“Fate leads the willing and drags the rest.”

Mum woke me up, said she was excited. Reminds me of myself, sometimes I just can’t sleep I get so energized thinking about things happening that I spring out of bed and greet the day. She said she’s still excited from the Nutcracker and tomorrow I’m bringing her to the city with me. EXCITING! Wearing new sweater by Toronto designer Valentine K today. I was gifted it just before Christmas and have been saving it for dinner tonight with my two other sisters (Steve’s daughters). It’s cashmere and leather and so divine. See on FB here. Will take some nice photos (aka with an actual camera) when I get home from shopping. Mum always cuts out articles from the local paper for me. This one was about a guy who started an art project ‘Talent next Door’ with city hall and now is working on second and third books. The articles are always about writing, youth entrepreneurship, local designers or art. All the things I love really. She’s got inspiring messages all over the house. There’s New Zealand and Maori stuff all over the house too. These photos are from the Maori reserve in Rotorua. I’ve been there. Anyone else? I miss New Zealand and my family heaps. Had coffee & fruit salad for breakfast today. I love pineapple but fresh always hurts my tongue. You can avoid this by washing it in salt water. Posted some cute things & style on my fashion blog today. Heading out to get some stuff with mama, she’s looking for a camera, I just wanna drive around! For comedic relief and up the minute adventure diary, follow me on Twitter. Have an awesome day!

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Ho Ho Ho! Holidays w/ @ZListcom & @weare1188

Thursday night after ballet Jenie, Sammy & I went to the Z-List Christmas for a drink and had our photo taken with Santa. The high res one will be delivered after the holidays. Next stop was 1188 Films sailor themed holiday party (film studio who did Puma campaign I was in). I shot a bunch of snaps with the new Nikon J1. It’s news to me that Nikon saves the raw photo AND the good photo. Memory card filled up really fast. Maybe I had it on a strange setting? Anyone a Nikon expert? I got two of ever single photo I took. Sean I LOVE YOU. He got me an iPhone case that is a calculator. I’m not too hard to shop for I like all things nerdy, smart and or shiny. He also got me this classic which I can’t wait to read while travelling in January. There were lots of hipster babes at the party including Jenie’s ‘fake boyfriend’ who she did a national Puma ad campaign with earlier this year. I kept mistaking him for Sammy in the crowd. They don’t look THAT alike but the hair, hipsterness did it. Heaps of food all over the place. Man, I love the holidays. Shucking station for oysters. Sammy sexy mother shucker. 1188 Family tree. Cheers to you Sean, thank you for a great party & lovely gifts!!

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Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-25

Waking up Mum's to the smell of coffee is magical. # I can hear Santa wrapping presents. # Social Media comics https://t.co/qidHKBRE # Thoughts: Is It Time To Abolish The Twitter Retweet Button? http://t.co/kSEq4FWQ via @zite # Five essential SaaS solutions no small business should be without http://t.co/mWA92BRi #seriously # DIY Color Oxford http://t.co/xIAtsU8E #fashion #shoes #goodidea # Yayo – who names a song that? And who wants to party http://t.co/s6ReiFt8 # Top 10 things to do in 2012 http://t.co/1rdXCMIP via @lonelyplanet #travel #adventure # Love bringing Mum clothes cause she does fashion show for me. It's the reverse from when I was a kid and always did that. So cute. # Together on this Christmas Eve 🙂 ILU JB! http://t.co/HbWW205N # Wow, miss this old car. It was at my house for YEARS (in the garage if you remember!). Huge Mickey Thomoson tires! http://t.co/kDBKeuwL # I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/fwbNbCJ9 # Gosh, I love this time of year.: Been rushing like crazy the last few days. Have heaps to… http://t.co/sOrolJ7X # Snow! http://t.co/higFR8Fg # Copies! (@ Staples) http://t.co/GXU9S1wf # Shopping w/ Mum. She's so cute! (@ Winners) [pic]: http://t.co/joxW3a1r # I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/SPINPOSm # Fire sale on trees $2!! Garland $.50! (@ Zehrs Markets w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://t.co/ySc6zebA # Galen influenced me. http://t.co/AkC9qyOt # Told Mum I will push the cart (so I can tweet!) # Thinking of you! http://t.co/aeQ10iY5 # Merry Christmas from Van Wilder 😉 http://t.co/i74ItE8l # We made them sort the Happy Meal toys so Mum could have the palm tree one and I could get the nerdy one. [pic]: http://t.co/kCpLDPhU # Video: Mum and I playing w/ toys at Maccas haha http://t.co/dfUHWylP # Weekend Tune: “Snow” from White Christmas: Happy merry everything everyone! Tis the season…

