Stick Up for Yourself, Son

Never Mind What Anybody Else Done

Feeling so excited. I might just take off, levitate, hover, from one place to another. It’s a holiday in Ontario but when you are an entrepreneur you don’t really get many days off, you don’t want to. Hopefully you are doing work you love that doesn’t ‘reallllllly’ feel like work. Friday, I fully made myself not work and I slept the entire day. Today, I’m working and getting ahead on things for the week. Have a video shoot today for something in LA LA Land. I am crossing my fingers, sending all my positive energy into the universe, hoping that a few things that have come up lately work out. You can cross yours too. I think it will help. This time last year was the calm before the storm of work and events that kicked off in September. Here’s to good things happening! Set your goals, write them down, tell your friends, tell a stranger. The best way to make them a reality is to believe in them.  Your thoughts become things!! This song always makes me feel like I can do anything. In Other News: Check out my latest episode of THIS: The Hot Internet Show on Coral TV, talking Creative Blogging (watch for my vids in the promoted section of!)  My latest post on the SummerWorks blog: Dare Night Lockdown Please like my Kurations on & Enter yourself! Madonna tickets & weekend getaway! Helloooo. NEXT, GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND GO OUTSIDE! P.S. Mum, if you get Internet, call me. Love you. (She is in NY sailing back to Canada right now!)

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-15

The Queen’s Trunk Pop-Up Shop, This Weekend in Toronto!: As a lover of #fashion Art fears business fears art via @thisissethsblog # #sprinkler #nofilter #olympus #penready @ Muskoka Lake # Just posted a photo # #Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-08: – If you’ve watched my show on @CoralTV… #thisismylife # Sunday at the office. # “Float On” # Photos from the @SummerWorks VIP soirée at The Great Hall Thursday # Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn…: The sweetest sight ever… #thisismylife # #nofilter @ Morrison Lake # Queen & Spadina closed for 2 weeks is gonna be insanity. # The 3 Phases Of Social Media #readthis #content # Watertower by Tom Fruin

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A Special Reminder for You…

in case you forgot…  

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FW 2012 Levi’s Preview & Your Personal Brand

Last week I attended the FW 2012 preview from Levi’s at The Burroughs Building, one of my favourite venues in the city. I’ve been a lover of the Levi’s brand since I had my first pair as a kid. I remember how excited  was to rock my first 501s. I was happy to see the brand taking a stept outside the denim box into lifestyle clothing. I’d really in love with the little dress. There’s a bunch of denim dresses in the SS collection I would love to be wearing right now. It was nice to see some creativity in the fashion show. You’ll see how the models each came out and walked the stage playing ‘characters’ who wear Levi’s. There was a few couples dressed in similar styles, the preppy kids, hipster boy with a fixie to show lock holder on jeans, pretty girl in the dress, and suave babe in blazer. It was nice. Not to mention the whole performance starting with shirtless hunk. Watch The Video: I’m pretty sure every fashion editor in the city was there. We watched all the models get dressed in different styles right before our eyes. This guy was the babe of all babes. Last year I wrote a piece for The Levi’s Girl blog about building your personal brand. “Casie Stewart knows a thing or two about leaving an online footprint. Recognized by Klout as one of Toronto’s top tweeters and bloggers, she has plenty of tips on how you can leverage social media channels as an invaluable element to your personal brand.”                 Mum used to tell me I was “someone special,” and I guess you could say I believed her. I’ve had lots of different jobs growing up, but my current job…

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Casual Sunday, Content Conductor

Limitless, the movie, the you seen it? Bradley Cooper takes a drug that allows him to use ALL of his human brain. He goes crazy. I’d go crazy. I don’t really go to the gym but I work out my brain. Imagine you could use your whole brain. I love science news. “to that mystery is the contention that humans “only” employ 10 percent of their brain. If only regular folk could tap that other 90 percent, they too could become savants who remember π to the twenty-thousandth decimal place or perhaps even have telekinetic powers.” Scientific American, 2008 I’m working brain triple time today. Backing up my entire Macbook, making it new again. Keri would be proud! Dell Ultrabook is good. iPhone is a such an incredible device for making things. I’m watching Edie Segdwick in Ciao! Manhattan on Netflix. Welcome to THE FUTURE. I wonder what her blog would be like if she was here? Maybe like this, talking to herself. Then I replaced it Rum Diary. Johnny Depp as Hunter S. Thompson.Last night a friend and I made mojitos with mint from my OWN garden. Oh yeah. Thanks Mum for bringing back my green thumb. I read a great article about the making of the movie and Johnny Depp’s Rum Diary promise. It talks about them being at Hotel Nacional in Cuba. I stayed there. Been to Puerto Rico where it’s filmed too.  Somebody get me a mojito. Good quotes. The babe girl in the video has a turtle covered in Swarovski. Are big turtles good pets?  I wanna live at the beach, again. Oh God, why did she have to happen? HA! The fashion in this movie is amazing. Happy Sunday!  

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The Garden of Your Mind

Creativity is waterfalling. Clear head, open mind .The next ten days are CRAZY. Banff World Media Festival, NXNE, MMVA then to Detroit with Ford and it’s July. I’ve been practising for this for a long time. Legggggggo! Mum sent me an email about this earlier today.  Such nostalgia. [<a href=”″ target=”_blank”>View the story “New Story” on Storify</a>]Found some other oldies today. Tie die, white jeans, long hair, this is me in Grade Nine baby. [&lt;a href=”″ target=”_blank”&gt;View the story “New Story” on Storify&lt;/a&gt;] Oh this too BTW.   Wore Mum’s old shirt.

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