I’d have over 80,000 if I had a dollar for each Tweet I’ve sent since I joined May 5, 2008.  Twitter has been a huge part of my life since 2008. I’ve met many of my best friends, found jobs, taken my career to the next level and formed lasting relationships. I average about 100 tweets a day and Tweet about a variety of things. I was curious to seek out some stats about my own tweets but guess what, without paying for a fancy service. It’s kinda hard! Tweetstats are out of date I feel but Tweetreach was kinda interesting. Check out the reach on 50 of my Tweets sent last week. Over 100,000! Twooler informed me my most common word used is LOVE.


When someone says something nice about me or gives a sincere compliment about my work, I add it to my favourites. I’ve gathered a few hundred that also include funny tweets or really clever things said by people I follow. I’ve been called a Pastor, a rockstar, a celebrity, teacher, preacher and more but after looking at a bunch of them yesterday, it’s clear people comment mostly on my  positive energy. Thanks guys!

Below is a Storify of some of my favourite things people have said since December 2010.

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Weekend Tune: “Hallways” by Islands

Happy weekend everyone! I hope you’re all feeling fantastic! Sure things might seem a bit gloomy what with all the rain, but sometimes all you need is some good music to change that mood around! No matter what the weather, this Weekend Tune is sure to brighten things up and get those feet of yours moving. It’s some indie rock doom wop with a touch of Tim Burton-esque style! “Hallways” by Islands!

Their latest album A Sleep & A Forgetting is out now, and you can stream it via Exclaim! Islands are also currently on tour and will be stopping by Toronto’s Music Gallery this upcoming Tuesday the 28th!

xo Kate

Nella Bella FW 2012 Collection @ Urbanspace Gallery

Last night went to Nella Bella’s FW 2012 media reception. I’ve been taking NellaBella bags on all my travels, bike rides, festivals & fun for the last two years. They’re got lots of different shapes & styles this year.

One of the designers for this collection, Andreas Kyriakos who started working with them at 15, he’s 16 now, but still,  he designed a whole batch of beautiful things. I got to catch up with a few really lovely girls I hadn’t seen in a while.  Thanks Raymi, you babe, for photos and Tarek for the invite. Can’t wait to get something new and BRIGHT! Bring on, SPRING on!

My current fav is the KIEV bag in black (in photo but hard to see). It fits my 11 Macbook Air, camera and a few other necessities. Comes in handy when’re always on the go/working! 

Shirt: Joe Fresh
Cardi: GAP
Pants: Bench – shopping trip!
Hair: Ken Murphy Color Bug, Goody Accessories
Shoes: Ego & Greed

One things I love about clothes is the stories they tell. Links to the above items go to past posts wearing. Archives rule. Crashed my bike the day I got the Joe Fresh shirt, ordered shoes from solestruck.com. Got GAP  cardi over holidays cruising vintagey shops in Cambridge with Mum.


Photos via WE REPRESENT THE LOLLIPOP GUILD  on RaymitheMinx.com


Walked home home with the Septembre & Bella. Made .gif with Loopcam, from Berlin! Check out Jessica’s post & pic here. It was really fun. Good night. Nice to see beautiful bags and smiling faces. The food was excellent and catered by The Daily Bread Food Bank’s catering campany. They put all the proceeds from catering, right back in.

Been busier than ever planning and preparing things for SXSW. We have a new blog coming. I’m super excited. Let’s do this.  😉





Its lovely outside today but tonight we’re getting a snow storm and winter will be back here.. I’m made the most of a beautiful day by biking on a Bixi downtown. Weeeee!


Jacket: Mubaa leather, Holts
Shoes: Ego & Greed, Solestruck.com
Shirt: Joe Fresh
Overalls: H&M
Glasses: Vintage from NZ
Lipstick: Kate for Rimmel in Rosetto

Today TWO crazy awesome things happened today… (remember when I used to ALWAYS say ‘crazy awesome’) … Anyhoo, CTS, my fav vintage shop ever, reopened today and it looks SO NICE. Also, Lauren and I also went to a Mill. The best mill in town!




