Fashion Friday: Wanelo, NastyGal, Sherway Gardens winners

Been loving a couple online shops lately. I don’t buy as much in real life as I do in my dreams but I like the ideas they give  me to spice up my existing wardrobe.  This image is from the Wanelo email. Wanelo is “a way to find unique products and stores you have never heard of.” I’ve been drooling a bit, figured I should share! I hate the emails from Nasty Gal, they read my mind and know exactly what I want/am wearing. The ads follow me around online, taunting me with things they know I want. JERKS! These emails are what made me cave and buy a few pairs of Jeffrey Campbell shoes. Everything they send out is so nice and they have a monthly lookbook. I think I have all these outfits on some vintage variation. I love Jane Fonda in this Pucci Pre-Fall outfit. My fav collections are Cruise & Pre-Fall almost every year. One day I’ll have a boat and get to wear the cruise collections. Until then, I’ll settle for Mum’s boat and her vintages. 😉 Some wisdom shared by two of my fav fashion blogging ladies, Gala Darling, a Kiwi blogger living in NY and Gala Gonzales, an It Girl from Spain, living in London who travels the world for fashion. I partied with Gonzales in NZ at Fashion Week once. They’re both awesome girls you should know. Follow G.Darling and G.Gonzales. On this day last year I arrived in Pensicola, Florida for work. We stayed in Margaritaville. It was beauuuuuutiful! Planking was a thing at the time and I tried to create a new trend ‘mermaiding’, it never picked up. See some pix here. There were over twenty entries for the Sherway Gardens Spring Style contest and the winner is… VANESSA GRILLONE. Thank you…

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The power for good given to us in this world will be continued beyond it.

Mum still has my copy packed away at home. I loved this book. I still do. If you see a big sunshine coming down the street, it’s just me smiling. 😉 — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 30, 2012

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Personality is Everything in Art and Poetry.

Exciting week just passed and I am SO ready for a getaway! Tomorrow I’m scooting up north to the countryside with Barbie to a friends cottage. Give me nature, lake, silence and sunshine. YES PLEASE. Ate pretty healthy this week and went running a few times. Feels good to hit the pavement. Got a haircut at Darren’s Studio and had my first spring picnic in the park. This Week in Venn via SAY Media: The Secret to a Successful Modern Media Brand – I love reading this blog post each Friday. Always an interesting & fresh perspective about marketing, internet and brands.    Coral TV – Edgy Veg Launches and I’m Coming Soon! This week Candice’s show on CoralTV, The Edgy Veg launched! She’s adorable. If you missed the news earlier this week, I’m the latest addition to the Women’s Lifestyle Channel, my show will be launching in about a month! I made it to the final round in the BLOG FOR BANFF competition. THANK YOU. Final voting closes Tuesday, no signup and takes one second. Please cast one click for me. You can vote from web, mobile, tablet so get ’em all in there! Discovered the spot where my next Dear Photograph submission will be taken from. Turns out Mum used to hang out exactly where I like to hang out now. Her photo is from the ’70’s I think. Mum, can you confirm? Check out the skyline, or lack there of! Please be careful this weekend, wear sunscreen, don’t drink & drive, and play safe. May24 is the kick-off to summer, make it a good one! Next weekend is Memorial Day in the USA and I’ll be in the sunshine state soaking up Florida rays. Can’t wait! Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE * title is a quote  by  Johann Wolfgang von…

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She Gives The Best Advice

Had a lovely weekend with Mum. Brekky waffles were to die for. Heading back to the city. Tomorrow is my last day cruising in this Infiniti G37. I absolutely LOVE this car. Time to hit the open road in the sunshine! You are the author of your own life story, make it an adventure! Have fun. Call your Mum and tell her you love her. Heck, call someone else’s Mum too while you’re at it! Enjoy the day! <3 CASIE

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There’s No Place Like Home

Good morning from Cambridge, Ontario! I’m up early at Mum’s to do a wee bit of work. It’s going to be a lovely day. Sun is shining bright. I’m a bit slower at using this Dell Ultrabook than Mac but it’s good. Soon as I arrived yesterday, Mum and I went cruising to all kinds of places like my old dance studio, modelling studio, visiting old friends, old work and finally through Langdon Hall Country House Hotel. Some family friends live up the street and we used to run around the back forrest and play there when we were kids. Mum had a chuckle as we left cause a young man who worked there came out and invited us inside as soon as I pulled up. It was really cute. Check out this old photo. I was a teen model/actress many moons ago. Teen model profile on the wall circa 1997. #sisters #model #acting@ Expressions by D.S.K — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 10, 2012 ; Dad is on his way, in a really rad car I’m sure and we’re going cruising then for brekky. I’ve got lunch with a friend in Kitchener and then heading to see a band later. If you are in the area and wanna hang out, LMK. I absolutely love driving this G37, it’s got some real attitude! Dad just pulled up in a 1932 Ford English wide model.We think it’s the only one in Canada. GOTTA GO! <3 CASIE

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It Feels Good

To be thirty. I’m ready to embark on a new decade with even more enthusiasm than ever before. My sister and I are sitting in the window at Factory Girl laughing and crying as we turn the pages of Dear Photograph. It came out yesterday and is the perfect gift to give your mama this weekend. Give a box of kleenex too. It will remind you that life is short and you need to make the most of ever single day because you will be old and the days will be gone before you know it. Mum and I are on page 107. Congrats to Taylor Jones from or all the success on this amazing venture. It started out as an idea and a blog and it’s touched so many people around the world. Happy to know you. Submit your own at SMILE. Call someone and tell them you love them. Paint, draw, sing. Don’t let another day pass you by. Yesterday you said tomorrow 🙂

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