their 5th annual Canadian Suit Drive. For the entire month, they’re collecting donations of  men’s and women’s suits, shirts, jackets, pants, ties, belts and shoes. Items will be given to more than 60 local recipient organizations across Canada who provide job readiness programs for those on the hunt for employment. I love this program because it helps people seeking work dress for success. Looking good and feeling good for an interview gives you a boost of confidence. A good outfit and positive attitude go a long way. This is the PERFECT time to go through your stuff and donate your gently used/never worn items. Drop your stuff at off at a Moores before the end of the month and sale 50% on your next purchase (details). For more info or to find a location near you visit their website. RT…

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It’s your life. Make the most of it. #TasteLife

One of the things I love most about summer is heading up to the cottage, taking in all the fresh air, and boating on the lake. It’s an amazing way to really soak up life’s greatness. Over the next few weeks I’ll he sharing some of my fav ways to #TasteLife in partnership w/ [yellow tail] wines from Australia. I’ll be encouraging you to share the great things life has to offer on Instagram by tagging @YellowTailCanadawith the hashtag #TasteLife. Each week over the summer, [yellow tail] will post a new inspiration on Instagram and you’ll be able to win a weekly prize by participating. One winner will be selected to win an ultimate grand prize adventure worth $10,000.  Their winning photo will influence the label design on two [yellow tail] bottles next summer (2015). Here’s my first Taste Life photo, underwater blogging! I was using a DryCase product to project my iPhone while I was in the pool during a film shoot. To me, the ‘taste life’ mentality means making the most of each day, embracing those around you., taking in the simple pleasures, being spontaneous, and having a positive attitude. I look forward to seeing how you taste life this summer! Stay tuned for the weekly challenges and in the mean time, get out there and do something awesome! <3 CASIE

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Let’s Do The Time Warp Again! Blog History #TBT

Today I’m taking you back in time and showing you some memories from June 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. The main reason I started THIS IS MY LIFE was to keep memories. Writing things down has improved my ability to retain information over the last 10 years. June 2008 – SATC Movie came out and I went to a pink carpet party. Gave away an Energi to Go charger for iPod on the blog. It was one of the first things I gave away to readers like you. It was also one of my first pieces of branded YouTube content. Here’s the video. This hair, omg so long and dark! June 2009 – Pink hair for Pride. Blogged about Dermalogica for the first time. I use their products now and love them still. This old shirt of Dads. Bare arms with hardly any tattoos. June 2010 – Gladstone Hotel event, that feather tattoo has been covered by more tattoos. It was a nice one though. Sheldon, Hawley, Tristan Went home to see Mum, she gave me flowers from the garden. It was also summer of G20, I retreated to the island to escape the madness. I also protested in the G20. Well kinda, mine was more like a sexy protest. I wore lace leggins and combat boots and took photos of cute boys. 2011 – Katy Perry concert and I wore a sequin bodysuit with ruffles on the bum. It was so freaking cute. Always great to go back in time and remember fun moments in blog history. <3 CASIE

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Om T.O. Free all-day Yoga in the Distillery District

I don’t know bout you but I’m feeling it could/should be Friday already.  This week is a busy one as I’m working 9-5 and 4 nights this week w/ client events/freelance. It’s been a while since I hit my mat for some sun salutations so I was happy to see an email about Om T.O. – Free all-day Yoga-thon in the Distillery District. I’m gonna try and head there first thing Saturday morning to start my day. “Last year, 1,000 people go onto their yoga mats and participated in our inaugural event This year, we’re hoping to double that number and bring yoga to the masses,” said Casey Soer, co-creator of Om T.O. and co-founder of Spynga Inc., a participating studio. “It’s wonderful to see yoga enthusiasts with different skill levels come together to share a truly unique community experience.” Participating studios: Spynga, 889 Yoga and Wellness Spa,Bikram Centre,Downward Dog, Moksha Yoga Uptown,Soghrati Yoga, Yoga Tree, Yoga Sanctuary Senior Sponsor: Global Botanical Presenting Sponsors: Tonic Magazine, Spynga Beverage Sponsor: Wh2ole Water 114 #OM MY! #OmTO14 is just around the corner! Make this #SummerSolstice special with #FREE #OutdoorYoga with @OmToronto! pic.twitter.com/isH0faYGiw — Yoga Tree ॐ (@Yoga_Tree) June 17, 2014 If you wanna join me, I’ll be heading there around 9am. 40 min classes will be running all day from 9-5pm and it’s BYOM (bring your own mat). Follow on Twitter at @OmToronto #OmTO14. NAMASTE! CASIE * this one time in Costa Rica I was in a yoga video. Check that view baby!

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