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Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-22

"A Very Bubler Christmas" from Buble & Bieber @therealmiamazin # Daily #Twitter News for 2011-12-21: Kinetic energy may power our home/gadgets starting in 5… http://t.co/bgc6gPT0 # A half eaten sandwich is a bad Christmas present.: Watched this yesterday, so lovely. I… http://t.co/2cIQguGb # the news honestly has nothing better to talk about than Justin Bieber. i can't take it @CP24. my fault for watching! # Love this Blog: Valfre: Her drawings make me smile. One of my goals for 2012 is to do more… http://t.co/7myxw9wm # You may say there's no such thing as Santa, but as for me and grandma, we believe. # East & North http://t.co/yF3XxBFH # I just unlocked the Level 2 "Mall Rat" badge on @foursquare! In it to win it! http://t.co/pJdES1kL # Justin Bieber! http://t.co/j9BCxsN3 # We put glitter on in the card isle. We are 10. # Walmart styles http://t.co/b3VlqBvq # While at the checkout, they had a sudden urge for chicken. http://t.co/nq5YMhMK # Found your present! http://t.co/5eAxqK8t # The Help (@ Future Shop) [pic]: http://t.co/9bzKvuPm # Photo: Merry Hohoho from Siamese Sisters (Taken with instagram) http://t.co/oxxO7Mmd # First time here (@ Eglinton Square Shopping Centre) http://t.co/pdgITJod # Set fire to the rain http://t.co/5Fvgoc0p # omg i love Jenna Marbles. so funny. # What Bitches Wear At The Airport: I've worn heels but slip them on & off & don't wear all your jewels. Think about… http://t.co/b3oEbFvl # Mince pie! 🙂 @40deuce @shawnhawaii http://t.co/WERThm3X # Photo: in my dreams i have this hair http://t.co/BzLL5FpT # Photo: › Twin Peaks (1990-91) http://t.co/BOMoqFhY # Photo: › Winona Forever – Johnny Depp http://t.co/k5vgiZm6 # Photo: who else wants to be a mermaid? http://t.co/c7X5vD4v # Photo: Christmas outfit pussylequeer: http://t.co/K5giUfgn # "I do not know what it is about you that closes and opens Only something in me…

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Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-21

