TedXToronto: September 23, 2011

I’m happy to my acceptance as a Delegate for  TedXToronto on September 23! I attended last  year and it was quite riveting. For details on how you can take part in the conference go here. There’s a few speakers this year I know personally so I’m really looking forward to being there. Not sure who the hosts are. These are two of my favourite videos from the speaker vids created by my friends at The Biz Media. First up is Movember co-founder Adam Garone and second Rob Spence. Reckon you’ll find them quite moving 🙂 Dropped off a bday present for Emma at Sammy’s work today and have had this song stuck in my head. It’s real pretty. Give a listen, you will like it too. Tonight is the Diet Coke TIFF party. Two more nights of TIFF before it’s over! Gah. Mega tiring. Gonna take a city break and go visit Mum this weekend.

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Raggamuffin is a freedomfighter

Good morning, good morning and how are you today? Mum used to sing that to me when I was little. Hoping I can go visit her this week. It’s Monday and I’m feeling great. Woke up early and been working from bed. Sent a couple invoices confirmed a few meetings and am ready for a stellar day. Off to pick up my new business cards. Kate starts working with me at the office today. I officially have a PA, follow her on Twitter here. Remember, you are younger today than you will be again, make the most of it! <3 CASIE Love this Jam – Selah Sue. So good.

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you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday: – I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/ddvtOAW… http://t.co/1JtBr15 #thisismylife # Hit myself in the face taking off my huge shoe. Dear god please don't give me a fat lip. # I'm so busted. I think I have fat lip. Scrapes from bike fall turned me into a hurt bag. I need a 24/7 helmet. # Grass stains are such a pretty sign of fail. # Funny thing is, the amount of people that said if I have a fat lip it will become cool & people will copy me. GUYS, NOT COOL OK. # Last night a guys told me an intern said she wanted to be ME in her job interview. ME! Hear that, Mum? # blog it like it's hot # downloaded Tweetdeck to my Mac, man I love Tweetdeck. I forgot. MISSED YOU TD! # Uh oh, Jonathan in trouble again http://t.co/kVhjYsw # promoted tweets are kinda annoying eh? # Photo: was cute yesterday. http://t.co/SXvzKrK # working on a couple new accounts @DurexSavvyLover & @fortyorkfox # Hey look who it is! New vid from @gladstonehotel feat. a few of your fav babes (@YouTube http://t.co/sSaqHzD) # Panel voting for #SXSW closes Friday. Love if you can take a sec to vote for our panel. Talkin' narcissism w/ a shrink! http://t.co/7G0CkOY # scrapes http://t.co/628hy4C # Congrats to my friend @JacLangheim for his first Italian Vogue credit! http://t.co/FvF5j6G #LATEX # I mean HER cc @JacLangheim #typo # today, i live on FB. #twerk # Photoset: http://t.co/83iGx17 # The Gladstone Hotel gets a Makeover: You’ll see a few familiar faces in this… http://t.co/XfFGfob #thisismylife # i want a sausage (@YouTube http://t.co/BSkMmzq) # Best brother on the internet @AndrewFstewart 🙂 #ILU # RE: @casiestewart @ejbrooks @rlangdon @flashpunk please DM your address. YOU ARE A WINNER!! #contest #caramilksecret http://t.co/uAIklNa…

