mum, lost you on skype so here is my trip to SF ♥ xo

After I checked into my hotel, Doubletree where they have fantastic and fresh cookies ready for you. If you ask at the counter they will give you more. I was starving at the time to I had three then felt bloated and gross.

My room was freezing so I decided to do what I usually do when I first get to my hotel room adn jump on the bed. You must be careful not to hit head on ceiling as you may die. I am a professional as you can see here. (My love for animated gifs has resurfaced as you may have noticed)

Gif Created on Make A Gif

Worked up quite a sweat there and decided to get cleaned up and venture downtown. I love being all alone in a new city. Exploring is fun. I would make an ok explorer, I like to snoop around but I like even more when I have a handsome guided escort who knows cool places where locals hang. I rode the BART (SF version of TTC) and got off here in the heart of the action.

I didn’t do much shopping. To be honest, I’m not much of a shopper. I like clothes and stuff but have so many that it’s retarted for me to go buy a heap of things. I like to pick up something special for myself though. My SF souvineer, this badass baby. Don’ mess wit mama cause if I punch you, you will know who hit ‘ya. My tattoo needs to get redone. Blue/orange, so faded.

I did not know they had Westfield Malls in the US. I though they were only in Australia & NZ. Sheesh, I really need to travel more. Stopped in for a snoop around, got bored  after 10 minutes.

This GAP is a flagship store. One I alway wanted to visit it since my very first ever job at GAP when I was 16. I loved working there. Maybe when I get old I might go back to work there.  It was a fun place and I loved the discount. I wonder if employees still get 50% off? Can anyone confirm this?

Next is was time to hop on that rail car. OOOH look at me, I’m riding Full House style and loving it. Was pretty chilly outside, windy too.

So many long & windy roads make for really fun trolly rides.

I love palm trees. Can we get some of these in Canada please? We’re really missing out. Well, I guess we have the beautiful Fall-colour-changing ones. Those will do.

I took the trolly to Fisherman’s Wharf. Pretty cool place. Look what I ran into… A HUGE MF’N CRAB! The guy made me hold it. I was like “no no I can’t, it’s aliiiiiive” then he grabbed my hand and connected us.


I did a few other things but imma save them for another day. Overall, I really liked SF. I’m sure I’ll be back in town again for something in the next couple months. I can use the Virgin America office anytime so I might just ship out there for fun and visit some friends and check off a few destinations from my list.

Hope you are having a wonderful day. I’m going to see Darren this afternoon for a MUCH NEEDED hair cut. I reckon I’m going to shave the sides again and leave the mop top. It’s time for a change. If you need to get your hair done go see him. His studio is right across the street from Trinity Bellwoods park and the number is (416) 361-1016.

Love & light, CASIE

FAST AND HIGH: 607mph & over 39,000ft.

Hey y’all! So flying Virgin America is pretty dang sweet. I’ve uploaded a bunch of photos from my ime in SF and I really loved it there. I’ve got a bunch of stuff to check out next trip.

My next VX adventure is December 1st to Dallas, Texas. Pretty excited about that cause I looooove the accent and have a thing for coyboys. We are descending now! Catch you bacn in YYZ!

you are only as awesome as the chances you take


Just arrived at the Virgin America office. Today is gong to be awesome. Poker Face just came on the radio. Love it. 

Yesterday was great. I covered the whole city of San Fran. So many photos and things to share. Big thanks to my boy Rahim aka @funkstop for taking me to heaps of cool places. Y’all have to wait till lata to get the deets.

I got a big day ahead!
Love you. Byeeeeeeee! xo

it’s quite warm here in sunny california

Hey look, it’s me your fav little blogging munchkin’ baberoo. This is me at SFO airport about 45 mins an hour ago. SFO, it’s quite nice for an airport.

I’m at the hotel now soaking up some free internet before I attenpt to tackle the Golden Gate Bridge and go see the home of Michelle, Steph and DJ Tanner. I meet Virgin America tomorrow so today is all MINE. MINE!

Ok listen up…

I have something for you…wanna come to a party with me on Saturday? You MUST be AT LEAST 19 and you must be cool.

I have two special tickets with some hot young hipster’ who likes vodka’s name on them. The band USS is headlining with a couple other guests. If you like music & boooooze this is your cup of tea! Tickets are courtesy of Smirnoff Canada and the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project so you gotta show them and me some serious love aiiight.

How do you win? Hmmm, why should I pick you? What will you do for me? Lets see if anyone is creative and start there. Comment away!!


Saturday, October 23rd.
Doors open at 9pm
Courthouse – 57 Adelaide St. East for more details


Friday night I had the pleasure of attending the Greta Constantine SS11 show at 161 Spadina. It was a who’s who of Toronto’s fashion. The clothes were beautiful, Coco Rocha walked the stage and I had a blast with friends. Here are some of the hot shots! For photos of the show check out Lynsie’s blog. She was back stage and on the runway getting some totally amazing shots of the collection.

lynsie roberts, fashion photographer/blogger

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is a reaction what you are looking for @globeandmail? annoying.

I’m heading to San Francisco tomorrow to meet with Virgin America. I was recently in New Zealand ,as you know, and had a wonderful experience with international people and companies. So, as  I was walking today I thought, “maybe I should consider jobs outside of Canada, it seems there is more opportunity for a young lady like myself”.

Then I saw this.

Urgh. Rolls eyes. I get it that it’s meant to draw attention issues about ‘women in power’ or make people pipe up and talk about the brain drain but like, seriously?

I feel like the bunch of “old school people” sat together in a room and decided “this is a great idea”. Meanwhile, as a young person, it makes me think “hey maybe that’s right” and does NOT make me want to join the discussion AT ALL.

To me, this billboard is silly. You get more bee’s with honey. Traditional news can be so annoying, this is a prime example.