Let the Sun Shine In

So nice on my balcony right now. Jenie helped me clean my room (Merry Christmas to me!) and we’ve been soaking up the beautiful sunshine. Have a meeting this afternoon then heading to The Central to record a podcast for a friends show. Feeling better, thanks for the good wishes. Reckon I’m just a bit tired! Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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you missed this yesterday

Photo: Gingerbread http://t.co/OpontYPd # No white Christmas for #Toronto Thoughts? http://t.co/6Pw9q5qn via @zite # The most important page on the web is the page you build yourself http://t.co/A426KWlZ via @zite #thisismylife #lifestyle #branding # New iPads Expected to Arrive in the Next 3 to 4 Months http://t.co/r4eve0Fb via @zite # Last day 🙁 (@ Thynk Taynk) [pic]: http://t.co/13jbNPNR # Got some treats for the plane 😉 (@ Ah Cacao Chocolate Café) [pic]: http://t.co/aERtSXfb # Diet coke, rum, chicken fingers, fries & wifi, great lunch! (@ Margaritaville) [pic]: http://t.co/j8C5Ggla # Photo: Huge pretty tree (Taken with Instagram at Terminal 3) http://t.co/UIT5sWgl # I'm at ORD Terminal 5 (Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD), Chicago) w/ 5 others [pic]: http://t.co/9yVkVhtt # 1449 miles! http://t.co/w3dUtcrZ # Left this to cold & dark 🙁 http://t.co/Emyf6iRJ # I just unlocked the Level 4 "JetSetter" badge on @foursquare! High five! http://t.co/qAtG7pRk # 15 airports woot. http://t.co/K5fhdzc6 # My friend @aganova always called this place Chika-GO. #chicago #cute # Air Canada in flight ent. and my own row. See ya soon Toronto! # Holy crap just found out a friend is McSteamy's brother on Grey's and lives in LA now. Another reason to go to LA!! Yippeeeeeee. #lovelife # Excited to be in my own bed tonight. #travel # I said "bless you" to a man who sneezed and he don' even say thank you. Hate that. What a fcuker. # Take off for real now. Catch ya on the flip side! # I wanna be in a scooter gang. Step 1) get scooter. 2) get friends. # Wilder Valderama is HOT in Tom Hanks new 'Larry Crowne' movie, meow. # Ho Ho Home! (@ Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ) w/ 21 others) [pic]: http://t.co/tQzxR5xc # Photo: Meaning of life #pacman http://t.co/MkaUr0UC # "Keep away from people who…

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Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet!

Hola & good morning from Capricci Latino on 5th Ave. I’m here having breakfast & wifi. Ok this gif is from Starbucks but their internet crapped out so I had to move on. Before I sit down for a meal when travelling, coffee or snack I ask if they have wifi. Pretty much everywhere does. I’m addicted to documenting, sharing and being connected so when I have the chance, I sieze it. There’s plenty of time to disconnect and soak up the sunshine. Check out what I did yesterday for an HOUR…PURE BLUSS!! Heading to the beach now to soak up some rays before I check into my new home at hotel Reina Roja at 2pm. Downloaded a cool app yesterday called Zite, it’s a personal magazine, kinda like Flipboard which also just came out for iPhone. I’m running on reserve battery power now so, I leave you with my most fav Christmas song, Jingle Bell Rock! 🙂 I’m back home Monday night and am looking forward to holiday spirit. Feliz Navidad! xo CASIE P.S. You saw Lindsay’s cover right?

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they say the world was built for two

Listened to Katy Perry White Christmas and it made me excited to come home for the holidays. I’ve spent some serious time thinking about what to do next with my life and I’m really excited about it all. This is quite a lovely song… Listened to Gala Darling’s book Love & Sequins last night.  Gala is an awesome Kiwi girl in NY who writes a charming blog and lives a beautiful life. She has so much great and advice and is very positive. I can’t wait to meet her.  Two of my favourite bloggers in the world are Gala Darling & Gala Gonzalez (Almul’s Closet).  This is Rumi, Gala Gonzalez and I at fashion week in NZ last year. These are my 15+ postcards with names on them to write at the beach today. I will send you if you give me your address. Downloaded the Canada Post app and DID YOU KNOW you can make stamps and postcards from your photos. Check this out! This is what #NewNewTwitter looks like. It’s so pretty. Twitter for iPhone is really good lookng too. Time for me to knock off work and hit the beach. Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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you missed this yesterday

