Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #4
Internetting. I just wanna shut it all off sometimes. Hide away, wrap my wings over me and disappear. It’s not easy sharing yourself all the time. Sometimes you don’t get much back and you feel like your energy vessel is depleated. You get invited to all kinda of cool parties and people recognize you and ask to internview you and stuff but what they don’t know is you really spend heaps of time alone. So sometimes I take myself on walks and we lay in the grass together and stare at the sky imaging things were different or how things cold be worse, be better. I talk things out with myself in my head and set goals and think of things I can do to make the most of each and every single day. If I don’t take time to hang out alone I get cranky. I need self time. My mind needs time to shut down and relax. It’s these little moments where my batteries get recharged and before I know it I’m back at my computer with 28 windows open sharing all over the place and reaching for my phone to Tweet. We all have those days I guess. Don’t we?
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