if this was your last year to live, would you live it out?

I was sitting on the couch last night and I caved, I purchased the official replica of this ring. Fan girl, crazy, call me what you want. I love her and the Royal Wedding is one thing I really love. I will 100% be up watching despite the time difference.

One of the best things about having a blog is keeping memories. I found this one post title “you wouldn’t believe me if i told you” from 2009. I had been asked to go to this fashion show for Puma and in my post after it I wrote:

I’d love to do something else for Puma downtown or online please! I’m thinking something that involves me and clothes/shoes/accessories. Thank you, love Casie.

Pretty neat I’m doing something with them now. Found this old post from May 2009 when I worked in Liberty Village. The title is a quote I was happy to find “the trouble with jogging is the ice falls out of your glass”. I like this video. Our Puma Social video from last night will be done this week. Stay tuned, you’ll see it here.

Where am I, do you know?

Oh, did you hear? DB & Posh Spice are having a baby girl. Breaking news via twitter. That kid is gonna be the most awesome, well, potentially. Let’s hope she get’s the right mix of both their looks.

Speaking of looks…looks skinny & sexy to me.

The SXSW launch of iPad 2 today must have been really fun. This is the Mashable video. I’d like to do more reporting. I really enjoy that.

I’ve got a heart on for a new iPad2 and I think Andy knows already. After reading all about it, I’m not gonna rush out for it since I’ve got first gen already. I’ll be ready for up upgrade when iPad3 comes out. Maybe I’ll be an iphone user by then too.

In other more important news, THIS situation in Japan is crazy.  The explosion:

It seems unreal like in a movie, like something I saw in 2012. Scary. Scary that it is real, really happening right now.

I added a DONATE banner on tumblr.casiestewart.com where you can make donations directly to the Red Cross.

I’ve been following the CNN liveblog:

[3:08 a.m. ET, 5:08  p.m. Tokyo] An explosion has been reported near a nuclear plant in northeastern Japan’s Fukushima prefecture, Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported, citing the country’s nuclear and industrial safety agency.

[2:19 a.m. ET, 4:19  p.m. Tokyo]
A small amount of  radioactive Cesium has escaped into the air surrounding a nuclear plant in northeastern Japan’s Fukushima prefecture, Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Agency said.

There’s a meeting Saturday afternoon 3pm at Darkhorse on Queen for a fundraising event. Come if you want to get involved. Makes you really appreciate each day, family, and the safety of Canada. I’m thinking of you too Mum. I know you are in the other side but please be safe. I missssssssssssssss you.

I need to get some spray chalk for summer.

sometimes victory is a phone number

Last night was amazing. I will tell you more about later because being an after hours athlete I slept half the day. I’ve gotta run to a meeting now. VP of Puma told me I am amazing and Puma Social is one of Forbes magazine’s most creative campaigns of the year.

Talk about WINNING. Ok, more later. Bye 🙂

thursday feels like friday, i’m ready for the weekend

I wear this on my head all the time. Not for any religious reason or anything, makes me feel safe/good with head/ears covered. I googled ‘covered head sacred brain’ and the first link was something to do with Kabbalah. I just got a new red string. I remmeber this guy I knew, Andre and he always wore a hat, he was a spiritual healer and said he could feel energy going out his head when it was exposed. I dunno if that is true but I kinda like it.

This my sh*t: laptop, ipad, cute face, android, glasses. Thanks internet.I lugged my mini-mobile office to 1188 and the hair salon the other day. Not too heavy and I like having all my gadgets. Mac & PC, I go bothways now.

Does anyone know if I can return these babies to the Doc store on Queen where I got them? Some of the stitching is has come undone. I think the lifetime warranty is on the sole only.

Here goes hair cut, shop chop. That is Darren, check out his salon facebook.com/darrenkwikstudio. He has been doing my hir for about three years and he is VERY good. My hair is extreme high maintenace and tricky so he can surely do a good job on yours. Salon is on Queen Street across from Parkette & Oyster Boy near Bellwoods. Call him, tell him you are my friend 416 361-1016.

I love getting my head shaved. I feels so good. Captured it this time.

Tonight I’m on location for the Puma Social event. My call time is 8pm, I reckon peeps be arriving 9:30 and on. It’s gonna be realllllly fun. This was where the last video we shot started on Queen Street.

Tonight is going to be waaaaaaaay crazlier and full of people, drinks, games and fun. If you RSVP ‘d I will see you there! I won’t be drinking until later in the night once the video shooting has wrapped. I don’t mind at all,  I have waited to get jobs like this forever. Win for me.

