Wanna see the Sheepdogs at Echo Beach this Weekend?

On Saturday I’m taking mum to see the Sheepdogs for her birthday. I have two extra General Admin tickets from my friends at Canadian Club. I would LOVE you to have them. I’ve seen them a bunch of times and they’re so good. Wanna see the Sheepdogs? Maybe meet my amazing Mum? Click this button to tweet me or copy paste this on twitter. Tweet to @casiestewart There are two pairs of tickets. Contest winner picked by 4pm TODAY. If you don’t have Twitter leave similar comment and I will include you in the draw. Good luck!

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TIFF DAY 1 – Tastemakers Lounge & Swarovski 007 Red Carpet

Whoa. It’s here. Today might busiest day in my 2012 calendar. Not. Even. Kidding. If I can make all my appointments and events I will question my humanity. Am I robot/alien? You will never know. (Shhh you in the back there, keep your secrets!) I have so much gratitude to give for my sister being PA (Production Assistant) on my show today, BMW sponsoring drivers for our Fashion’s Night Out team, tech related media interview in the AM, so may awesome events, my hair growing (don’t laugh), having my nails done (this is serious), and my bestie Lozzie Lauren O’Nizz being invited to all the same things as me. Thank you universe. Yesterday I went to media day at the TIFF Tastemakers Lounge put on by Rock-It Promo and I was SPOILED. Rotten! TIFF is truly more fun than a birthday or holidays because all the media friends are out, everyone is receiving gifts, and celebrating. Films take the first place for TIFF but trust me that fashion is a verrrrry close second. This is the eighth annual Tastemakers Lounge, it’s a Canadian gifting suite hosted during the Toronto International Film Festival. It brings local and international guests to indulge in exceptional products that Tastemakers Lounge is known for.  This was my third year and perhaps the best! Scroll my Instagram Photos: This is a sample (yes, really) of what celebrities will be getting at the Tastemakers Lounge this year. I feel a bit bad showing off but I made a care package for Barbie, gave a Le Dolci cupcake to the hotel concierge, Pop Chips to my concierge, and will treat Mum & Jenie too. Some of my favs are the  zillion nail designs from Kiss Products, amazing arc touch mouse from Yorkdale/Microsoft (that I am now using), 4 scents…

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eBay Style Stories – Casie Stewart

This week I’m featured in the Style Stories series for eBay Canada. I’m wearing a vintage dress from Timeless Apparel on Queen at Spadina. I used to shop there heaps when Emma and Sammy worked there. Boots are vintage and my hair is done by Darren at Darren Kwik Studio on Queen near Trinity Bellwoods. Here is the photo and some extra shots. Read the feature here by visiting stylestories.ebay.ca/casie-stewart. Did you know that @casiestewart loves vintage clothing? Yep! Read her eBay Style Story for fashion tips here: stylestories.ebay.ca/casie-stewart — eBay.ca (@eBayCanada) September 4, 2012 A few questions from the interview: What was your favourite eBay find ever? Kids, vintage leather motorcycle jacket. Next time I might have to combine my ebay purchases with some online promo codes, my friend used some and she got some great savings! What is your guilty pleasure? Young & the Restless. #yandr Whose closet would you raid and why? Nicole Richie, we have similar style and she loves vintage too. What is your dream getaway? Going on a World Tour! What was your first concert? Britney Spears at ACC. Went to the eBay office July, 11th, blogged that day right here. I remember trying to iron this dress and almost burned a hole in it. Whoops! Mum, I promise I know what I’m doing here! Yes, one of the things I really love (that you will now if you follow me on Twitter) is the Young and the Restless. Don’t laugh. Oh, by the way did you ever see this? YES FOR ME OMG! I die. Every. Single. Time.