Hi from the Bram & Bluma Appel Salon at the Toronto Reference Library. I love this space! I caught the morning keynote by Shane Smith, CEO & Founder of Vice. Panels are full of great people. My talk is “Authenticity and Word-of-Mouth via Social Media” featuring three other bloggers in fashion, photography, and comics.

Follow along my tweets and #YIC12. I you have any questions, ask me!

Have an awesome day!



Man I love this guy. Rick Mercer for the win. Imagine the government could peep in your comouter any second.t\ The first thing that it would kill in me is creativity. I love my computer and everyone has some things we don’t want to show others. Mercer’s confident us Canadians aren’t stupid enough to let the Tories peak into our hard drives without a warrant. He might just be right.

Like Rick said “that’s why we close our blinds at night”. Well done. Proud to be Canadian.

P.S. Check out these TOTALLY INSANE AWESOME book carvings. Yes, books.


Love a Heart from Chris Luckhardt on Vimeo.

Instagram photo by @ValTorontoGal @ The Hideout

I did Jump Rope for Heart and was on skipping demo team fror the Heart & Stroke Foundation when I was a kid. We travelled around to schools doing routines and raising awareness about heart disease. February is Heart Month, heart disease and stroke take 1 in 3 Canadians before their time and it is the #1 killer of women.

Thanks for everyone who came out and donated to the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada for Love a Heart. Posted a bunch of photos last week in this post. For info on volunteering or donating visit heartandstroke.com. Be part of the change. MAKE DEATH WAIT 🙂

Semaine de Mode 2012

See highlights on the Ottawa Fashion Week blog.





Sun on the face. Senators only.




Welcome to Canada.


Baby blue.


“I’m melting”


The Blondetourage: expressed as neon wolves made of ice at Winterlude 2012.


Full circle.



Walked from my hotel down to the mall, through the market, around Parliament, through Winterlude, across the canal and back. Kevin was a great tour guide and I posted all kinds of beautiful things you won’t see here I saw on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, Keek, Facebook and a 360 view from Parliament Hill. It’s fairly mild and the sun felt good on my face. I will remember this day forever.

Don’t have hair & makeup till 7:30pm, it’s nap time. Might watch a movie too.





Ladies your car is here!


View from my room at the Westin Ottawa.




Once I got settled in I did what I always do when I get to a hotel, jump on the bed, jump into a robe, then jump into bed.


I wanted to stay there but we it was time for dinner then shows.


Cute boy in red pants.




Rachel Sin & her models.



Weekend Tune: “Comeback Kid” by Sleigh Bells

Happy weekend my lovelies! This week I bring you Sleigh Bells, a kick ass duo from New York who take noise pop to the next level. Their video for “Comeback Kid” is all kinds of awesome, so grab your leather studded jacket and get ready…


Their second album Reign Of Terror comes out this Tuesday (the 21st) and they’re currently on tour stopping by Toronto March 26th! See you there?

xo Kate

First Class Ticket to Capitol Hill

Snapped this last night just before my talk at The Working Group. The sun sets so beautifully on Queen Street West. I love Toronto.


I thought I was going to miss my train this morning. Luckily, I thought it was at 6am but it was really at 6:40am so I had more than enough time. Unfortunately I rushed out of the house and my luggage is all smushed in a bad and I only have two pairs of shoes. TRAGEDY! The platform was cold and dark but I sat down in my first class seat and went back to sleep.


Sitting on the train to Ottawa now with Gabrielle Miller (Corner Gas/Call Me Fitz), Gail McInnes (TDot TV), and Cory Lee (Degrassi). We’ve got rehearsals this afternoon for tomorrow’s “Runway for a Better Way” charity show in support of Unicef. Cory and I are wearing Canadian designer Rachel Sin who’s an architect turned fashion designer. I slept most of the way here.



Last time I took the train it was meant to be a short little ride but we got stuck by flooding or snow and I made this video; 420 consecutive photos, one train ride. Via Rail won’t let you watch videos or “download big files” so I’m unable to embed it. One of my most fav things I’ve ever created. I’d love to make a new one on the way home Monday.

