I chuckle to myself at this title and the fact that I’m called upon to talk about the psychology of narcissism and how it affects brands. I know it has a lot to do with how technology and society have changed the way we communicate but it’s still kinda funny. I reckon Mum thinks it’s funny too. I’ve not changed much since I was a kid, seriously. Our SXSW panel was really awesome. The room was packed, we had great discussion and there were lots of questions following. I enjoyed meeting psychotherapist Dr. Jacob Small and discussing my own ‘personality disorder’ and how narcissism is extremely prevalent in todays society. During our panel I learned that Narcissism as a clinical disorder is being removed from ‘the book’ and added as merely a symptom of other personality disorders. Good looking panel, eh? 🙂 It was ADVANCED Level. Oh yeah. Interestingly enough, a couple days before this panel I was written about in local Toronto weekly, The Grid about being an introvert then the very next day an extrovert. I definitely have both sides to my personality but I’m clearly a highly functioning crazy person. I’m speaking at NXNE in June about the same topic and hope you’ll be there to see it. I’m sure I’ll be able to hook up some tickets for our panel closer to the date. Yeeeeeeehaw! All photos by the lovely Kate Killet. Now I am late for lunch w/ Telus. Byeee! Wear sunscreen!

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Canada Blast is a showcase of a heap of awesome Canadian bands from March 13-18th at SXSW in Austin. It kicked off yesterday with a BBQ at Brush Square. View of downtown Austin from the Hilton across from the convention centre. Some team Canada friends were stayin’ here. Crazy to see how busy the streets were. Parties EVERYWHERE. Parachute party w/ @richaucoin #sxsw@ Canada Blast instagr.am/p/IK6f2bya-y/ goo.gl/peVkk — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 14, 2012 Dec 31, 1969 | Source: Keek.com If you are still at SXSW, the Canada House tent has bands all day every day until Sunday. GO!It’s open to everyone and right at the corner of 4th & Neches by the convention centre. This ones for you Mum! @thesheepdogs @ #sxsw @canadianblast Mar 14, 2012 | Source: Keek.com Best beard goes to Ben Caplan. Sheepdoggy style, beards & mega long hair. Love it. Seen then a few times now (see here). Check out the full lineup for the week at canada canadianblast.com/sxsw2012.  

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Good  morning, good morning, and how are you today? I’m feeling a wee bit frazzled since we leave for SXSW Wednesday. I woke up early, cleaned my room, did the dishes and started packing. I’m about to get dressed and head to MTCC for The Art of Marketing, Randi Zuckerberg from Facebook is speaking today. Been offered a pretty sweet new in fashion so I need to make one stop around Dundas Square today.  I can’t wait to tell you about it, it’s cool.  Meeting Lauren at Yorkdale mid day for a SHOPPING SPREE at West 49 & Billabong cause they’re sponsoring us for SXSW. How freaking cool eh? Ahhhhh. On my way back downtown I’ve got a fitting at Peach Berserk cause guess what? I’m walking in the (huge) closing show, Dare to Wear Love for Mastercard International Fashion Week on March 17th. Ahhhhhh again! Tonight my SXSW team has a meeting to plan out the final details and out route from Toronto to Texas.  It’s been years since I went on a big road trip and this is by far the biggest one ever. I can’t wait to get there. If you’re gonna be there LMK & make sure you add my panel to your schedule. It’s Sunday at 12:30! Have an awesome day! P.S. MUM, I miss you. Call me xo  

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It’s beautiful out today. Go soak it up. <3 CASIE Glasses: Hilary Rowley Scarf: Vintage, Mum Lipstick: Kate for Rimmel Shirt: Bicyclette Boutique Jacket: Vintage, Timeless Mala Beads: Tiny Devotions Salmon Pants: Secret Shop Shoes: Sperry Top-Sider Smile: natural 🙂

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Yesterday I met Canadian digital artist & painter Antoine Gaber who is working on a documentary film to debut at Festivals  called “It’s All About Me”.  (Mum is surely gonna have a chuckle when she reads this. Yes Mum, he wants ME to be in it!) I watched the demo trailer (for investors) and the film is all about GenY, narcissism and all the technology we have at our fingertips. Most the characters and content are being filmed in LA (Hollywood) and I’m shooting later this month in Toronto.  I sat in the directors chair, I liked it. On my way home I noticed the TTC has pinched Dear Photograph idea, no? It was sunny and bloody windy as hell! Finished up the day with a steaming hot yoga class at Mind & Body Yoga.

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Big ups & congrats to Bret McKenzie for winning an Oscar last night. I’ve been a fan of his since the first episode of Flight of the Conchords years ago. One time at Hemingays I met two dudes who looked JUST LIKE Bret & Jemaine, post here. In spirit of my love for New Zealand and missing my family here’s a great pic of Bret from last night’s show and a beautiful video from Cantebury New Zealand. Dad used to wear Cantebury all the time when I was a kid. Love the brand long time.  New Zealand is full of babes! 🙂 Mum is in Auckland right now my my auntie’s house.  I so badly want to go back and see my friends & family. Later this year  hope!

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