Found it! Unopened and ready to play. So many new/good songs. #kinect #dancecentral http://t.co/fk9LTgy5 # Found so many good things when I cleaned my room: Burger/beer/gas/jukari/gift cards http://t.co/1RbBe4Sw # Photo: First competition ballet solo, age 9, The Clown (Taken with instagram) http://t.co/kqJ2uwzO # Morning http://t.co/gRmSZi8V # It's amazing how great of a sleep you can have when your bed isn't 60% clothes! # Photo: Casie’s Cameras http://t.co/3j4fDnrv # i ordered a pair or barbie doll hand earrings # URGHHHHH RT @melissagrelo: Confirmed from City Hall: property tax increase by 2.5% in 2012. # Have you seen this yet? I posted last week. So good. RT @AdFreak: The gay-marriage spot that has Australia talking. http://t.co/cFWhIfc0 # Look out world here I come….: It’s been just over a week since I had brekky… http://t.co/RssiFlj5 #thisismylife # dang thats a long do http://t.co/fM38hEst # yall are gonna have mad heart attacks, let's talk about bacon a little more ok? http://t.co/JjQfTY88 # RT @TechCrunch: How To Get A Job At A Startup If You Have No Skills http://t.co/SOxS1vFd by @justinkan # Whoa! Trying this! RT @TechCrunch: New Siri Hack Will Start Your Car If You Ask Nicely http://t.co/avAit9k9 by @chrisvelazco # Team http://t.co/1sPrfv7t http://t.co/vUiICpNT # Work date w/ @katekillet. (@ SPoT Coffee w/ 3 others) [pic]: http://t.co/ShxM7WWm # New #DODOCASE for Andy http://t.co/Sgf3cvRg # Urban lumberjackie http://t.co/klvFlcb1 # need a makeup artist for a shoot Wednesday. i know i have a friend who is one but i can't remember right now! # what's a good gift for Dad's 60th tomorrow? # Suggestions on where (online) to make a nice PDF press kit for download? # see that last tweet? ya 200%! interested in getting into http://t.co/1sPrfv7t holiday gift guide/contests email http://t.co/HE7TnYet 😉 # "Visitors referred by a fashion magazine or blogger drive a 200%…

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you missed this yesterday

he has a better life in your guts now http://t.co/QL6SKBYx # gravy guzzler http://t.co/D5e29Ml4 #toronto # this is so cool. nice work.  http://t.co/1Ue2zhaV # How do you scarf? Here’s 25 Ways!: I don’t go without a scarf in the winter. I… http://t.co/KYSTsUed #thisismylife # The best suitcase I have ever used.: A couple days before my most recent trip I… http://t.co/TJV9fazt #thisismylife # Doing a lunch & learn today at @polarmobile on social media, brand goals, blogging etc. # Stopping by @BenchCanada this afternoon to pick out an outfit for @SLTconference. I'm speaking you should come 🙂 http://t.co/h8RDNrTC # Photo: › “I have been in Milan one hour and have so far witnessed several of the best-dressed people I have… http://t.co/XCOFPyuU # Getting some elbow action w/ @picard102 http://t.co/XzlDWYE7 # Rainbow cake of @picard102 http://t.co/Ml9pOEle # Awesome new vid from @mycitylives http://t.co/Jxs73f9E #Toronto # The real birthday celebration for @picard102! http://t.co/APg7RPAR # I'm at Polar Mobile office (156 Front St W, Front and Simcoe, Toronto) [pic]: http://t.co/rgmlw5hL # Sunny, need new sunnies. http://t.co/U1I2VkYL # You can now go swimming with your iPhone Miss Casie. Thanks Bob 🙂 http://t.co/4R95voNP # Shape What’s to Come: Crafting Your Personal Brand http://t.co/923BW65b via @thelevisgirl # "LIVE FAST AND DOCUMENT" – (via raymitheminx) http://t.co/G0KwuzJd # My City Lives LOVES!: Yesterday I downloaded the new iPhone app from my friends… http://t.co/WuyYpiWX #thisismylife # I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/wKmMI9Qk rail train #8804 # How do you tie a scarf? Here's 25 fashionable ways 🙂 http://t.co/Yc5K8F5c http://t.co/qDvFNW4i # doh, i keek forgetting i set FB to publish to twitter. sorry. # Photo: house for you @keriblog subtilitas: http://t.co/JR6LzeLQ # Photo: terrysdiary: Me and Lady Gaga #1 http://t.co/lOFuGyQO # In elevator with wrench guy, please don't kill me http://t.co/OsuqzCoE # Closest bixi station to Eaton Centre Queen Street…

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