Foot in Mouth, A Case of

So, Roxy totally put her foot in her mouth this time.
She thought her sister was beside her and made a silly fat joke.
But instead, there was a big fat lady there…..whoopsy!!

Prefessional Dancers!!! REAL DANCE

My sister is in school for professional dance.
Her and George, our friend can dance so good.
This is them dancing to Sean Paul, ‘Breakout’.
They are REALLY GOOD though, seriously.

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To smoke or Not to Smoke? That is the Question here……….


Roxy says: ‘lets kill another smoke’ with a deadly mean laugh

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Casie says: smoking is ‘so fucking cool’
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Roxy’s Cartoon

Roxy can’t have sugar.
It is really convenient that on Friday’s we have cake day.
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Friday Cartoon Contest

So, Ian, Roxy and I decided to have a ‘Natalie Dee’ like Friday Cartoon Contest.

This is my entry:
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I think Roxy can see in to my head. Because she knew just what I saw thinking damnit. This is what she saw:

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How puuuuuuuuurfect!!!! YUMMY!
And its FRIDAY and its SUNNY!!! YAYAY!