In the light of the sun, you shine so bright. You do.

Welcome to my grass patch, glass castle in the sky. Shopped the Peacock Parade sale yesterday. Got the vest. You like? I love. There were so many nice things. I realized I have a clothes problem when I looked through the Line Knitwear leathers and found one of my own, the shoes that matched ones I have. I must clean my room. I attempted last weekend but failed. They had a bunch of stuff by Nicole Miller. Remember when her and I were hanging out with Derek in New Zealand? SO fun. The cafe at the hipster Queen Street Loblaws is great for people watching. It’s also sunny. Had a second of sadness as the Fashion Television truck drove by. No more FT. I hear the Dare to Wear Love fashion show was on it. A couple people said they saw me. LIFE GOAL, check that one off the Bucket List. Loved that show for over 20 years. That’s my Tattoo shop beside Shoppers, FY Ink. I’ve got an appointment there tomorrow to get some work on my sleeve done. I’m so incredibly excited. A hot blonde girl is doing it. This is my Sharpie rendition. I always draw them on first, hence why right arm is being done. I’m left handed! Today & tomorrow is a HUGE Billabong sample sale. It used to be held in the Carpet Factory building in Liberty Village when i worked there and I got heaps of stuff over the years. Good prices, lots of merch. I’ve been wearing Billabong for ages, see all kinds of past outfits here.

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So, @whoinspiresu? You could win $10K!

In 2009 I heard/blogged about this great contest where you make a video about something or someone who inspires you and you’re given the opportunity to win $10,000. Well, the ‘Who Inspires U?’ Video Contest for 2012 has begun and Tri-Cyclen Lo is on a mission to help empower young women across Canada achieve their dreams! They’re are giving $10,000 in cold, hard cash to support your quest for GREATNESS!! Inspiration is a HUGE part of how I got here and turned my dream into a reality. I’m living it out every single day. One of the most inspiring people in my life is my Mum, she’s always encouraged me to be myself, be creative and follow what I was really passionate about. This weekend I asked her about inspiration, what it means to her and what inspires her. Here’s a mini interview with my lovely Mum on inspiration, creativity and living a great life. Enjoy! You’ll like her accent I reckon! The Who Inspires U? contest is open to young Canadian females  ages 18-34 (no Quebec, sorry!). There is also a monthly contest with an AWESOME prize pack of an iPad 3, coach bag and Dior fragrance. I just entered. To enter yourself click HERE. Here some useful links for more information about the overall $10k contest, monthly contest, prizing &  video requirements: Monthly Contest $10K Video Contest  Official Facebook Official Twitter Official YouTube Contest: Rules & Reg Your video must be 5 minutes or less and submitted between March 1st 2012 and May 18th, 2012. All videos will be judged on creativity and entertainment value of the video and your inspirational story and how you are striving to achieve your inspirational dreams, so get creative!! You will have a chance at winning $500 in Round 1 if you are in the Top…

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Going Home

Older people always tell you ‘time goes fast then’ you get older and you become that person. It’s true. Both things. When I get really drained from life & the city I like going back to my home town. I grew up in Cambridge, Ontario, I went there this weekend. Have you been? It’s quite lovely, and quiet and you can see way more stars. I have a group of friends there that I always see. One even lives across the street in Toronto but I pretty much only get together him when we’re all home for a holiday. It’s awesome. No matter how tired I get from travel, events, work life, nothing reenergizes me like some home cooking and chatting at a familiar place with the crew.  Other great re-energizers are yoga and cottages. This weekend has for once (in a longish while) been really relaxing. Saturday night I had a hot tub and went to bed early. Friday night I had poutine and some serious Draw Something. Add me: casiestewart.  We all get so busy and technology is such a part of our lives that it’s really hard to shut off. Ok not for everyoneeeee but lots of us. Especially me. I’m sitting in my old room at Mum’s as I wrote this and it’s quite magical how inspiring it is for creativity. Tonight her and I went on a date to see Hunger Games and I loved it; girls night AND the actual movie. Have you seen it? The fashion made me really excited for Halloween. Or whenever! Look at those lashes and hair. I love this, I do. Hat gloves, earings, eyebrows, lipstick. I know I’m late to the boat but sheesh, why didn’t anyone inform me of this. There was even love story! The movie used 35 full-time makeup artists. And there were…

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I heard Tuesday is the most stressful day of the week?

It’s always been one of my favourites. I’ve been working from standing desk every Monday and I’ve found it to really increase my productivity. I’m working with a bunch of new people in exciting projects. I’ve just joined the Board of Directors for a new fashion brand 3F, who has a store at Yonge & Dundas. More on that in the coming weeks… Made my fav lunch today, Campbells Tomato Soup with rye toast. Something about it makes me feel right at home. Mum used to make it for me all the time. Barbie and I turned out living room into a jewellery studio last night. We were much more successful at mess making than starting a new line of anything. We won’t be quitting our day jobs anytime soon. I made this necklace that includes some pieces of old things I had in these many bins. I wanted to make something with keys on it after seeing a few on Pinterest and as SOOON AS I was done. I got an email from Stolen Girlsfriends Club (my fav NZ designers) and they had a similar necklace that just came out. You could say I’m quite on trend 😉 Concierge rung me to let me know I received a fancy looking package from KitKat. Lucky me! It’s actually really cute & full of things to de-stress myself; chocolate, stress ball, tea, iTunes card, note pad and some really good smelling tobacco oil.  The ‘Take-a-Break’ kit came to inform me about National Stress Awareness Month. KitKat is giving away all kinds of money & prizes on their FB page at Getting a prize of $100K would CERTAINLY alleviate an stress I have. For now, I’ll take the snacks. Thanks guys! Off to a meeting next door then back home to dive into this chocolate & tea. Have an awesome day! <3…

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TTC Tales: I’m trapped.

We came to an erect halt and everyone looked around in wonder. That’s not supposed to happen. I can see the train moving on the tracks beside us, but in the opposite direction. The business men beside me are talking about resort skiing through powder and trees. I used to ski. I’m dressed like one of their kids. First thought in my mind is “we got a jumper”. Morbid I know. I blame TV for that. We hear mumbling over the loud speaker and I instantly think of 1984. My mind races and I imagine being trapped down here. I’m glad I have coffee and an almost full bag of Reece’s Pieces minis to tie me over. iPhone is full battery. I forgot headphones. I begin to feel a familiar pain in my chest, anxiety. I remember I have cigarettes and a lighter and I know it’s no smoking but if I never get out of here, I will die happy. The train begins to move. My heart beats normal again. The skiing man smiles at me and we’re moving. The end. * I wondered why the subway was above ground and realized I got so into my story, I missed my stop. Rosedale to Wellesley here I come.

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Photo by Spiro, Just saw this ride in Windsor. It’s for sale. Mum & Dad had a brand new one just like this in 1979. So hot.

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