who’s fueling who now?

I got a lovely email from the folks at Fuel My Blog today that I am the blog of the day! Fuel My Blog is a cool community exclusive to bloggers, every new blog added is reviewed by a human before being accepted. I got reviewed and they like me, they really like me!!

Blogging is becoming cooler and cooler each day. In a world where anything can reach the media, go viral or change in an instant, I’ve really noticed an interest in blogging from those around me. As for myself, I love this blog and writing it! I started it for myself so I could remember stuff and let me tell you, it works. Except, I read old entries and forget that I wrote them, but that keeps it entertaining!
You can vote for my blog on Fuel My blog by visiting the site, or clicking the image below. My interview will be on their blog in the upcoming weeks. Thanks y’all!!

light snow with an in your face warning

The Twestival is coming soon (Mark Feb.12 on your calendar!) and I am happy to announce tickets are selling well! The night is sure to be a hit and will be enjoyed by over 175 cities around the world, together. Here is a mesage from the founder of charity:water thanking us all for being involved in Twestival.
I’m looking forward to doing getting started on video blogging. It’s been ages since I have had a new camera as I lost the old one last summer. I’ve had a few requests to do some impersonations. This I assure you will be quite hilarious. Today is it -4 in Toronto and the snow is coming down in a sideways motion. I’d happy I live in a condo and don’t have to deal with snow removal.

i won the camera, now comes the fun part

It was only January 9, 2009 that I wrote a post titled “hey universe, I need a new camera“. It is amazing what you can do if you set your mind to it. The power of positive thought baby! Special thanks to everyone that voted for me and joined Daily Challenge.

It was a close race and as I wanted, I came in second place, scoring me the jazzy new flippy video camera. “This camera is not only super sleek and sexy but was also named “one of the most significant electronic products of the year” by the New York Times and if that wasn’t enough the makers of The Flip are have committed to give away 1,000,000 Flip Video camcorders to qualified nonprofits by 2012. Talk about Do Gooding!” Thanks Daily Challenge!

we are moving particles of matter

vintage series: written by me on may 17, 2007

“Internet stalking? Who is really stalking who?

Me sitting here on my computer. You would know by looking online that I have been ‘Facebooking’ for about the last hour or so. Chatting, writing notes, tagging friends in photos, and checking my events and sh** like that. At work, when I log on in the morning, scripts run, and documents are recorded with times, dates, locations, ISP’s, with IBM’s all over the place. I recall 1984, the classic by George Orwell. I remember the book vaguely, which I may even recite by memory. I think I read only the ‘Coles Notes’ and still have the hardcover at Mums’ house from the local public library circa 1998.

In a recent discussion, I came to the conclusion that anyone…government, organizations, the Internet, anyone could be stalking me right now. In the world I live in, I am run by the Internet and my computer. I rely on them for knowledge, weather, news, fashion, gossip, history, travel, alerts and everything else that I don’t know yet but Google does, and, I’ll tell you in a minute. I start to think further about the potential of this awareness of what I am actually doing, all the time.

The boys start talking as I come up with an idea. Imagine the government infused our blood with a specific DNA that is able to be seen and or tracked due to its scientific makeup. What a scary thought.

You could see what we are moving particles of matter.”

Get inspired!! Do Something Good – RIGHT NOW ♥

OK. Contest closes today.

I’m ready to kick some ass in the Daily ChallengeDo Gooder’ Contest. I’m trying to win a camcorder so I can start video blogging. Daily Challenge is the worlds largest network of ‘ Do Gooders‘ and a media sponsor for the upcoming TwestivalTO.

Please take a couple minutes TODAY to vote for me and my story. It’s about how my mum, sister and self served an afternoon meal to those without, followed by opening our home anyone alone to share our Christmas dinner. I only have 25 damn votes right now. I know I can win the unit with your loving vote.

Your five minutes of internet time
today is much appreciated!!

See you at
Twestival on Feb. 12!!

inspiring change through design and creation

I’m watching this inspiring documentary JonJon sent me. It is all about how waste is food and reducing the amount of waste created. Really interesting, and kind of long, but worth it. As a globe, our natural resources are increasingly becoming less and less available. If we find more ways to reduce, reuse and recycle the products we consume, we will have a more sustainable way of life.
They mention how we consistently take and take and do not give back. This needs change. I’m a big advocate for giving and living green. This documentary is really interesting, the innovation and sustainable development blows my mind. Now, the real challenge, getting the masses and corporations to change their manufacturing and energy usage.

New challenges arise every day and this is why you should be active and keep on learning. Have an awesome day!