it looks cold outside

and i remember how warm i used to be
this is my old home.
the life the luxury.
the sun, the sand, the skin.
the ocean, the waves.
the boards, the boys.
bondi will always have my heart.

Highspeed Internet on Planes

Some very interesting and refreshing points. Mr. Louis C.K. (born Louis Szekely; September 12, 1967) is an Emmy Award-winning American stand-up comedian, writer, actor, producer and director.

City Girl Defines Her Style: Jennifer Herd

Jennifer Herd, a talented artist I know has created this awesome pic ‘City girl”. Her artwork has been entered in the Sony VAIO Contest to be one of the new laptop skins to be manufactured & sold across Canada. I am asking for your help to get her design into the Top 10. It is very simple!

Click the photo to follow the link & hit ‘vote for this design’. You can vote every 24 hours. It would be a dream come true for the artist to have her design manufactured by Sony. I’m excited to help make her wish a reality! To check out more of Jennifer’s artwork visit her blog.

A little bit about Jennifer:

1. Whats your dream job?
– Illustrator for a trendy Toronto animation company
2. What’s your favourite type of music?
– Gotta have my blues rock! Oh yeah!
3. What clothing brands best defines your personal style?
– I don’t buy particular brands – I love indie and vintage!!

barry manalow rocks the eighties

Tonight, I watched Will & Grace and it was the episode when Will is in line for tickets the one night show of Barry’s Christmas Special. Grace gets mad when she sees that her mum ditched Hanukkah shopping to hang out with Jack. Karen finds comfort with the Fanilows in line for tickets. ET Canada was happy to have Mr. Manilow on their program this evening also. He is releasing a new album “The Greatest Songs of the Eighties,” due November 25 on Arista. It’s just amazing how youthful and soft his face looks. I browsed through some photos of Barry and maybe I found one way to stay looking young and have a pretty voice, a dried flowered bud of the Cannabis Sativa plant. It has visible THC crystals, which indicate high potency.

blue snowflakes star falling

Elvis singing Blue Christmas. I love it.
Soon as I hear “I’ll have blue, Christmas, without you”,
my heart melts for The King.
He does this little smirk.
It’s fantastic. Just watch him.

Beautiful People.

Tonight watched Beautiful People on Slice. If you don’t know what Beautiful People is you may not have been on the Internet for the last year and probably should see a doctor. Right now.
Beautiful People (BP) is an exclusive agency for meeting other people, except it only lets in the pretty ones. No boring and no ugly ones either. It’s beauties meeting beauties. The members vote and if you’re hot enough, then you can join. If not, you get a message that says “the beautiful people don’t think you are attractive enough“. I suggest you take a look at it for fun. I find it interesting however not surprising that a business like this exists this and Slice broadcasts it right into my very own room.

There was a commercial for Botox during the break and it emphasized the importance of “freedom of expression”. This, I am also thankful for, the expression that is, not the Botox. An actress from Toronto got rejected by Beautiful People (BP) and found inspiration in that to get plastic surgery all over her face. They told her that she looked tired and sunken and she needs some work done. Of course, cosmetic surgery can help you achieve this. Lotus Medical offer their clients the chance to ‘regain your youthful appearance’ through their cosmetic procedures that include tummy tuck, fillers and liposculpture among many more. To be honest with you I am actually all in favor of changing your appearance if it makes you happy. A good friend of mine has had a few procedures done by the best plastic surgeon chicago has to offer and this has made a huge difference to her confidence. Ultimately, if you are considering plastic surgery it is vital that you do your research so that you can find a reputable surgeon.

Her inspiration inspired me and I drew on my face but I don’t want to change it.

The two blokes who started the company said: “PR is the cornerstone of their business”. They like the media and guerrilla marketing because it is cheap & effective and gets lots of attention. They like lots of attention. They like to get people talking. They like to cross borders and make you stretch what you think is normal. They like to shake your mind a bit. They like to get you moving.
The Beautiful People boys did a fine number by projecting a message on the side of one of our downtown buildings. It lasted two hours before the cops shut it down but it lasted much longer once the media grabbed it.

I think to myself, have we lost it? The economy is not doing so well. People are all walking around like The Sims, looking the same in the face, wearing the same clothes, going to the same places, seeing the same people. Boring. Boring Boring.

There are a couple people who I find quite interesting because I see them doing something different. White Rabbit, Jon Dube and Optiadmedia; its all creative inspiration of different mediums.

The time has come for the rising of the arts and those who are Borderline Artistic will no longer be hiding.