There was a Zombie Girl on my money last night.


I hear a limo is picking us up when we arrive then we head to rehearsals for 1pm. At 2pm I’ve have an interview for a book about Canadian media. So much going on I feel like a whirlwind but I love every minute of it. Last night at the SM Cafe closing party for Social Media Week they asked what tips we had for people to take away, my tip is below 🙂

Hope your weekend is off to a great start. We arrive in Ottawa in ten minutes and it’s bright & sunny out.


Betsey Johnson & Bloggers Are All the Buzz at #WWDMAGIC

Some of my friends were in Vegas this week for MAGIC, the preeminent trade event in the international fashion industry. There were all kinda of global buyers and sellers of apparel and more. I’d have loved to be there but I was involved in Social Media Week and the Auto Show in Toronto.

My friends Elle PR in LA sent me these photos of Betsy stopping by MAGIC on Valentines Day and I thought they were so cute I would share. I love Betsy for her style, clothes and super bright flare she adds to everything.  They were at the Las Vegas Convention Center in the Vogue Blogger Lounge where a bunch of North America’s hippest fashion bloggers shared tips and trends. Next year, I hope to be there! Thanks Jamie for sending.

Toronto International Auto Show

This photo was taken using 360 pano for iPhone. I love this app. Check out the interactive 360 here.


This is similar to the Sonic I won from GM last year. Man I loved driving that little car.


This mustang is modelled after Hot Wheels. I get to take the brand new mustang for a spin this summer. Ahh, I’m so looking forward to summer. I’m totally gonna drive it wearing a muscle shirt listening to hard rock.


The size of the booths at the Toronto Auto Show vs Detroit Auto Show is very different. Been coming to this Toronto show since I was a kid and always thought Toronto’s was so huge but  Detroit is MASSIVE. There’s a lesson there… Something about not knowing how big/great things are until you go out and see them. There’s a big world out there.



Lauren and I are driving this bad boy allllllllll the way deep down south to Austin, Texas. The team at Ford Canada are really cool. Thanks for car hookup guys!


They won a couple awards last night. NICE WORK!


I’d love to drive this little rocket. Probably only a concept car. Small, fast card are my favourite. I didn’t love driving until I started taking all these cars for test drives. It’s rad to take so many different ones, I know what features I really like. I’ve never owned a car but I’ve always seen my first one as a Porche. Not joking.


I’ve never driven a Mini either. I’d like to. MINI, CALL ME!



Thank you GM for breakfast.


I’m prepping for my panel this evening while this presentation takes place. I think it’s full but if you are keen try & sign up here. It’s 6-8pm at the TWG office in the Burroughs building.

Happy Friday!

Social Media Friendships, Anxiety and You




Talk is about to start. Met Jim Cuddy last night!



Noticed this morning that the one & only G.A.Elliot was in the neighbourhood last night. He’s a Toronto artist who leaves these hearts all around the city. You’ve probably seen them on Queen, in Kensington or on Spadina.


Woke up early and got lots done before noon. Standing desk is an excellent way to increase productivity. Today was one of those days where y0u’re running around and then UHHH MY GODDD it’s 4pm. You say to yourself, where DID the day go?


Got my hair done at Darren Kwik Studio on Queen which took up most the afternoon. Short blonde hair is high maintenance   & Darren’s been doing  mine for years.  He is really great and you should go see him. Scalp massage is my favourite part. I’m helping him with some online stuff and made this little vid while showing how to YouTube.

I rode Bixi a couple blocks & walked the rest of the way. Was quite lovely out.


Before I left the house I accidentally (no clue how) locked my bathroom door. BUT HAVE NO FEAR, the INTERNET IS HERE. I tweeted a pic asking how I can pick the lock then  and va-va-va-voom got a hotel key I was in. Thank you internet, ILU.


Now I am rushing to ENtrinsic for a party with a bunch of friends. The madness, it never ends!


This one time I sent a really mean valentine.

