Who’s the ‘Buy Nothing’ dummy?

Who, honestly WHO… Picked the biggest shopping day of the year to be ‘Buy Nothing Day”. It makes a mockery of the concept. How about having it on any other day, not during Christmas time so that people can actually say “Hey, I’m going to make a conscious effort to buy nothing today and make a difference.” Instead, Nov.28, Black Friday is Buy Nothing Day in North America. the rest of the world gets it tomorrow, November 29, the biggest shopping day AFTER Black Friday. Like DUH? What the eff were you thinking? To me, I think it makes the whole idea behind decreasing consumerism and purchasing crap into a big joke.

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barry manalow rocks the eighties

Tonight, I watched Will & Grace and it was the episode when Will is in line for tickets the one night show of Barry’s Christmas Special. Grace gets mad when she sees that her mum ditched Hanukkah shopping to hang out with Jack. Karen finds comfort with the Fanilows in line for tickets. ET Canada was happy to have Mr. Manilow on their program this evening also. He is releasing a new album “The Greatest Songs of the Eighties,” due November 25 on Arista. It’s just amazing how youthful and soft his face looks. I browsed through some photos of Barry and maybe I found one way to stay looking young and have a pretty voice, a dried flowered bud of the Cannabis Sativa plant. It has visible THC crystals, which indicate high potency.

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blue snowflakes star falling

Elvis singing Blue Christmas. I love it. Soon as I hear “I’ll have blue, Christmas, without you”,my heart melts for The King. He does this little smirk.It’s fantastic. Just watch him.

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My friend Daniel is a very inspiring individual.

Daniel Patricio is a 20 year old Ryerson University student and a Hospice of Peel volunteer for the past two years. Daniel approached Hospice and said he would like to contribute in a bigger way. Daniel is raising funds to put Christmas dinner on the table and provide for families affected by terminal illness and their kids. He is asking for $10 which will go directly for Hospice of Peel. If you know of anyone who is in a facility such as a Hospice Cincinnati (or one closer to where you live), you know that they are in the best hands possible to help care for them, regardless of what they’re going through. Just like with anyone, of course you’d want the best for them. Many of these families divert most of their valuable time, energy and finances to fighting illness which causes them to forget to cherish their last moments with their loved ones. In these precious last moments, we would like to give families the chance to embrace these last days as memorable ones. I am a big believer in giving and that it truly is it’s own gift. Take a few minutes to donate to a good cause and shine some light on your day by helping out someone else. Feel free to tell me your stories of giving. I love sharing the positive vibes ? Do it today!

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How Fucking True is Dat

My friend Matt posted this today. Its from Liquor Land in Australia, how lovely and true that they put that on a bag as the Christmas greeting. Just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

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