Twestival Party – You should have been there.

It was awesome. Jenie & I are in this video along with a bunch of other Tweeps & peeps who attended TwestivalTO.

Thank you to everyone who came out. I met HEAPS of totally cool people who were mobilized for the cause. We beat our goal and Twestival Toronto can build wells for communities without access to clean water. Great job!!

Friday the 13th! Me = NEW TATTOO!!

Thanks to Rob at Bobby Five. Woooooooooooooooooooot!

what if this was all you had? [charity:water]


Did you know that over a billion, YES A BILLION, people all over the world go without access to clean and safe drinking water everyday? That is 1 in every 6 people.

Today you will find an article about Twestival on page 3 of the Toronto 24 Hours newspaper. Twestival has been on CNN, BBC and all kinds of other networks around the world. The Toronto response has been great, but we need more people out for the cause! Toronto is one of the MOST online cities and we can totally show the other 180 global cities participating, that Toronto is a strong community. I know we can show up Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Moncton, Montreal and Vancouver by having a bigger party and raising more for the cause! We are looking to sell another 200 tickets! If you can’t attend the event, purchase a ticket and show your support. Get them here!The Twestival is organized 100% by volunteers in cities around the world and 100% of the money raised from these events will go directly to support charity: water projects. Check out this vid featuring the woman behind Twestival TO, Sarah Prevette by Daily Challenge:

the people i know in a cloud

This image is a tag cloud of all my contacts on Twitter and what they do. The largest words are the ones that show up the most (in case you are unfamiliar with this kind of thing!). It is evident that the most predominate are 1. social 2. media 3. marketing. I find that the amount of new stuff I learn each day is greatly increased by following these people. The Twitsphere is an ongoing life stream of what is happening in the world around us online and offline. If you don’t use Twitter yet, get on it! You can follow me very easily and begin the learning and sharing for yourself. I find it to be the greatest social tool at my fingertips for getting smarter, staying connected and branding. Twestival is a party uniting Tweeps from around the world. It is on Thursday, February 12th. Get your tickets here.

he’s just not that into who?

I went to see the movie this evening and, well, I get it. Guys don’t mix their signals they just give you excuses for not being into you. For example, “You’re too perfect”, “Too successful/awesome”, “I just got out of a relationship”, “I’m not emotionally mature”, “I need work on myself”, blah, blah, bullshit. I guess its being considerate and saving a girls feelings, but maybe they are just too afraid to say it.
The movie was pretty good, not your average chick flick. Slight emotional roller coaster, yet realistic. Basically, if a guy doesn’t either call/text/email/facebook/myspace/twitter/PIN/voicemail you, he is not interested. In our world there are so many forms of communication, why waste your time waiting for someone to reach you? Lesson learned – if they want to talk to you, they will. It mentioned how all those magical love stories your friends tell you to make you feel better are all exceptions to the rule. Are you the rule or the exception?

Finally, the site for the movie is cute and entertaining. As for Jennifer Aniston and ScarJo, they both looked great.