When I was in primary school this boy Adam really liked me. I was in grade 5, Mrs. Rolt’s class and he was in grade 4. I did not like Adam. I wasn’t a romantic then like I am now. (Mum is going to have a giggle when she reads this.) I made a bunch of valentines on our old computer to give to friends in my class and around school. They were quite lovely, beautiful actually,  I hand coloured the hearts by hand with pencil crayon. (This was back when printer’s were black & white and  the paper had holes on the sides.)

I wrote recipients name & class number on valentines and cupid would deliver them by end of day. Well, my valentine for Adam was REALLY special. I coloured his in with special care and signed my name.

Before sending I wrote “I HATE YOU” in bold pencil.

I hated him. He was really mean to me all the time and I was really upset. It’s not nice to be picked on. As a creative person & writer this is how I dealt with the bully. It was not really the right way to deal, but, hey, I was in grade five and I didn’t know any better.

The valentine did NOT go over well. I had a pending application to the leadership council and my Mum got a ring form the school and  was told how “that type of behaviour would not be tolerated” and I should not be a leader on the council.  Mum explained how he had been bullying me and I was upset and I was just a kid and I was a creative person and I had hurt feelings. I got let off the hook and joined the leadership council the following year.

Adam was so sad at the time. In retrospect, I really should have not signed my name. I’ve never sent another mean valentine. Sorry Adam! Please accept my apology twenty years later. By chance do you still have that card?

These flowers just arrived from a dear friend in the U.K. Thank you lovely.


For all you lovers out there, like me, Happy Valentines Day! If you aren’t wearing something red or hearts grab a sharpie and write something on your knuckles or your palms. Then show somebody. And smile.

Got these beautiful sweetheart roses this morning. So bright and full of love. Have you noticed what ELSE I got for Valentines Day… take a look at blog, near the top, pretty eh? Working on a few things around here. Huge thank you to Leschinski Design.

Having love for Valentines is nice but if you are single, don’t go wasting one minute on feeling lonely. Tell your friends you love them, make valentines and go buy yourself flowers then take them for a walk. You’ll have smiles flashing you from all directions.

Pinned a pile of hearts on Pinterest last night. I’ve been pinning things about fashion, travel, food, and inspiration. Check out my Valentine board here. If you  need/want some v-day card ideas, someecards has the best selection for cheeky kids.

someecards.com - You're the top trending topic in the Twitter feed of my heart

On top of love for yourself and friend, it helps to have a really really sexy Brazilian babe around! Check out this video starring my girl Carol Zara one of the internest’s hottest babes. If you are at work you might wanna check from iPhone or save it for home.

Valentine from Eric Barnett on Vimeo.

Happy Valentines Day. Love Casie xo



Speaking | Panels, Parties & People #SMW

Social Media Week kicks off around the world today. Here’s my picks on what you wanna check out including parties and panels. I’m speaking on two that fall on Thursday & Friday. There’s a TON of things going on so check the schedule & see what peaks your interest. Image is from Say Media’s blog, LEGGOOOO, VROOOOOOOOOM!

Monday: 7pm: SMW Tweetgasm & Official Launch Party (Both at Gladstone Hotel)



Thursday: there’s LOTS of great stuff!


Information about my panels: 

Thursday, 1-2:30: Social Media Friends, Anxiety & You: Hosted by Maria Lianos-Carbone, publisher & editor of amotherworld.com, this panel will be talking about the anxiety that can come along with being so open in social media and sharing more of your life than ever. I’m looking forward to this cause I deal with anxiety ALL THE TIME. Other panelists include Stéphanie Montreuil Principal, The Lotus Pad Consulting, and Chris Eh Young. Location is The Office Pub, 117 John Street, 2nd Floor at Adelaide. There will be networking after so come say HI.

Friday 6-8pm: Building Valuable Social Features into your Web and Mobile Applications: Moderated by Andrew Peek  from Jet Cooper, this panel of strategists, designers and developers talks about building true value through social features inside web and mobile apps. Other speakers are Dessy DaskalovJeremy BowerErin BurySatish Kanwar.
If you see me at something please don’t be shy to say hello. I love meeting new people and especially ones who ready my blog or follow me on Twitter.

Enjoy the sunshine today. Gdo something that inspires you!

