it was day 40 yesterday

looking forward to seeing what goes on with tonight’s #blogstar chat. IMHO our #blogstar seminar last year was pretty rad. #smwto # RE: @crystalgibson love it. love you <3 # RE: her name is Genna!! # OMG aby you’re a FIREWORK! RT @brentwinsor: The Mailman Brought Our @katyperry Tickets @casiestewart #Pumped # more hours in a day please? # seeing @amforever then @peachykingi today! yahooots. # it luuuuurve!!! 🙂 RT @digitalfemme: Finally got to meet @iamkhayyam and @casiestewart today #smwto #sysomos # Gardener Westbound is a parking lot right now, before York past Spadina. #spadinawatch #toronto #traffic # Thanks @dermaglow! Can’t wait to try this stuff out. #awesome #mail # twitter loves attention. # Woot! CBC @metromorning payed @PrincePerry this today the band playing #GENYTO Friday! 😀 # je suis hungry. # mes amis # My day is made! @iamkhayyam just walked in. *waves* #smwto # I create transmedia content & conversations. #smwto # Btw 3D porn guy chatted me and I TOLD him I tweeted his photo. He creeeps me out. Tried to tell me that it is the ‘next big thing’ ew #smwto # Celebrating my ENGAGEMENT! ….social engagement. #smwto # Human interaction has always been about listening & sharing. #smwto @dbradfield #sysomos #socialmedia # Listening to @dbradfield talk about Heart & Stroke Fdtn. All proceeds from tomorrow night’s #LoveAHeart auction @ Hideout go to H&S!! #smwto # spotted @chrisunwin doppleganger at @sysomos event #smwto Btw you at anything this week? # “Meet the new social media elites” #inc #entrepreneur # omg the 3D p0rn guy from #wikibrands is here. #smwto # Oh, @sysomos will you be my valentine? ILU. This session is so informative. Dying to run some queries together. #smwto # love all this talkin’ nerdy @sysomos. #smwto #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

oh god this is minutes of fun # these song to the @itsbrownbarbie show # twins: @michaelNUS & @ryanNUS # YOU Sheldon are awesome. RT @40deuce: They’re now asking how to measure social media #BMO #SMWTO (cough, @Sysomos, cough) # Photo: › We’re in love with this decorating idea! via @photojojo › › (Wallpaper by [Taylor & Wood], Photo by… # Photo: this look # you have such good style @Chloe_Abbott_RS. #yandr # Photo: me right now # how is at almost time for my show already? what a busy day of awesome stuff! #yandr # you are funny @keriblog. [insert cackle] # subway babes! RT @dkny: See wrinkle free…#DKNYMen # is anyone using #hashable # not surprising. i want a park when i die. RT @CBCToronto: Toronto park to be named after slain officer # yes @JamieLeighTO @sparkleforlife, i love those ones too. they’re so dainty & pretty! # obvious which one i am RT @jeskeets: If Social Media Were a High School — (H/T: @TBJprod) # 01100001011101110110010101110011011011110110110101100101 <- would be a cute tattoo. # need a lofty, tech-friendly, industrial looking robot-friendly place for a party? suggestions. must have booze (aka robot grease) #roboTO # The thing I miss most about Mum away sailing is calling her when something exciting w/ media/blog/brand happens. She is the most supportive! # was wearing new black @sparkleforlife earrings last night at #wikibrands think i need red ones too! so nice # two turntables and a microphone #blog # blog blog bloggetty blog blog. # just realized the coffee girl gave me $5 in change back from the $5 bill. #luckyday # thelevisgirl: # blogging & the art of self-photography w/ professor casie stewart # Photo: laurenonizzle:This is where it’s at… (via…

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wanna escape this cold to CALIFORNIA? my pleasure!

Ladies & gents, by this time it’s not news to anyone that Virgin America is leaving Toronto April 6th. We’re sad to see them go but that doesn’t mean there’s not still time for you to to have your own Virgin experience in the sky. We’re about to get a MAYJAH in storm with extreme cold & GASP…up to 30cm of snow. Doesn’t this Cali weather look damn good now? I HAZ FLIGHT GIVEAWAYS FOR YOU! We’ve got a couple flights to give away during Social Media Week (Feb. 7-11) including the GENYTO party on Feb. 11th. Get your tickets here and make sure you’re there for chance to win a round trip. I’ve also got a flight giveaway with I’ll be blogging that on my zlist blog later this week but in the mean time you can sign up right hurre. Remember Toronto, Sir RB gave me the official thumbs up and I will always be your Provocateur. Have a great day. I’m off to an audition then to the GYM! 🙂 P.S. AnI’m off to an auyone else having trouble with WordPress today. I posted a lil’ message for WP on tumblr. hehe

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

this one for sure “@liztrinnear: Justin Bieber look # 3” # careful what you wish for # “@nympsam: Want to create an app that makes people's faces look old? "Instagramps" You're welcome.” haha # cutting is the first step. #sewing # Love that postal service outfit on #thebachelor I wanna wear that. # omg so many notifications on FB. wtf am i tagged in now. # yoga, byeeeeee! # joomla. eww. # RE: Yaaaay! Love it. # moving into Charlie Sheen's 'special' house. # californicCASIEtion #

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get ready to sign your name here lady OR gentleman…

I’m in a charity auction for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. There are 20 people in the whole auction.  I have no idea who the other girls are but, I do know you will be able to bid on bloggers  Zach Bussey & Dan Levy and young darling Brock McLaughlin. Maybe I will find a date myself? Remember when Scar Jo sold a date on e-bay for charity? That was kinda hot, wonder how much she went for? Oh y’know, about $40,000 USD! Let’s hope I break $100. The event is hosted by Ally & Dani from the Girls of TO blog and all proceeds to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. See the press release here. I was on a skipping team for the H&S when I was in Primary school so when they asked, I totally said yes. I’m nervous but mostly about what I am going to wear. Ah! Highest male & female bidders from the audience get Nella Bella bag (my fav!) and a $100 bar tab covered by Sleeman Brewery. Let’s hope someone is sharng that with me at the end of the night ok 😉 Date:February 10, 2011. Doors  8PM. Location: The Hideout, 484 Queen Street West Cost: $5 at the door Bidding begins at $25 It’s the Thursday night before GenYTO during Social Media Week. Good thing I’ve been hittin’ the gym lately. *covers eyes with hands* OMG. OMG.

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Yes, hi, imma talkin’ to YOU. It’s winter, deal with it. Don’t feel grumpy. There’s nothing that will make you feel happier than seeing your friends and making new ones. Lucky for you, I’m quite the social butterfly and I’d love you to come hang out with me. Here’s a couple resons for you to brush your hair and leave the house: Monday, Janury 24th: Community Manager Appreciation Day @ The Rivoli Saturday, January 29th: Gino vs Hipster Party @ Tattoo w/ z-list Friday, February 11th: GenYTO Social Media Week Party @ Lee’s Palace Clicking on each event will get you to the registration page, get your name on the list and  come. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer or donate something to one of these fab events,  leave a comment or email me. See you on Twitter 🙂

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