Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #7

Every once in a while I go through days I don’t feel like blogging. I don’t feel like sharing. I don’t have anything to say. I just don’t feel like it. This is #7 in a series of posts with the same title. Today was one of those days. Sometimes I wonder if anyone notices…and then I go to Twitter. 🙂 Have some giveaways coming up for holiday, an exciting announcement, and two upcoming trips. Been practicing my editing skills on a new video. Spending lots of time at home lately too. New job has filled my life with social excitement and responsibility in a completely different way. This week is the calm before December storm that starts next week! I really love the holidays. ♥ CASIE

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Blog Life: Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #6

Today was a really busy business day and all I feel like doing is getting a huge slice of chocolate cake and sitting on the couch. It’s my fav night for TV, Criminal Minds & Modern Family. I want to shut my brain off but there is no brain off button. I didn’t blog today until now which usually gives me anxiety but to I just didn’t really feel like today. I tweeted, had my hair done and went to a PR event. I made a couple drafts but nothing made it to publish. I’ve been reading poetry while I watch TV that I wrote years ago. I used to write all the time. Did you know I was a published author in 1996? I co-wrote an anthology of poetry and prose. Lots of work from 2003-2008 lives on MySpace in a far away blog from many moons ago. I’ve been thinking about sharing it here, I just might 😉 Updated the old drawing blog Borderline Artistic too. It’s gettin’ artsy around here ladies & gentlemen.  Rogers included part of this old video on my episode last night, which was amazing by the way. Super humbled by the whole thing. I can’t wait to show you. Enjoy! ♥ CASIE Wind Lift The wind lifts a tissue, Roughly tosses it up and around Sharply throwing it to the ground. It races thought people on the street Catching on things as it passes And things it meets. It rises and meets the sky, Gets caught. Finds love.

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Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #5

Blogging is a weird and wonderful thing. I love it but just like everyone else, sometimes I don’t feel like going to work. I’ve been sitting in front of my computer, watching a movie, editing photos iPhone for upcoming posts. I made jello earlier. I have lots of things I want to write about but, sometimes I don’t feel like it. Sometimes my mind is distracted and floats into an ocean of ideas, it takes a vacation. I keep gazing out the window and watching the lake.   It’s very peaceful out there today. I need to catch up on sleep this weekend. I’ve been going non-stop for days, months and it’s only beginning to sink in that SXSW is next week, then Fashion Week, then Canadian Club secret adventure, Canadian Music Week, and then, and then, and then. NO MORE AND THEN. I get anxiety thinking about all the people, events, travel, everything.  Had some of the jello, it’s strawberry & delicious. This is a good song. This weekend is break time. I need to tidy up and pack for our drive across America. I’m watching this movie called ‘Cyber Bully’ and it makes me sick/sad hearing this girls story. I can only imagine what it’s like for kids in school these days. (Am I old now for saying that?) I had a hard enough time in high school and there wasn’t Facebook, Twitter or blogs. Her ‘friend’ created a profile of a cute boy who made friends with her and then spread rumors and basically ruined her reputation which leads the girl to attempt suicide. Having a jealous friend is the worst, worst, worst. If you have one, beware. They’re toxic to keep around, better to ditch ’em.  I learned that lesson the hard way. I think it’s time for a nap. Upcoming posts &…

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sometimes i don’t feel like it #3

I’m immersed in technology from the moment I wake up to when I go to bed.  I often wonder what it’s like to wake up and not check the internet. Blogging about your own life is a wierd and wonderful thing but sometimes I don’t feel like it.  This isn’t a new feeling. I didn’t feel like it Jan. 13, 2011, Oct. 6, 2010,  Aug. 2, 2010, Jan. 30, 2010. Everyone has days they don’t fee like clocking in at the office. Remember going on vacation and being out of touch and not knowing what is going on at school or around the water cooler? That doesn’t happen anymore. I’m addicted to connecting, multitasking, multiplatform updates. When I  break I escape to tumblr. Well, that’s not really a break from the inernet but it’s really nice 🙂

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sometimes i don’t feel like it #2

That’s just it. Sometimes I don’t fee like blogging or tweeting or sharing anything with you or anyone. I’m human, as much as try not to be, I am. But then, how do I deal with those feelings? I write about it, here. Can you believe I considered starting a paper/pen jounal about my feelings. this morning. Uhh, hellooooo? To be honest with you, every once in a while I feel completely overwhelmed by the internet. It’s partly because I’m doing what I really love doing and I created it this way and now I have to deal with all the stuff that comes with it. It get’s heavy sometimes. This week I got a couple really nice emails from people I’ve never met thanking me for what I do. Those really make me feel awesome.  Do you like reading that stuff? Sometimes I feel like quitting and doing a regular jobby workin’ 9-5’er. I have that feeling for about five minutes until I realise I couldn’t really get away with this outfit and creative tears start burning my face. In other news, I’m working on some really fun stuff that I can’t wait to share with you. Thank you for listening and reading and visiting. Please don’t be shy to comment, I like it. You can also email me if you are comment shy. Have an awesome day, whatever it is you’re up to!

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sometimes i don’t feel like it #1

sometimes i don’t feel like it. updating the internet. sharing my life. sometimes i want to just escape and be like one of those people who doesn’t even have a facebook. who calls their friends on the phone and hangs out in person with only a small group of friends. sometimes i just want to stop blogging and i think why, why do i share things i do and who really cares anyways? sometimes i just want to escape the internet and read more books and play outside. retreat to a cabin in the woods and smell fresh air and listen to the sounds of leaves blowing in the wind… …and then… someone sends me an email or a private message and tells me that i inspired them or they relate to me or that i helped them get through something. that’s when i snap out of not feeling like it and realize that i love it more than anything. sharing makes me happy and i hope it does you too ♥ have a wonderful day filled with smiles, love and friends xo

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