I wake up and have a quick shower before getting dressed. I wear pants today. I put on a dress shirt, the tuxedo one and a heart shaped locket without any photos in it. It’s long and silver and dangles as I gather my things and reach for my coat. Glasses, keys, phone, camera, do you have everything? I say to myself as I pick up my laptop carry case and head for the elevator. It’s not too slow today, I get to the ground and lead the herd our the door to work. I dry off my seat from the rain. I unlock and mount my bicyclette. The air is cool but warm on my face as I photograph the skyline over the lake. I steer towards the office.

It’s cloudy and grey yet very beautiful. I feel free and alive and barely notice how my body aches for the first two days back on the road.
It feels great. I arrive in the village greeted by the hustle and bustle of a place that thrives from nine to five. The train must have just left. There is a pleasant joy in the air; spring is here to stay.

Smiling inside, I ride over the old brick road through the train tracks to the back of the factory. For the first time I dream of working in an art factory,
my own. I park my bike and head inside. I arrive in ten minutes,
this ten minutes glides me through the day. I’m ready to work today. I have the day off tomorrow, it’s my 27 birthday: May 8, 2009.