Day 183: You Don’t have to Monetize Every Hobby

I’ve loved sewing my whole life. I also have a new sewing machine that I’ve hardly used for about 8 years. I want to sew, but never had the time or made the time to do it. As a kid, I spent heaps of time sewing with mum. I even started my first business in grade 3 sewing gym bags for classmates. Early into quarantine, I took the time to make things for the pure enjoyment of making them. I did heaps of tie-dye, turmeric dye, made friendship bracelets, and practised line drawing on iPad. The art of creating gives me so much joy. It inspires creativity in other areas of my life. I loved sharing the things I made on social media and mailing some to friends. I was reminded you don’t have to monetize every hobby, it’s incredibly freeing to create for the sake of creating. This weekend, I started sewing again. I took a few items of clothing that were ripped or on their way to donations and made a few scrunchies. The big pink ones are a soft rayon fabric and flop when you doa top know. they used to be part of Joe Fresh shirt from years ago that had a mark on it. It was so fun to make them and patch together my old clothes to make new patterns. I spent most the day sewing, listening to music, watching Netflix, and letting my creative juices flow. After posting my creations, I had a few people saying they want to buy or ask where to order. I’m not there yet, I might never be! For now, the Quarantine 2.0 version of me is Casie Sew-Art. I’m back at my machine baby, who knows what I’ll create next!

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Day 109: You’ve Got A Friend in Me

Today I had a great day. I went to visit Talia at their cottage about an hour away and Elise was there too! We swam in the pool and it was so nice to have a girl hang. I was so excited I didn’t even take ANY PHOTOS. I don’t know what I was thinking! Over the past month, I took a step back from posting to give space to creators of colour and support Black Lives Matter. the ripple effect sharing and documenting less on social media has directly changed my behaviour. I’m spending more time enjoying the moment and less picking up my phone to capture everything for the ‘gram. I spent some time reading a new book in the afternoon and when Sean was done work, our friends surprised us with a visit on their boat. The boys went skiing and we listened to music on the lake. Sean, what a dreamboat! This has become my new fav outfit, I got it at Joe Fresh a couple of weeks ago and used Sasha’s SASHA25 code for a discount. It’s totally wild and so comfy. I love being here so much. We’ve been meeting more neighbours on our road and the lake, everyone is so nice. Tomorrow there’s a garage sale at the Mayor’s house down the road. ?

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Day 83: New Ways, New Mask, New Look

Biked around early in the morning and met April for a social distance hang with coffee in her backyard around 8 am. We talked about life, everything going on in the world, things outside us, feelings inside us, it was really nice. She always has good advice, makes me laugh, and is there with a compliment or to a reminder when I need it the most. It’s crazy to think back to a few months ago when everything was different and we had no idea what was coming. Things will never be the same, this is a new way of life, of living, of thinking, of feeling. In the afternoon I walked to Danica’s Bathing Belle shop in Roncy to pick up my mask and see her new mural being painted. It looks so nice and the art is done by @Viszla_Bacon on IG. He has a couple other in the area, you might recognize his work! Bathing Belle will be opening up soon to take appointments at the shop. I ordered the Rasta Lion mask to match my suit and scrunchie. I love it! Her suits are the best bathing suits I’ve ever owned, she makes them herself, and the fabric so nice. Highly recommend. It was a full moon last night, I sat out and read my book for a bit. I placed my crystals out under the moonlight and made my wishes on the moon. Even though I couldn’t’ see it through the clouds, I knew it was there. I got this yellow bowl two summer’s ago from a shop in the LXMarket, Lisbon. I was hesitant to buy it but I’m so glad to have it now. This orange outfit is my most favourite thing right now, I copped the crop/shorts from Sasha Exeter‘s post and…

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My Fitness Journey (So Far)

