i will not be paid in butter chicken or fancy lunch

It’s a good day. Sun on my face, wind in my hair. The air is cool yet fresh. I feel good. On my way in I was thinking about being social. Last week I was at The League of Kickass Business People at The Social, being social, talking about social media. After that I went to the Refresh Events Summer social.

I could not get ‘social’ out of my head. Social, social social.

Social Media. Social Influence. Social good. They all roll off the tongue and leave you with a feeling of happiness. There is one thing that I’ve been talking about lately with people is – how do you put a price on social media? It’s difficult when it’s all includes user-generated content (UGC) or consumer-generated media (CGM). It’s hard to put a price on something that is hard to define.

Wikipedia says Social media can be said to have three components;

  1. Concept (art, information, or meme).
  2. Media (physical, electronic, or verbal).
  3. Social interface (intimate direct, community engagement, social viral, electronic broadcast or syndication, or other physical media such as print).

I’ve been putting quite a bit of thought into this over the past few months and especially since I saw the social media revolution video. I’m gonna think about it more and come back to it.

In the mean time, do you follow me on Twitter & Facebook?

when i put them on it’s business time

The little girl beside me is Irish and with her parents. She’s staring outside the window preying with every breath to capture a glimpse of the Jonas Brothers. She’s talking about Vanessa and their bus and I’m reminded of when I was young.

I had those teen Bop posters of Joey Lawrence and Johnny Depp all over my walls. After that phase  I graduated to drawing all over my walls with quotes and thoughts and messages from friends when they came over. Mum let me do it; creative expression. Thank you.

I watched the number 23 last night and he drew all over the walls too.  “The bus!” she shouts, this little girl is so cute. Where’s my little business phone? Gah, I lose it a few sometimes a day. I wear my eyeglasses to help me concentrate. It usually works. So far so good. Two cops in full uniform sat down beside me. I stare at the gun he doesn’t notice. Good. Someone else sat down and their cologne overpowers the sweet smell of coffee, not good cologne either, something cheap.

They’re playing house music on Sunday afternoon. I wear my earphones to concentrate  too, although I’m not playing any music. It’s quite chilly today.

This week I got prescription glasses in the mail from GlassesUSA. Thanks guys!

woke up thinking it smells like back to school

Part 1

Woke up thinking I don’t want to share what I think/feel today. I’m gonna tell a story, not sure what but a story. Then I have several messages regarding a Twittascope Tweet (Twitter/Horoscope). I have trouble accessing the site, so I get ready, leave and have no idea what it says.

Part 2

Riding in the sunshine I hear “get off that bike, that’s nnot your bike”. Familiar face, man, beard, bike, running with dog on leash, he works near me. The bells are ringing and the GO train was fastly approaching. She raced it and crossed the tracks. She looked homeless and dressed in Mugatu Derilict. I asked if he wanted me to hold the dog so he could chase her. I see cops everyday when I ride around Liberty and was she she would not get away. I peddled hard across the tracks after the train and went after. No idea what I would do. I dreamed of throwing a side kick from my bike and knocking her down. Locking my bike while she scrambled then riding off on his to return it. However, I just followed her. Saw a police car and knew she was on the other side of  the car park.  Yelled out to him “she stole that bike”. Told him it was my friends and he was chasing her.  He went to get her.

Part 3

(Apr 20 – May 20)

Your key planet Venus is encouraging you to boldly state your feelings out loud today. But you should think twice before doing something that can upset the delicate balance of power. Your life is already complicated enough; you don’t need to add another layer of emotional drama on top of everything else. Acknowledge your desires, but consider keeping them to yourself for now.

Interesting.  Desires kept for another day……………………..

Part 4

The update: I called the police station and I recon they thought I was a nut. I told them some crazy homeless lady stole the bike of this nice bearded man and I chased the cop and told him to get her. Did he get her? Was the bike returned? I believe she listened to my little voice and though I was about 16.  I did not get an answer.

I’ve been hoping to see the handsome bearded man, only then will I know what happened to his bike.

because when it’s quiet the only sound is the voice in my head

Rain today. Calming, refreshing, inspiring. I wear earphones to block out the noise. No noise. Silence helps me connect my thoughts. Creative thoughts. Creative thoughts on making things. Making things creative.

waiting……………………………#borderlineartistic on 12seconds.tv

On the way in I saw an adorable old woman with a cane who had just placed a ‘P’ sign on the sidewalk in front of her house. There was already one car parked on the lawn. “That’ a great idea” I shouted. There are a few people around the are doing it while the CNE is on.

We wanted to do that at my old house on the Danforth during Taste of the Danforth since we lived right where the action was. We never ended up doing it because we always had friends over. They parked in the spots. I should have invited them over and said “hi friends, thanks for coming. It’s $10 to park here” . Haha, funny money.

The sun just came out. Wore two different socks today.

Happy Wednesday 🙂


it went like this:

Beans says:
i stumbled upon it last week
but tahnee has actually been using it
wireless sync!
c a s i e  s t e w a r t says:

Beans says:
i shit u not
c a s i e  s t e w a r t says:
Beans says:
i shit not
c a s i e  s t e w a r t says:


OMFG. TIWILG = oh my fucking god. this is why i love google.

You got me at hello. You also got me ‘even if you drop your phone in a pool’ or like over 20 stories from your condo, or in the toilet, or in the car door, or in a beer, or off a bridge, most of which I have done. The reason I love Google is because it to me, is the most human and accommodating to my life. When you want to stay connected to your life, it’s there.  It fits in with everything I do , it connects me, makes it simple and helps me be smarter and more efficient in the things I do everyday.

Imagine dating someone like Google?

and before i knew it she was all grown up

This is the face of a happy girl.

wardrobe malfunction today, HR’s gonna kill me on 12seconds.tv

photos were taken by Kelly.