yesterday on twitter, this happened:

sunshine green grass fresh air open mind


Good morning from the North Shore in Auckland! Quite lovely and suberbish here. A good break from the past week of red carpets and cameras.


Hanging with my cuz Jo, her baby Isabella and my Nana today. Its been sooooo long since I’ve seen them. Only my immediate family (mum, dad, sis) live in Canada, the rest are all here. How cute is her pup? Love him.


Craving a meat pie so walking to the dairy! Hehe. I really wish we had kiwi meat pies at home. I love Vegimite.


Hope you are having an awesome day. I ship out tomo on Air NZ stopping in SF then home Wed.

I miss you Toronto xo

this is a tech style blog: technology + fashion + music

Ever wonder what the front row is tweeting from? What camera’s at the show? Stylish gadgets I tell ya.

Busy as for the next month when I return home. Luckily it’s with all my favourite things; tech, style & music – TedX Toronto elite invite only geek conference, Indie Music Week and LG Fashion Week. I just googled LGFW and it means ‘Lets Get Fuckin’ Wankered’. haha

Man I love NZ. It’s pretty small but really nice. There’s a few things I’d have liked to get done ex. bungy jump, see Palmy or visit Waiheke Island. Imma just gonna have to come back. It’s been ten years since I was last here and I’m not letting that happen again.

Venus took these photos of us, top is front row at the Huffer show Friday night. Their collection is stuff I’d wear but reminded me H&M and I just can’t get over that it’s called HUFFER. We all know what Huffing is, no? Check the bed spread below by Nom*D, it’s made of CORSETS + BRAS! Holy style. – want. More photos here.

We seriously had a blast this week! I wish I had a photog/assistant + driver all the time. A girl can dream…uh, a girl DOES dream! I’m ready to travel, have I told you yet? Well, tell your friends.


Fashion | Internationally speaking your style language

I’ve got heaps of photos to round up from NZFW. Recognize this fine woman above? NY fashion queen Nicole Miller with Derek and I before a show. We all had a blast hanging out this week. The internationals really stuck together. We were also often the loudest.

I met so many wickkkkkked people. Got heaps of following up to do. Look out world here I come. Shirt in the below pix is from Marks.

The lovely Hannah McArdle:

NZ fashion rockstar Isaac:

My assistant for the week was Venus Tong, she upload a whole bunch of pix to her site PARTY OF WOLVES. Check out the rest on her site here.


the fruit, maturing in autumn, is green

new fav drink – Feijoa wine.

i got a dress like this  red one yesterday from a wee vintage shop that isn’t online and doesn’t have a twitter. would be fun if they did. everything was really cute and well priced.

i feel closer to NZ thanever. growing up oit always seemed so far away but now, the world is so small thanks to internet and how we communicate. we are  all connected, i’m a citizen of the world yo.

it’s kinda chilly today and i’m wearing a long really weater from mark’s.  like this tune below by NZ artists ‘naked & famous’. have a wonderful day. i’m seeing my cousin & auntie this afternoon! yahoooooooooooo!


lemme just sit now and have a cuppa tea

didn’t tweet much yesterday. was having trouble getting on that downtown wifi when i was shopping around k road + ponsonby. like it here. so beauty. got a milky bar today, heaven in my mouth when that baby melts. there are these salsa doritos here that are so good. i am munching the whole bag right now.

yesterday on twitter this happened:

  • hello moon – vice nz cover #
  • thank you so much to the #nzfw crew. i have had the best time this week. hope to be back next year. lots more fun to post on le blog too 😉 #
  • today i am cruising around auckland with a friend and might get new tattoo. #
  • miss you peeps at home. luckily #tedxto is my first day back in canada 🙂 #
  • eating fish & chips in my room before the HUFFER show. so freaking tasty, the F&C 🙂 i <3 #nzfw #
  • check out this collection: – Adrian Hailwood gave me some goodies & i’ll be wearing tonight! #nzfw #