Let me start this by staying I felt like complete shit for a lot of last year. Behind the many smiling selfies, I was in pain, depressed, and trying to ignore nerve damage in half of my face. I had been treating my body like garbage with alcohol, bad food, no sleep, and something had to change. I gained a bunch of weight and after being small my whole life, I wasn’t happy. I couldn’t live like that anymore. For a lot of 2009-2019 I went to multiple events a week, sometimes several per night. I was always on the go. I ate like crap and drank multiple times a week. When I hit my 30’s, my body changed, I gained weight, then I had a breast reduction, nearly broke my back w/ two cracked back ribs and closed out the decade with a fractured collarbone. A lot of good things happened in the last decade too but I’ve already shared that stuff. For years I dreamed of being a better me, one who ate healthier, felt good in a bathing suit, had longer hair, and genuine happiness that shined out of her face. That’s who I wanted to be so I started doing things differently. From September to January, I lost 20+Lbs and does it ever make a difference! I’m saving time by not stressing over my clothes not fitting. I feel mentally and physically stronger. I have more energy and I’m happier. Here’s the low down on how I got here and I feel confident that I will stick to it this time because I love feeling this way. Fasting In August 2019 I started intermittent fasting, 8hrs eating window (noon-8 pm) and fasting the rest of the day. I started to feel healthier, more energized, and leaner…

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The Hardest Part is Through

This past week was a hard one for me. Actually, this entire month has been a challenge, I’ve been on the verge of a meltdown since May 2017 started with birthday anxiety. I had a trip to Jamaica that started with an allergic reaction in my eyes, where I couldn’t see that well, it rained heaps, I missed my bf, and I got my period. When I got home I was overwhelmed with anxiety about work I needed to get done, and it was a short week. I went to the 1188 office every day to get the music video I directed wrapped up, and didn’t really have time to work (at home like usual) on blog things. The week finished week with a full day on set. I was so tired. Finally, on Saturday, it happened. I legit had a meltdown. Our car had a problem with the tire so I rented a car for the afternoon with my car sharing app and left around 11:15 to make it to Scarborough by 12:15. Well, no, that wasn’t happening. It took me 45 min to get to the DVP (highway downtown for non-TO peeps) and by then I was feeling super stressed after leaving the house in a huff w/ Sean. Then mum called and it opened the floodgates to me balling my eyes out, stuck in traffic. It seemed like everything around me was collapsing. Then, it started raining and the event I was about to drive an hour to was canceled. BUT, I was already on the DVP and still in traffic. I took a few deep breaths and decided to get off the highway. Didn’t really know where I was heading but the end goal was home. I decided to put on the Lumineers album and for…

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Fashion | RUDSAK x Emily Haines + AW15

Last night I went to the opening of Rudsak’s new store in the Eaton Centre. The special guest was Emily Haines of Metric who is collaborating with them on a new collection. I was fan-girling inside when Emily Haines walked in because my sister and I to listened to her Live It Out album about 100,000,000 times. Bag Rudsak, Shirt dress Joe fresh Last year Rudsak (est. 1994) did a capsule collection for their 20th anniversary inspired but rock musicians in history. This is the first time collaborating with a musician. The partnership came together though Rise Branded Entertainment, a division of Universal Music Canada. “I’ve always been fascinated by the close relationship between fashion and music. Suppose it’s because personal style is such a powerful form of self-expression, it’s very much an art form in itself,” – Emily Haines Her twist on the classic cropped moto will be showcased at four Rudsak stores this month: Calgary’s Market Mall, the Toronto Eaton Centre, Carrefour Laval in Laval, Que., and on Ste-Catherine Street in Montreal. We were all given a little envelope with a key in it. ONE lucky person’s key would open a bird cage and inside was a customized Rudsak jacket. The jackets are amazing. I have 2 moto styles from the last few years I live in them as soon as the temp cools. Spent some time reading the new lookbook on the way home and there’s heaps of nice items. I’m quite keen to get one of these leather iPhone cases ASAP. In other news, THE APPLE ANNOUNCEMENT IS TODAY.  Starts at 10am PDT. Will update you with the look book after this week. Have TIFF things all day and am feeling pretty excited because I’ve got 3 events before 2pm and the Apple announcement in the middle. Must know all things about new gadgets.  ALSO, I’m speaking…

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