P.S. We’re having a GenYTO party Tuesday next week at Lou Dawgs on Tuesday. Get a ticket here!

Friday Night Lights #FordBlue


We all donned blue & headed to the Liberty Grand Friday to get a first glimpse at Ford’s new cars. I’ve got to meet a bunch of the Ford team lately and I’m super impressed with their attention to detail and how they integrate social media into everything. Well done team.


Sammy and I played magnetic car racing. We had one of these tracks at my house as a kid.


Nice chatting you Lena. Check her (Mommy) Blog here. She’s LOVELY!


Then Lau and I we went for drinks with the boys. The end 🙂



Weekend Tune: “Lust For Life” by Girls

Happy weekend everyone! How are we all dealing with the February blues? Alright I hope! It’s nearly Valentines day so I thought I’d post something sweet.  Whether you’re happily one of a pair or single like me, there’s no harm in a little lovely song.  So here’s a recent indie classic to sing-a-long to. Grab a pizza and a bottle of wine, it’s ‘Lust For Life” by Girls!

xo Kate

#LOVEAHEART Raises +$11K for Heart & Stroke

Last night’s event was a great success! We all had a blast and raised over $11,000 for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Our MC’s Shannon & Hawaii did a great job of entertaining the crown and Miss Shannon Hunter did an excellent job putting it all together. Tiny Danza played a great show and George Strombo showed up to be a surprise bachelor. Thanks to Simply You for hooking me up with beautiful jewellery and Rent Frock Repeat for the beautiful red dress. I sold for $400 to Stephen from the Globe & Mail. See all the photos for the night on Facebook.

Heart disease the LEADING killer of women. Please donate and Make Death Wait.

#FIRSTANDFOREVER: Dr. Martens SS 2012 Preview

All photos by Becca Lemire for She Does the City. See the entire album of who was there & what they were wearing here. See FW 2011 post here. Thanks for a fun time. Great pix Becca! Love my docs for life xo







Lots of great photos & stories from last night coming up soon. Just had an interview about social media & weddings/live events. Hope you are having an awesome day. Bon weekend!




Sometimes I just sit here and think… this is my life.


If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
Jim Rohn



Über is launching in Toronto and a friend invited me to be one of the first to try it out. So, downloaded the app and booked a car. Less than five min and this fancy thing rolled up…


I took it to my hair appt at Darren’s and as I hopped out of the car I had this moment where I was like “ahhh, this is more like it”. Felt like a diva and it was lovely.



Walked to a meeting then called booked another Über to take me home. Luxury fleet is so damn glam compared to taxi! Met up w/ Shannon for a celebratory drink, then took one more Über to the Doc Martens party. Man, everybody and their dog blog was there!

Helloooooo blondetourage & Beckerman babes!


Cass & Em ILU.




Had a few beers, (caved and) got maccas then went home to watch Criminal Minds. LIFE IS CRAZY, live it out!

Dear Valentine. xo

If you by chance are wondering what to get (ME!) your Valentine this year and they’re a little bit nerdy, check out nerd valentine on tumblr it’s full of nertastic love things.

I found all these love inspired things walking down Queen Street today. This Valentine from Magic Pony is my fav.


Green Shag Menswear, nice one. Love a man suited up.



Fashionably Yours and I share a love for luxury.


Pantone, be still my heart.


Outer Layer is my FAV giftshop.


Last stop before meeting is Starbucks, seasonal cups are the sweetest.


What are you doing for Valentines Day? I’m going the Panasonic Theatre to see…wait for it…Potted Potter, a Harry Potter parody. I’ve not seen any of the seven movies but Sam loves them so we’re going. I’m getting the super fast comedic version of all the movies wrapped into 70 minutes.

I’ve got a pair of tickets for the 9:30pm show on Valentines Day for for you. So, if you and your sweetie love the Harry Potter, this is the perfect DATE. Leave a comment with a Valentine rhyme and I’ll pick a winner. Points for creativity!

TBH, I don’t know if I will ever love anyone more than super fast internet.Is that sad? Hopefully it’s a love I can share with someone real special one day.

Drew this last year around <3 Day.