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you missed this yesterday

Eye see youuuu @Eyeborg 😉 # New. # friends in Boston just lost power. #irene # hi http://t.co/InIu5cC # Going to Incubus w/ Sammy & Ross tonight at Molson Amp. # he also has a weekly feature where he shows you all the youtube videos youve already seen http://t.co/iO54Aj5 # Last chance to say what YOU would do w/ $250,000 on my blog for chance to win CHOCOLATE! Enter MEOW -> http://t.co/JSNSMR9 # Mum called to day the boat survived #Irene it's in Virginia. Yay! # sometimes it's hard, y'know… #casietv http://t.co/MZBy4yB # I don't remember Incubus songs…better refresh before tonight's show. I wonder who is opening? Do they have new songs I should know? # Hey new followers, HIIIIIIIII! What are you doing? # Lookin' forward to September Board Meeting w/ @LongboardLiving # i'm ready for more international travel. let's make that happen. # That Afraid of the Dark movie scares me, I'm clearly afraid of the dark or Katy Holmes. # Urgh, just remembered my bike is at Guverment. Duh. Took a taxi home. #dudewheresmybike # looking into going back to NZ for a few months next year. mum said nana isn't doing so well and i have a new baby cousin. # i need more time. # Incubus w/ Sammy 🙂 (@ Molson Canadian Amphitheatre w/ @dvln @rochlatinsky) http://t.co/vhALGbL # Five rows in, floor seats. omg Brandon. So hot. #incubus http://t.co/WkXtEPK # In love. # The hotness of Brandon Boyd can not be explained. Blog tomorrow will be #Incubus pr0n. #

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always have a dream that is longer than a lifetime

Thought of you when I saw this Mum. Orange hearts painted outside Roy Thompson Hall. Orange tie. Mel. Everyone was ringing their bike bells for Jack. I Rang mine heaps too. I love how he inspired positivity in so many people. Has anyone in Canada had an impact like this before? I loved the old photos and seeing things people made for him. Few cans of orange crush too. Drum practice at N.P.Square. Huge clap when his daughter talked about his fashion sense in the early years. The funeral was beautiful. Music, singing, kind words. You were awesome Jack Layton. Your spirit will live on in me and so many people. Your funeral was touching. (I balled my eyes out to be honest.) Biked all over with Keri looking at the chalk and reading messages people wrote you. Everyone clapped and sang at your funeral. Tears, smiles and lots of love. You made the world a better place. I will do my best too. Thank you ♥ * title is a Jack quote 🙂 [View the story “Jack Layton Funeral” on Storify]

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you missed this yesterday

this light show is awesome. turn out the lights and out on the party music. #ONstorm # Wicked storm photos! http://t.co/kyr5HTi via @blogto #toronto # Photo: love this. http://t.co/gZCnYHc # Photo: can we float in this together please? › [o] by [M00k] on Flickr. http://t.co/6V7QMv0 # Good morning mortals 😉 # Storify Adds Slideshow Format to Its Social Reporting Tool – http://t.co/ZLMblUj # Who is #TimCook Apple's new CEO? http://t.co/R2L0vxe # can you still get #FakeProm tickets? # MY NZ BF <3 Get It Hot Feat. Imagine This (Original Mix) – Central Station Records http://t.co/5JRwjny via @beatport # Sammy, The Australian is on set for #TotalRecall today. I hope for his big break 🙂 # Bloggers on Pedestals http://t.co/wpeuRsY via @kmueller62 # Steve Jobs Steps Down, Geeks Everywhere Cry @Sysomos blog http://t.co/Ct3EtLy # oh gawd, i love him! <3 cc @laurenonizzle (@YouTube http://t.co/tf1GRAR) # i wish someone made a jim carey creep video for me. # #SXSW Panel voting is still open. Show mama some love & vote hurreeee http://t.co/7G0CkOY #Psychology #Narcissism #brands # Stoked for a new project w/ @saymediainc. They work with some of the coolest thought leaders in the world! Yippeeee http://t.co/vruKr0y # what's for lunch kids? # Home of our show launching Sept. 8th 6pm ET w/ @StephenHenrik is —-> Ay Caramba Career Show @AyCarambaShow! AY AY! # "If someone is willing to back up their negative opinion with their own name, I’ll publish it." Well said @isaaclikes http://t.co/S8Bj4PL # Jane is my camera hero. Thanks for tips & film! (@ Lomography Gallery Store Toronto) http://t.co/wu8yXGi # Package at post office was no new shoes 🙁 # I wish Mum had a Twitter. She's so funny. Told her your Mum's have them @raymitheminx & @laurenonizzle 😉 # Are any of you guys a dentist? Looking for…

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