i hid you from my newsfeed on facebook

i don’t wanna see your updates…i don’t want to know what you are doing…i don’t want to know how you feel about your day…or who commented on it…i don’t want to see who you reply to…or who you’re friends with now…

i don’t wanna remove you completely, i just want you out of my thoughts right now… i don’t want to think about you…see your name…your recent activity…your face in the little square box…i hope you still read mine at work or home before bed…

i fee like things got turned upside down… it’s easier to live out of sight out of mind…i censor what i see because i can…it made me hide a few others too like an old’s new girlfriend and negative thinkers…

you know me, i like rainbows, unicorns and stars.

i had a girl and donna was her name

I love tumblr. There, I said it.  I spend hours each week scanning pages of pretty girls with beautiful style. Dreaming of new clothes draped on my body while endlessly scrolling wordboners. New find on Tumblr last night….hellooooooooooo, j’adore so hard. Blog called P.S. I Made This makes me say “P.S love you”. Perfect for stylish girls on a budget or those of us who like to add our own creative flare to an outfit.

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spring fever baby, take me for a ride

Even if it doesn’t last, even if it snows again, I don’t care, this makes me so happy. I need to get my bike tuned up, tires pumped, rust removed.

She wants me to rider her. I walk past her everyday, we glance at each other. We want to be together. We will be together. She’s beautiful.

This one was taken  in an alley off Queen Street in March about two years ago. I used to have red wellies but they ‘somehow’ went missing.  It was really weird, I went away from the weekend and came back and they were gone. My heart still hopes they turn up one day, until then I’m happy to have red Moovboots.

I really hope Spring is on it’s way and winter has sprung. I’m ready for sunshine, bare legs and open toes. Fingers crossed, we can only hope. Enjoy it while it’s here!

#genyto #canlit #sxswi: second annual

Canadian Livers in Training symposium once again joins forces with #genyto for the 2010 edition. Last year this party was so fucking fun. It was also packed and started early. Hosted by Fair Trade Jewelry Co. with SXSW dignitaries @jaygoldman & @smack416. Music by People Downtown. BYOB + dance moves. Follow @CanLITyeah for up to the minute details. There’s already over 100 people confirmed. Get a ticket right away. See you there!

the way to a girls heart is through her closet

I’m a hoarder. A clothes lover of sorts, heaps and piles of them constantly fill my room closet/floor/bed. It’s overwhelming to think about putting them away.

I know this may seem trivial to some but too bad, it’s my thing, always has been, always will be.  I love clothes and shoes..and accessories.

Recently got these amazing white skinny jeans from Jonny who runs Shop My Clothes.   He’s a friend, a blogger and one of my contributors to the MTV magazine  I told you about a while back. (BTW FORA comes out later this month. Stay tuned!)

I saw some great style on there today: Christian Louboutin’s ($160 size 8), DVF jacket – 3/4 sleeves/tuxedo collar ($75).  It’s in Canada/USA and you can post FOR FREE. HAZAA!

His site’s been growing fast so I figured it was about time I shared it. I also figure the only way I’m going to be able to justify getting anything new is to clean out some of my nice things and post them on Shopmyclothes.com.

I’m sure they would rather be on a  warm body than permanently hanging in closet darkness. I just need to clean up the clothes, that’s the hard part. I keep avoiding it. I need a cleaning lady, I’m cleaning lazy.

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life is about building relationships

I think this “Gold Canada Gold” melted.  Sun was so beautiful in the afternoon yesterday, I really wanted to get on my bike. It needs a tuneup and a shine.

Watched the Bachelor. It’s so annoying, I can’t believe he picked Vienna but he did.  I realize I hate that stupid show and remind myself not to watch it. I’ve been having trouble sleeping, I stay up and work on things. I wish I didn’t get tired.  The body needs rest, as does the mind. Gah, I’m excited about life, I can’t help it. Been eating a bit less healthier the last two weeks, lost a few pounds. Feels good, dreaming of summer like errrry day.

I’ve started liking Google Buzz. Seems like a good aggregation tool and my Google profile has links to everything. Looking into more features and will share another day. I’ve been in a love affair with Google for a long time. It’s been a really good relationship. Very little downtime and always surprising me with new things. I like it.