PUMA Social Toronto Afterhours from 1188 on Vimeo.

Puma hit the streets to recruit the finest afterhours athletes for the launch of the Puma Social Club Toronto. Rewarding the best of the best with a very Canadian late night snack, Poutine!.

my cooking show would be like this too

Charlie Sheen’s Winning Recipes from Charlie Sheen

wedding date: tall, smart, handsome, apply here.

Went to my first Bridal Shower this weekend. This is the time of my life where this kinda thing becomes common right? Weddings, babies etc. Not for me anytime soon. I’ll marry my blog or myself like Sue Sylvester before anyone else I reckon.

The bride, Cheryl. We were to college together and also university in Australia. We were total besties and had the most awesome time. Still one of the greatest years of my life.

Canada (groom) Germany (bride) – match made in heaven.

I had punch, responsible driver. Excited to get the car back again. GM is coming out with a pink car, this makes me happy. I am SO going to drive a barbie mobile. Just you wait, summer barbie at the beach.

These were yum. Sent this pic to Crystal Gibson, my cupcake darling.

I got her this super cute apron, every wife needs one right? Matched it a diamond ice cube tray. I got them at Outer Layer on Queen Street. Great place to et neat gifts for people. My go-to gift shop.

Cher as a kiddo, so darn cute. Can’t wait to see her walk down the aisle.

She got these great mugs with a C & J on them. Casie & jenie? No, Cheryl & Jared 🙂

Was so great seeing the girls from college. My how we have all grown up!

Saw this via O’Nizzle the other day. Love it. Hope you had a great day!

One more thing, check these cool kids from NZ. They opened NZ Fashion Week when I was there in Sept. I love NZ. Can’t wait to go back.

the art of marketing, mining & justin bieber

The Blondetourage! Blonde blogging babes Keri & Lauren.
The Art of Marketing yesterday was really great. I enjoyed the speakers. Each one made their presentation very personal to the room and to Canada. Gary, Jeffrey and Guy were my favourite. It was a pretty rad day.
I was interviewed by The Biz Media & My City Lives for the event video.

We like to blooooooooooog. (That’s how you say it right Keri Blog? ;))

Keri & I crashed the Mining Conference. Cruised riiiiight pas security. You are gonna see more of this. I live right next door. I have no idea why I am not crashing more conferences. If you know one I should attend, LMK.

We lingered behind this set and were on BNN. Did you see us?

It was so sunny & pretty out. Oh, how I so love sun.

Then I saw this unit penix Fenix. I was hoping to Chilean Miners were there for autographs and photos.
Are they still famous? Maybe their run is over and they have gone back to work now. Quite a structure though. OMG I would not like to be a miner, I’ve never been in a mine have a I Mum, Dad? What about the Sudbury one?

Then is was timne for Guy Kawasaki‘s talk to close out the day of TAOM. I snagged a VIP seat up front w/ Michael.

Look, GUY.

He talked about how to be enchanting. I was waiting for my photo to show up in the presentation.

He was really nice.  I reckon if we had a lunch we would get along great. Gary too. Jeffrey from Kodak  (behind Michael below) seemed like a rad dude also, he smiled at me when I passed him. OMG fan girl.

Ok now for the Bieber part. Guy’s daughter loves the Biebs so he asked if anyone had a Bieber connection. Having one, I totally emailed him then tweeted this:

At the end of the conference the host was thanking Guy on STAGE and said he was following the hashtag and Casie stewart has emailed him with a Bieber connection. It was great, especially cause I knew so many peeps there. Got a couple people coming up to me after including a guy from a private jet company who charters flights. He did one for Kevin O’Leary last week. Hey, I was hanging out with Kevin last week too. Wow this world is like a wee marble small.

Guy Kawasaki emailed me back last night thanking me for trying and asked for my address so he can send me his new book Enchanting. I’m tired of saying it but…WINNING.

Today is a busy day. I like to be busy but I also like to be at home on the computer all day so I can get things done. Getting my hair done tonight w/ Darren Kwik Studio. Have a crew from the W Network coming by tomorrow to shoot me auditioning for Come Dine with Me Canada. That should be fun, I have to cook something. Haha.

Have a totally wicked awesome day.

(formatting on this post is wierd i know, have to look into that later in the day!)
P.S. Richard Fabregui spotted in the L’Oreal ad in the April Flare magazine. He blogged some photos from Love a Heart last month. See here on Toronto is Fashion.