Kinetic energy may power our home/gadgets starting in 5 years http://t.co/INd3xafm via @zite # Hello hubba arm candy #KateMiddleton #AlexanderMcQueen http://t.co/6w6SFVuw # first-ever random tattoo, temp would be fun promo #QRcode #Tattoo [VIDEO] http://t.co/rLQFrwPV # 8 Cool Gifts For The Luxury Traveler http://t.co/EroZj7Xf via @zite (I have the camera but the rest are on my list too) # Photoset: lomographicsociety: http://t.co/324rbpLR # Photo: bohemea: http://t.co/trlHVgOa # What about just looking for things in my house Siri? http://t.co/UxvHeoeD # Pretzel crackers = tasty! http://t.co/4r6KzXpK # Love, like love. http://t.co/pcsmlQ6i # Photo: http://t.co/causNvTJ # Photo: http://t.co/UKpTtQvT # Daily #Twitter News for 2011-12-20: Photo: Sammers is sleepy (Taken with Instagram at… http://t.co/TL8A43BN # The Influence Game Has Only Started http://t.co/K0yLHefw via @zite # Holiday tunes on the tele trying to get in the spirit. Any fav tunes? # Using "Sorry I can't make it I'm in The Nutcracker" is my fav excuse EVER! # I'll be home for Christmas… like, this weekend, in Cambridge! I wanna see you old friends 🙂 http://t.co/gJW6OYA1 # I just entered the G Adventures You'll Never Forget It contest. Check out my entry and vote me up! http://t.co/6JTajEgQ #YNFI # If You’re Happy & You Know It, Show It!: Reckon I’ve been a bit slack on work since I got… http://t.co/5vov7Hoe # I wanna see the world w/ @Gadventures! #YNFI #traveltuesday: On my recent trip I didn’t stay… http://t.co/PxSjjBJc # My first iMovie ever & all done on iPhone :)… http://t.co/jWtudEbw # RE: @BHDiaries He is totally awesome & inspiring. Nice pick w/ @MarcusTroy! #BHDude http://t.co/7W9mfr8N # Fashion Holiday garland via @PSimadethis http://t.co/XqoXyhJi via #constantcontact # The more wonderful time of the year 🙂 # the holiday music is starting to work… # Urgh, this link, sorry! http://t.co/eWqKTp66 http://t.co/titM945V # Hanukkah for everyone 🙂 http://t.co/pTmI6EaX # who is…

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Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-18

Daily #Twitter News for 2011-12-17: Photo: Blonde besties @laurenonizzle @keriblog @erinbury… http://t.co/Mfx0GfnY # Ninjabread Men: Stayed in last night w/ my #sister watching movies and decorating these tasty… http://t.co/CwktSQMq # I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/msHDRY56 # Photo: Sisters (Taken with instagram) http://t.co/hUjjcXv0 # Let the Sun Shine In: So nice on my balcony right now. Jenie helped me clean my room (Merry… http://t.co/ErcXSbea # J’adore. http://t.co/5HRan4jQ # I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/hwGPzRKF # Happy Holidays yo http://t.co/pK83Zf7D #gifrap # Photo: http://t.co/pOTOPCEU # Photo: › Easter Egg of the Day: 1. Go to Google. 2. Search “[let it snow].” 3. ?????? 4. Winter Wonderland…. http://t.co/fxpMpPyb # Hanging w/ @cts_queen kids. (@ CTS) [pic]: http://t.co/wkdYWXPJ # Photo: First appt in Toronto, 613 Bathurst. (Taken with instagram) http://t.co/Z73P5tlV # I just saw Santa driving a van. He waved at me 🙂 # Happy Holidays @thebabecentral! (@ The Central w/ @picard102) [pic]: http://t.co/tTxYxW75 # Old friend (@ LCBO) [pic]: http://t.co/oZcVy1Sx # Weekend Tune: “Born To Die” by Lana Del Rey: Hey hey hey! Weekend tune time! This week I… http://t.co/0FuzeIx2 # Have been looking at http://t.co/VxDg5Yv8 for 20min. Excited to get tattooed again Monday! 🙂 http://t.co/iNaNZv9s # If you enter this & we win, we both get $1500 from Jaunt. I’ll take that thanks! http://t.co/Xp8ox2df # Photo: › [New Study Says Large Regions of Mars Could Sustain Life] › › The question of whether present-day… http://t.co/7do8SOqL # Enter to Win #KeriChristmas Giveaway Extravaganza http://t.co/HQDj1tU6 via @zite # #Kpop Cheat Sheet: The Bands To Know Before They Blow Up http://t.co/sp0fs3er via @zite # MAYBE MIX THE DIRT UP OR SOMETHING ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO THAT http://t.co/JJoPzBWN # The fast, fabulous life of 32-year-old billionaire Sean Parker http://t.co/J7jTSSaO via @zite #wow # Photo: Annex (Taken with instagram) http://t.co/MdfvmfdG #

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