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A Hard Days Night

It’s Tuesday and you are back to work. Hold your head high and put on a smile. I hope you had an awesome weekend. Lucky for us the weather is warm and the sun is gonna be out all week. I relaxed a lot this weekend. Spent time alone, got good sleeps. I wrote, I read, I cooked, I cleaned. I laid on the couch with the tv on playing with my iPhone. It was magical. One of the best things about ‘double Sunday’ as Raymi calls it is one extra day to do things you have not been doing. I even sewed something with Zoey my sewing machine. I feel new again! Quote below is by Steve Jobs from the blog of Jack Dorsey who created Twitter. Mashable posted 15 Steve Jobs quotes over the weekend and if you are looking for some Monday Tuesday Motivation, you’ll find it here. “My model for business is The Beatles: They were four guys that kept each other’s negative tendencies in check; they balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts. Great things in business are not done by one person, they are done by a team of people.” Steve Jobs Photo by Hawaii at the CNE over the weekend. My hair is in Beatles mode. We listened to heaps of Beatles growing up. I love when Mum tells the story of them first getting a TV in New Zealand to watch the Beatles arrive.  I can only imagine how exciting that would have been. Do something exciting today.  CASIE P.S. In other interesting and nerdy news you can now analyze your Facebook data by going to Wolfram Alpha’s site and typing “Facebook report” into the search box. Have fun!

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Summer 2012: These Are A Few of My Favourite Things

As I was looking at photos I remembering heaps of cool things I did over the past few months. I am so thankful for the Internet, Twitter, Instagram etc. cause I could forgotten moments if I wasn’t constantly documenting. I started blogging in 2005 as a way to ‘keep more memories’, seven years later it’s the best thing I could have done. It works as a constant reminder to be grateful & show gratitude for all the wonderful people & experiences in my life. These are some of my favourite things I’ve done in the last few hot months. Summer Highlights 2012: Muskoka Weekends & Boating. Montreal weekend. Skydiving in Boston. Harley Riding. Outdoor Rock climbing w/ Ford & Bloggers. Beerfest w/ Carly & Lauren. Partying w/ the girls. Filming w/ Coral TV & growing the channel to over 1,000 subscribers & 125,000+ views! Hanging out w/ Mum. Driving on the Ford Track in Michigan w/ media from around the world. Oh and this guy 😉 Speaking at NXNE. NXNE Parties MMVA Show, Gifting lounges, & parties Banff World Media Festival, first time out West! Birthday falling on the same day at Hawaii’s company launch Being a Production Assistant on a short film in Orangeville. Hitting the beaches in Miami & Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Doing the Edgewalk of the Cn Tower w/ Dad Working w/ O’Nizz & Raymi for Menkes, video is 20,000+ views now! The next few weeks are super busy. I’m realxing this weekend in preparation for FNO, Fashion Cares, ten days of TIFF and end of September activities. Here we go!  

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Life is Like a Blog of Chocolates

You never know what you’re gonna get. You start a blog, you write, you post, you share. If you are interested in blogging that’s a good place to start. And, if you’re prepared when opportunity presents itself, you’re lucky. I’ve grown so much over the past seven years writing this blog and I’m extremely grateful for all the awesome it’s brought into my life. This is my sister Jenny 😉 Mum rung me from the boat this morning and they’ve sailed into Canada after being away for about a month. I can’t wait to see her. She’s so inspiring. Living out a childhood dream today casting kids for a commercial. I always wanted to to this. TBH it’s not that glamorous! Getting kids on camera and judging them as they act out part of the scene. I was pretty nervous at first but after a few, it’s easy. Having gone to heaps of auditions is helpful. Got this last night 🙂 If you are around & about Queen West pop by the Great Hall & get a SummerWorks programme. GO TO SOMETHING! Most stuff is free and you will be glad you did. Get cultured! There’s a gallery across from Dog & Bear at Dovercourt where Nina Arsenault has a piece of performance art. It’s super interesting. She is a great writer. Jenie and I went by there on Friday. I’m gonna pass by again on my way home. I wrote about Nina’s Live Art piece on the SummerWorks blog here. Hope you’re having an awesome day!  

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