Was up early. Can’t sleep in anymore. It’s like I’ll be miss something. I like to be busy, work hard. It’s a crazy cycle of inspiration, the more you do the more you can do. The guy beside me needs to STFU & stop talking so damn loud, honestly. Itunes – Days like This Spinna Club Remix. I escape.
This is the song, listen to it and keep going. Today has been fun so far.
Made it to my meeting today, late. Cabbie dropped me at 333 when I needed to be at 33. RAN. Yes ran in my coyboy boots and little black dress holding folder + purse with laptop two blocks from Jarvis to Yonge Street. ON THE HOTTEST SWEATY ASS DAY. I was so hot when I got there. Thank god I sat with Miranda at first so I could wipe my forehead with kleenex like a sweaty warthog. Imagine Pumba and Timba mixed together. Yeah.
That went well. After I cooled down during meeting I went and had a dress contest. 1, 2 or 3?
They were all pretty cute. I like dresses. Short ones. They are my most fav thing to wear ever. Boots, short dress, smile, silverish jewels. I picked dress 3. It is shorter in the front than back, rayon and elegant feeling. It sways in the wind and I feel like someone is about to take my photo. On my feet are vintage Capezio cowboy boots. I need to plan a fall swap clothing swap and invite you ladies over. Someone remind me!
So I changed. I have to be at something at ther Roots Store on Bloor for 6pm then dinner at 7:30 then home. I really like home. I am physically ready for Fall this year, I want to wear tights and sweaters and I want to spend lots of time at home working on the internet.
The guys near me are are talking about teaching English in Asia. They are older than Dad, one is retired. It is kinda sad but kinda comforting, seems the man who went had the time of his life. That’s wonderful. Maybe I will do that when I get old too.
Say HELLO to the New Zealand All Blacks, I’m at Hemingways. I love this place. I used to work here a couple years ago.
Dear Universe, I promise to keep working hard. Thank you.
I also love blogging and the internet.
Ok. Stuff to do. Have a loverrrrrly afta’nooooooooon. Byeeeeeee.